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File: 49 KB, 329x524, Screenshot from 2018-04-09 02-16-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8975195 No.8975195 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to verify half the things these guys are saying, but I gotta be honest after listening to the 3 most recent episodes I now think Craig Wright is Satoshi and BCH is Bitcoin. Am I wrong?


>> No.8975225


>> No.8975258


Bitcoin is back. Get ready to get rekt.

>> No.8975263

You are wrong.
I dont have the image handy but there is concrete evidence he edited a blogpost to make himself look like satoshi, as well as his plagerism and general boorishness and stupidity.
Not satoshi. Never ever ever.

>> No.8975320

yeah Craig Wright is a total idiot

But BCH is definitely Bitcoin. This is literally god's gift to you, so that you can get in cheap into Bitcoin and stock up. I'm well over 21 BCH right now, and only buying more.

BCH has a Dapp (memo.cash), and more are being built with the new op-codes.

BTC has lightning network (in 18 more months) lol

Don't be a moron, Bitcoin can go well over 1MB blocks, Satoshi even said so

>> No.8975341

>Craig Wright is a total idiot
Listen to him talk, dude is pretty fucking smart. I doubt hes satoshi though.

>> No.8975345


Not what happened. Look it up faggot. In fact if anything he edited the blogpost to make himself not look like satoshi.

>> No.8975367

Bean Cash is Bitcoin and Carlos Matos is Satoshi

>> No.8975378


This guy is spot on

>> No.8975380

>Carlos Matos is Satoshi

>> No.8975387

>be Craig Wright
>want to prove that you are Satoshi
>you can simply sign a message with Satoshi's private key for 100% undeniable proof
>or you can do some long, complicated BS that few people understand and some respected names argue is not legitimate proof


>> No.8975409

Honestly, I think it's possible that he got outed as Satoshi by some asshole reporter, and then got cold feet when he was going to reveal

And then he decided to do a bunch of shit to look like a total idiot (that he was for sure going to get caught for) so that people would think he was scamming

He is also stupidly wealthy and no-one really knows where he got the money

>> No.8975435

Youre a late adopter. Deal with it.

>> No.8975475

BCH is real bitcoin but craig wright is not satoshi
BTW it does not matter who is satoshi.....

>> No.8975525

Unfortunately I've _used_ Bitcoin for years, but never really invested much into it. Cause it was basically only for DNMs, and Core had been full retard for the last 2-3 years so I didn't think it would go anywhere.

Was early to Ethereum though, didn't want to make that same mistake twice.

EOS is going to blow ETH out of the water FYI

>> No.8975539

It's possible hes doing all of this to confirm to people that he isnt (even if he is), after all there is literally nothing good that can come from being found out as satoshi.

As for the source of his wealth, hes owned bitcoin since before it had a price according to him.

>> No.8975562

There is mass shilling by BTC & bitcoin core. don't believe the sentiment you read as the majority of bitcoin users are silent.

>> No.8975565

EOS and bcash.
You realise they are both government schemes to centralise crypto?

>> No.8975579

both are 56k dialup and will be nonexistent in 10 years

>> No.8975601

True. Honestly 4chan is ahead of the boat on things like this. I always come here when I want to gamble on shitcoins -- Reddit/twitter/whatever else are like sheep getting fleeced.

Yeah, this is exactly what I'm trying to say. I think it was more of a coverup than anything else. He's pretty technically inclined, he OBVIOUSLY knew he was going to get caught faking some shitty blog post

>> No.8975610
File: 3.06 MB, 1897x1078, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Craig Wright is Satoshi and BCH is Bitcoin. Am I wrong?

if you only knew how right you actually are

>> No.8975632


Was with you until you shilled EOS

>> No.8975633

EOS is not really a direct competitor to ETH, it can't be safely used for applications that truly need to be decentralized because it's too easy to bribe/hack/kill the 21 block producers to take down the network. This could even be extremely profitable if they had a big short on EOS. Someone who wants to use the blockchain but doesn't necessarily need perfect decentralization will be able to use the Loom Network or Plasma.

>> No.8975635

You know what the entire point of LN is right? Move transactions off chain into large hubs AKA new-banks

You're telling me a miner with 100 ant miners can't spend $100 or so on a node every year? That's just fucking stupid

EOS, you are kinda right, but ethereum just isn't working right now. I say this as a long time solidity developer too, here's my most recent dapp: https://www.eosbet.io/

>> No.8975658

The raw hard reality is Craig at the very least knew satoshi personally. Another raw hard fact is blockstream is absolutely terrified of the man, which is why there is such a strong campaign to discredit his character and not his arguments. He destroyed the selfish miner theory which was what they planned on using to get btc off of pow. They lost a long time ago, btc holds nothing besides speculative value.

>> No.8975663

Yeah, you're 100% correct with that. ETH you can actually build unstoppable apps, EOS still has some centralization aspects.

But EOS can be used for 99.9% of shitcoins and dapps right now, and will work better. What types of apps need ETH? Like some type of Silk Road dapp?

At some point, there is enough decentralization, and more actually hurts the coin. EOS and BCH gets this. If you are onboard with BCH you should be able to see the uses of EOS too

>> No.8975678

so many bch shills holy shit die in a fucking fire you faggot

also buy chainlink

>> No.8975728

EOS is the soros coin right? That world help organization or something like it.
I think BCH is the only inevitable outcome. What does a bch + eos world look like?

