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8973529 No.8973529 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>19 y/o, hereditary poorfag to immigrant single mother (from Crimea, I spent the first 10 years of my life there too)
>living with poorfag mommy, going to community college
>had heart problems when I was a kid, had surgery, etc
>had a scare a couple of weeks ago, came to the hospital and told them what was happening, said I wanted an ultrasound done
>being a naive kid I went to the ER, they sat me down in a room and took my blood pressure etc, 20 minutes later I got the ultrasound
>the lady tells me everything is alright, just need to take some meds
>phew, great - that's gonna be an expensive 40 minutes but I can handle the $500 bill I'm expecting

a week later the bill shows up

fucking $4,500.00
$150.00 to the ultrasound technician, the rest for "emergency room services", i.e. nurse took my blood pressure and I sat in a room unattended for 20 minutes

I'm royally fucking cucked, my mom lives paycheck to paycheck to the point that I pitch in a few hundred dollars a month so we can pay the bills, neither of us has any appreciable savings

We couldn't afford health insurance so that's not an option, but I decided to try and sign up for Medicaid as it covers bills up to 3 months retroactively
Our household makes more than the estimated $1800 monthly limit for inclusion, but I'll still send in an application

My question is, can I realistically claim I'm a homeless vagrant or some shit so they think I'm completely poor? How to into scamming the gov't? Fucking kill me bros I'm doomed to stay poor forever

>> No.8973626

Well try calling them up and tell them you can't pay that extortionate amount and ask if they offer any financial aid. It is extortion, make no mistake.

>> No.8973894

>the bill shows up
you made the mistake of filling out their forms
if they really thought you might die and you refused to fill out the forms, you would have gotten treatment anyway

>> No.8973940

don't pay, they'll settle for $450. not lying.

>> No.8973979

Welcome brother, you are now officially a fellow Burger living "The American dream" G-d bless ameriga :DDDDD DD