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File: 8 KB, 240x210, boomersmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8975510 No.8975510 [Reply] [Original]

They fucked the economy so badly that Satoshi had to invent crypto

>> No.8975527

they are dying which is good for the rest of us i guess

>> No.8976234

Honestly, I can't fault boomers for the way they think. When everything from loans, job, education, women, cars, social activities, innovation, careers, were handed to you on a golden platter with no effort then you can't expect anyone to be come out differently than they have. Don't hate the players op, hate the time you were born. If you were born a boomer, you would think exactly like they do and take full advantage.

>> No.8976244

if you had the opportunity to live their lives you'd do exactly the same things

>> No.8976277

Be thankful. We're going to profit off of the revolution.

>> No.8976291

Theyre the one problem that wont be around in 2070


>> No.8976295

racism is the only redeeming quality of boomers

when they are dead republicans will never win again and democrats will turn USA into a shittier version of mexico/brazil

>> No.8976359

At least the boomers aren't leftist degenerates like most kids today

>> No.8976360
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Inheritance when pop pop?

>> No.8976425
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>blocks ur path

>> No.8976430

>which is good for the rest of us

Why would this be true? I don't think dead boomers will affect anything. They aren't producing anything right now, but they are consuming. I think dead boomers is neutral other than to the obedient kids of boomers. If they were obedient, they'll get inheritance, if boomer kids treated their parents badly, boomers will donate money to charity or gift it to their trophy wives. Either way, most people will be unaffected.

>> No.8976436

boomers are sheep like the other sheep, blame their "leaders" and brainwashers

>> No.8976461

Stop making excuses because a lot of them are.

>> No.8976564

Most boomers have no inheritance to give. More than 70% of parents leave *nothing* to their kids...few will leave some money,and even fewer get an estate.

>> No.8976577

The problem isn't boomers, the problem is women. And female boomers are the worse.

>> No.8976596

debt and bills

>> No.8976621

>the problem is women
Wut, plz explain

>> No.8976727

The Jews fucked the economy, boomers just let it happen. Just like we're letting all this happen.

>> No.8976756

Infact, we may end up worse than boomers. Considering crypto has the potential to have a negative effect on the world, we're gonna be the old guys who got rich off of it and lived our lives as NEETs

>> No.8976763

So who's really at fault?

>> No.8976766
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I can smell it from aus

>> No.8976777

The Beatles were pretty good.

>> No.8976821

Well, the Jews.

The boomers were just comfy mode, also they didnt have the flow of information we have to figure out whats going on. Literally all the information they had was state propaganda.
I dont like boomers, but they arent 100% to blame
And why are we letting things get worse if we're so much better?

>> No.8977103

yeah nah it's boomers in general, fuck off mgtow

>> No.8977201

Millenials are just as stupid as boomers. Except they don't have nationalism and a cultural identity to reinforce the society they are trying to sustain.

It will be a total disaster. In Millenial fashion they will blame boomers or gen x'ers.

Admitting fault is not something Millenials are capable of doing.

>> No.8977294

You millennial cunts are too worried about shit like
pronouns and white privilege to ever get anything done. You retards are getting exactly what you fat little autistic pussies deserve.

>> No.8977300

>Say a nice thing about the boomers
I'd do the same thing but probably even more aggressively if I was born when they were

>> No.8977336

They allowed my brown ass to take all the gibs until I finally positioned myself to take advantage of corporate tax laws.

>> No.8977896


This is 4chan you inbred, go take those comments to reddit or some other social media cancerous cease pool

>> No.8977944
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Boomers fucked the economy by giving central banks full control.

>> No.8977967

How can a board be so pro-capitalism and so commie at the same time?

>> No.8977992

How is being against central banking pro commie?

Boomers fucked us by abandoning the free market and allowing massive government spending.

