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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8975444 No.8975444 [Reply] [Original]

Last year I made it in crypto but I'm still alone. I have more money biz than what I know to do with. I recently took a trip to Cancun Mexico to try to unwind and enjoy life. The tourist agent reeled me into a $35,000 time share that was a really good deal. I can go to Mexico, the carribean and some other places second holiday is 50% off.

I spent my entire vacation sitting by the pool alone as I watched every happy man with a wife and children by his side. I was really able to think long and hard while on vacation. Even though you have money you ultimately need someone to spend it with and make memories.

The only time I had any human interaction was with the waiters at supper when I went to the restraunts alone. Fuck man being single is fucking miserable. I'm 28 years old now and I still have never had a girlfriend ever. I'm still a Virgin but I think I can figure it out.

Is there still hope for me to be able to make it? I want to have a wife and kids and do nothing but go on holidays and vacations all over the world and make memories.

A man without a woman is nothing. That's what I realized on that holiday.

>> No.8975460

>A man without a woman is nothing.
There's your problem.

>> No.8975471

get some whores and become a good poker or blackjack player. enter tournatments, find a niche that involves others. this is the only way.

>> No.8975480

I agree Op. But hear me out: your numbers make you valid. i hope i get dubs

>> No.8975494

Go to /fit/

This will change your life.

>> No.8975498

First, assuming this isn't LARP, your attitude is bull and you need to find a way to be a decent person on your own. Get a creative outlet or start something you can be proud of like a business. Take up sports or martial arts, you'll probably make friends if you do.

Second, if you truly think a woman is what will give you self-worth, get a mail order bride.

>> No.8975501

>international dating agency
>go to latin american countrys where they shove teenage latin pussy in your face looking for white husband
>marry one

>> No.8975504

You can turn your life around at any moment, you've just got to decide what and how to do it

>> No.8975511


Go to hostel... you'll me plenty of people, maybe not girls, but cool guys you'll go out with and meet some girls. It's really doable.

Costa Rica is the single whore sex travel destination if you need an advice.

>> No.8975519

serious cringe

>> No.8975532

>A man without a woman is nothing. That's what I realized on that holiday.
Just be gay bro. Not like you like in Russia Iran or China

>> No.8975540

a woman doesn't make you. if anything they smell weakness and test the shit out you if you have any. they'll try to make you their slave but hate you if you become that.
Become strong mentally and physically, follow your mission, and women will follow you.

>> No.8975547

>Go to /fit/

Yes, that's what he needs. Being a narcissist constantly trying to casually flex in public and sizing up other men and always wondering if he's the biggest guy in the room will surely make him a happier person.

>> No.8975551
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>> No.8975564
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>$35,000 time share

>> No.8975593

nice b8, reeling in some newfags

>> No.8975597
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>Time share
>good deal

Pick one. I’m in Cozumel right now and I told the concierge I’m dying and they have left me alone all trip. Timeshares are cuckdeals

>> No.8975596

This is the exact opposite of /fit/. It’s a supportive board where everyone makes it. srs.

>> No.8975602

>actually thought making some money was making it
you realize poor people are the happiest, right? the ONLY benefit of making it via crypto is that you don't have to wagecuck ever again. that's 1/3rd of a man's worries. he also needs a craft and family/friends. if all you have is money you're still quite fucked.

>> No.8975607

I think this is a sad indictment on humans. Everyone is depressed and miserable or hiding it. The hottest women flock to the same 10% of males, so there's this permanent imbalance and people don't want to settle for ugly women or low class trash.

It's a direct result of not being exposed to the right things while young. People don't learn how to take care of their bodies, make real money, invest, or socialize. Instead, taught things that we won't use later in life.

>> No.8975630

>implying this isn't the pinnacle of masculinity and alpha male attractiveness.

Wew lad, need a hand opening your soylent bottle?

>> No.8975641


>A man without a woman is nothing.

Thank you for having the slave mentality so i can be free.

>> No.8975662

>Even though you have money you ultimately need someone to spend it with and make memories.
Enjoy the memories of her divorcing you and running away with 50% of your assets.

>> No.8975680

Trying to make an impact will give you more fulfillment than any woman or kids.

>> No.8975684

hit the weights get a clue kid

>> No.8975708
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The second OP mentioned a timeshare you should have known this is a troll thread.

>> No.8975741
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No it won't, you'll just be a shredded autismo.
This state of mind is a psychological problem that no amount of muscles can solve.
t. ex /fit/izen

>> No.8975752


If you are a virgin at 28, you should never go on the internet again. You aren't going to find a wife here but you will pick up a whole bunch of bad advice on how not to get one.

>> No.8975814

>Trying to make an impact will give you more fulfillment

This is ultimate bullshit. Having made it and made huge impacts, the only time I'm not happy is when I have bad relations with my family. I've also never had an employee quit for money, but I have had them quit for bad relations with coworkers, and that goes across all levels.

>> No.8975819

the ground is cursed

>> No.8975827

Curious what kind of impacts have you made? Why are you still on 4chan?

>> No.8975834

28 yo virgin that's cryptorich but still young and dumb enough to get a timeshare in Mexico. Well done Larp OP, this sounds like it can almost be real. Move your ass OP, 28 is old as fuck to be a virgin. It's all in your head though. Drink more and go out more. Eventually you'll meet a girl that likes you and your awful as shit personality.

>> No.8975893

Just be a sugar daddy dummy. Girls will go on vacation with you and be you "gf" if you pay for everything.

>> No.8975928

>Why are you still on 4chan?