>> No.8975738

Your stupidity makes me sick

>> No.8975744

BCH can still stay out of the reach of governments, and is the most important cause it's money

EOS can have some pressure because the BP's are known, but it's obviously less important to have facebook hyper-decentralized than your money in your wallet

Anything is better than it is right now. Lightning Network WILL flop. Just a delay tactic until banker coins come out

>> No.8975754
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>> No.8975761

There's no real reason to call EOS a soros coin. I guess I am biased because a BCH/EOS world would truly feel like decentralization was a failed experiment. I would honestly leave crypto forever if they ever overtake BTC/ETH.

>> No.8975771

Good post

>> No.8975790

That's actually true though.

>> No.8975803


>> No.8975805

Disregard these faggot shills.
EOS is centralised in 21 named personalities who have control. Hard to know if its a plot or just terrible design. Lots of MSM attention makes me suspicious.
Bcash is a fairly transparent move by the chink gov operaring through Jihan.

>> No.8975828

Bitcoin Core - miners make $5 per transaction

Bitcoin Cash - miners make $0.002 per transaction

Yeah BCH is totally controlled by the miners who are just seeking profit. makes total sense

>> No.8975853

>deys own da blockchainz and shieet

>> No.8975949

Yeah Jihans just a regular guy at the center of a multibillion dollar alternative currency living in a communist dictatorship.
Im sure they just let him go about his business and never put any pressure on him to do anything.

>> No.8975976

Holy shit, I was just joking before, but you unironically believe single entities can own a blockchain.

>> No.8976020

lmao youre the retard that believes craig is playing 4d chess.
GTFO newfag

>> No.8976037

BCH's difficulty algo would make it very difficult for a rogue miner.

>> No.8976059

Read the first post in the thread, you absolute retard. I doubt that he is, but I'm not ruling it out entirely. Meanwhile you still think deys owns da blockchainz and sheeit, niggerboi.

>> No.8976085
File: 1.93 MB, 1700x972, 1524104605436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you know you won and its game over

>> No.8976086

A racist cashie, what a surprise.

>> No.8976109

A corecuck soyboi, what a surprise.

>> No.8976130

Isnt it past your bedtime you brainlet faggot

>> No.8976142

TIL myself and everyone around me that uses bitcoin cash are actually government shills

>> No.8976146
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>> No.8976159

Lmao I wondered who the 6 people were that still use this shitcoin.

>> No.8976173

wow look at all these faggot late adopters

what is it like to be a cashie and have to cope with larping about a fake satoshi douchebag

Bitcoin Classic, Bitcoin Unlimited, BitcoinXL, BCash

>> No.8976178

Dont have to work corecuck, already made it in crypto.

>> No.8976181

BTC literally has no use these days. Jump shit before it's too late

>> No.8976183

Been in Bitcoin since 2011. I don't want to touch BTC with a 10' pole now. It's inevitable that BCH will grow since it fills an economic need. Have fun with your centralized dev team that's hell bent on restricting Bitcoin growth. We'll be over here actually helping people, kthxbai

>> No.8976194

Bitcoin Cash has amazing upside potential. I can't believe it still only trades for 10% of BTC. Fact is that BTC is broken and cannot grow past where it is today, and most of the original energetic bitcoin promoters and builders have all moved to BCH.

>> No.8976210

Yes Im aware you dont have a job, people in middle school generally dont.

>> No.8976229

>I can't believe it still only trades for 10% of BTC
Think of how much you can accumulate when that bleeds down to 3%

>> No.8976246

nice larp fag

nobody has moved to bcash dum dum

>> No.8976273
File: 81 KB, 1024x396, hahhahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth will set you free. Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin.

>> No.8976288

>lol you're a kid!
Next you're going to call me a virgin.

I have, xmr as well.

>> No.8976293

sweet I use a credit card like a normal person

>> No.8976352
File: 179 KB, 575x602, 1524085602256 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free yourself from the bondage of core's grip

>> No.8976366

>first bottom .05
>second bottom .07
>third bottom .09
stay retarded pajeet, u can fomo in after .5

>> No.8976382

>just use fiat
found the flat earther luke-jr

>> No.8976390
File: 38 KB, 1024x1024, 4713EF3E77A646CA9859E12B8D1EC919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most reddit infested cluster fuck of cringe thread I've seen in months. Everyone itt should drink some antifreeze.

>> No.8976495

Especially you.

>> No.8976509

XMR masterrace laughing while bitcoinfags squabble

>> No.8976714

how much has bcash ruined you?

knowing all your money is gone for good

>> No.8976751

BCH is better than BTC. Doesn't matter how you call them. Nobody cares if Craig is Satoshi or not. Satoshi didn't put his real name on the paper from the start for a reason. Cryptos are about the tech, not about individuals.

>> No.8977130

There will come a time everything is measured against BCH. Mark my words

>> No.8977783

You can't build unstoppable apps on eth. The foundation + commuity (as far as those really have influence) already have shown they will fork in case of perceived wrongdoings.

>> No.8977990

Only Bitcoin with Lightning is actually going to work. Plese stop shilling ALTCOINS like BCASH.


BITCOIN is the only crypto supported bye geniuses like Tone VAYS!

>> No.8978067

yes, bcash at zero sats (aka nothing), everything compared to nothing. dumbfuck reddit cashies ruining 4chan day after day