>> No.8977997
File: 7 KB, 202x224, 1523377133572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really give a fuck at this point. The future of my family is the only important thing to me now. I have no faith in the politicians leading my country. They only spend their tax money where they can appease the most voters at once or just dump it straight into their own pocket through exorbitant wages they set for themselves.

The system is overdue for a purge and I'm going to watch it all burn down from a distance.

>> No.8978006

I blame the jews who brainwashed the boomers.

>> No.8978017

Fucking boomers even complain about unemployment rate of youth while housing is unaffordable and everyones in the rent trap

>> No.8978023

>while housing is unaffordable
The federal reserve pumps money into housing which raises the price and makes it unafforable for younger people.

>> No.8978078

fuck facebook and fed.

>> No.8978206

Do you blame the disease or a weak immune system?
You may be face-to-face with a boomer but you're not talking to a person, you're talking to an experiment, Edward Bernays/Tavistock/Freud/Frankfurt school brainwashing.

For those who'd like to gain an understanding of their attitudes towards their victims, the young, then look into the "just world fallacy".

For every societal ill which they caused, there is a mental process which was used to both create and maintain it, to justify it.

They are puppets in ways that no people have ever been before.

>> No.8978404
File: 111 KB, 557x767, Only Men Pay Taxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the social programs put in place women took out the most money and put in the least. Education, health care, social security, food security, every broad based program.

The voting patterns of women have been studied and the average woman votes herself money up until she is feeling comfortable, then she votes to give other your money.
Women have 20% less financial literacy than men
The average woman know less than politics than the average man. This is true for every time and place.

Women are literally ruining the west out of their selfish ignorance. And they are selfish, even feminist moralist like (((Carol GIlligan))) admit women use lower levels of moral reasoning. But, because she is a feminist, women being selfish is a GOOD THING!

Women literally don't have the cortex to think long term like a man. They can see all the same fact but cannot paint a coherent picture of what that means 20 or 30 years down the line, especially if they have to sacrifice today. Giving them the vote was wrong. Diversity requirement for them at work also wrong. It was bad for business to have all this ignorant dead weight around.

>> No.8978461

>It was bad for business to have all this ignorant dead weight around.

That's the point. Make business untenable by flooding them with government-mandated parasites, they outsource in order to stay in business, slowly implement communism over decades (the goal). And then everybody dies pretty much.

>> No.8978798

they didn't cry all the time

>> No.8979129

Wrong place, daft cunt.

>> No.8979180
File: 47 KB, 850x400, quote-i-hope-i-die-before-i-get-old-roger-daltrey-7-11-92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millennials whole self-image is based on hatred for their elderly psychopath parents
>Boomers whole self-image was based on hatred for their elderly psychopath parents

>> No.8979191


>> No.8979232

Women aren’t the problem. Just don’t expect them to behave like men.
Consider men and women like predator and prey. Someone needs to be a consumer if the other is a producer.
Also yeah giving them the vote was wrong. So is the forced diversity meme. If they suck at a job, the business shouldn’t be forced to hire them, and they shouldn’t be trying to do something they’re not good at.

>> No.8979249

They forced that shit on us. Where do you think that is coming from? It started with them you retard. Just like the usa is patient zero and therefor to blame for the worlds degeneracy too.

>> No.8979309

>Throwing gesture

>> No.8979319


>> No.8979555

Millennials are entitled and there's literally nothing wrong with racism.
Boomers are a plague, but our generation has inherited all their bad traits and multiplied them.

>> No.8979606

giving them the vote was the worst thing to happen to the west.

>> No.8979663

The only problem I have with boomers is
>Millennial's are lazy and they have it easy

Holy shit how delusional can you get? Housing down payment was affordable back in their era on minimum wage.

They had 10% interest on savings account. We'd be lucky to have it above 2%, above the inflation rate.

Jobs are harder to get, more then ever and making a profitable businesses is harder then ever.

This is why we are all gambling crypto fucks. I am not saying we should put their heads on a pike. All I am saying is they should aleast understand and empathize with our situation instead of calling us "entitled" or "lazy".