Don't think I'll dox myself.

I'm an oldfag, it's still fun coming here to laugh, lots of clever people. Also like to stay close to internet culture and hear anons speak freely.

>> No.8975961


>> No.8976427

>actually thinking this is how it works..

>> No.8976449

Shut the fuck up. Seriously.

>> No.8976491

good thing i have family to go on holidays with so i don't have to fall for the girlfriend jew

>> No.8976529

that unironically is how it works. but unfortunately the most fucked up and material things give us the most fulfillment in life. take sex for example. im 30 years old and i've seen some shit.

>> No.8976539

Literally just kys. This is not /adv/

>> No.8976569


underrated post

>> No.8976593

best advice here, can confirm as well. Take an effort to change your mental state little by little everyday.

Abstain from doing 1 thing you want do, and do 1 thing you do not want to do every day. That will help build your character.

>> No.8976642


I am somewhat in the same boat. But have been since long before the last bull cycle. 31 with more money than I can spend.

> The only time I had any human interaction was with the waiters at supper when I went to the restraunts alone

Ironically I live above a restaurant, and most of my daily interactions are with the restaurant staff. Last year I met this girl online and we got into a long distance relationship, which ended after about 5 months in. Break up didn't bother me as much as being alone again. To make matters worse after opening up to some friends about the mental burden of having more money than one knows how to manage/spend. I no longer can see these people as 'friends'. And I am even more alone than I was before.

I have revised a plan though, because I am definitely not stupid. Money that comes by chance may also be taken by chance, just as quickly. Before I got semi-rich, no girl wanted me, and since nothing about me really changed through the time where I got the money. It should be expected that no girl will give me serious attention unless it is because of the money. So anon, like me. Use the money and the power which brings it to transform your life before you start chasing women. Become a real business man, make it from the cash flow, not just from the holdings. Start working out and become a chad (you sound like a pussy btw). Don't just expect women to flock to you just because you have funds. Unless you want women to flock to you who only care about those funds.

>> No.8976715

>take sex for example

Can we agree that great sex is the ultimate goal in life? The only time I can say I was 100% content is after a good session and the perfect nut. The complication is, I don't think this euphoria is attainable with some random skank to which you have no intimate connection.

>> No.8976814
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>another one of these tfw no gf threads

I don't understand it. I could understand people feeling lonely because they don't have any male friends or mentors but a fucking woman? Cmon op, there's a lot more to life than that. If you can't find something to live for other than some chick you might as well end it now because nothing will save you.

>> No.8976840

I help people in your exact situation. It's more common than you think. If you ever want to come to Asia, e-mail me. I'm free from July onwards, indefinitely.

No bullshit.


>> No.8976864

>The tourist agent reeled me into a $35,000 time share

you mean you got Jew'd

>> No.8976869

kek, you got scammed

>> No.8977061

You think you've seen exit scams in crypto? Wait until you see divorce court. Spend your money on seeing the world and doing whatever sounds interesting to you, then unironically kys.

>> No.8977082

Have considered going to university to study something that interests you? You’d be meeting a lot of new people and getting a lot of new friends. Also, you’d probably feel like you’re doing something more useful with your time. You don’t even have to plan on getting a job in that field. I’ve heard about a lot of celebrities who just go to university to learn e.g. Brian May got a degree in astrophysics. You should at least consider it. You can always drop out if you don’t like it.

>> No.8977109

Bring an escort with you next time.

>> No.8977124


>"bought" a time share

Confirmed retard.

>> No.8977129

Enrol in university. Get a STEM program, you will have to socialize and communicate because of labs. Plus there are a lot of late 20s single girls there who spent their youth studying instead of finding a partner. Not saying you will find a girl their, but your chances will be much higher and you will have something to keep you busy.
Hang in there, anon. Apathy is one hell of a torture

>> No.8977185

You are a child. Women want men. But men cannot be men unless their actions have meaningful consequences to people they truly care about. Strength requires an opposing force, courage requires risk, mastery requires hard work, honor requires accountability to other men. Without these things, we are little more than boys playing at being men, and there is no weekend retreat or mantra or half-assed rite of passage that can change that. A rite of passage must reflect a real change in status and responsibility for it to be anything more than theater.

Plato (or Socrates) also compared men to dogs. One of the great tragedies of modernity is the lack of opportunity for men to become what they are, to do what they were bred to do, what their bodies want to do.

If you are never truly challenged in a meaningful way and are only required to perform idiot-proofed corporate processes to get your meat and shelter, can you ever truly be engaged enough to call yourself alive, let alone a man?

You have money now, so wasting your life wagecucking can be avoided. Shape yourself into a man by following the path of your ancestors.

>> No.8977348
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>> No.8977404

So nicely put.

Also OP, to be truly happy you need to learn enjoying life without money, find a connection with nature, with other people, reconnect with the inner desires you had back when you were a child, and once you achieve that you'll be glad to have the money to escape wagecucking and to spend on the things that matter. You need to feel connected with something, something money doesn't buy. If you try to find a wife before that she will probably just destroy you, you need first to become a man able to love and protect.

>> No.8977577

Have you met LordNaziRuso? He sure had a good time in that city, you could learn from his example.

>> No.8977583

I didn't miss these larps. Can we at least autoban threads starting with this particular picture?

>> No.8977600

OP so you are telling us linkies that we won't really be happy once singularity hits?

>> No.8977624

Would you be interested in becoming an investor? Would you like 'YourLastName Ventures' to appear under a successful company's logo?

>> No.8977627

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