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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8971849 No.8971849 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that there are literally hundreds of whales that have tens of millions of REQ that bought them all at SUB-CENT prices.

I can prove this. If you look at how REQ has yet to moon while other things go up, the only logical conclusion is that this is the reason. Sell now if you aren't a retard.

>> No.8971879

Check etherscan. Req has one of the most active addresses for any ERC20 token.

>> No.8971896
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With so much REQ accumulated below ICO prices (and possibly at fractions of a cent), it will take years for the order books to clear all the coins whales are dumping.

Maybe in 2025, when the last of the whale clear their bags, REQ will finally climb to 50 cents.

>> No.8971918

It's already been over a dollar....

>> No.8971928

What the fuck why did none of you tell me this. God damnit I could have put my money in other shit, this market is manipulated to hell.

>> No.8971935

So your telling me there is a chance

>> No.8972094


>> No.8972102

This .... sadly I hold both req and cardano
They both have this problem

I have seen it in action too many times . Anons fomo in , thousands of coins being bought up flooding the order history with green

Out of no where, half million coin wall appears killing the pump

If it happens to get bought out 10 sats later another one appears until buyers have exhausted them selves and dump

If you plan on getting rich off req it'll never happen. Most you will get is shit tier profits

>> No.8972156

ETH has the same problem too unfortunately :( Any day now sub cent ETH whales are going to dump everything, you're a fool if you think you can get rich off it.

>> No.8972180

250% growth in 7 years, not bad. That's 14% a year, you cannot get such a yield anywhere else.

>> No.8972206

Can't believe there's people who unironically believe this. Stop OP, /biz/ is beyond saving.

>> No.8972209
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>I can prove this

Shows no proof at all

>> No.8972238

It's an ironic post derived from this >>8971339 retard, who got BTFO when asked for sources.

>> No.8972252

Nigga go look at the req and cardano order book some time. If it pumps analyze what happens brainlet.

It just happened today with Cardano. It would have a pump that shit on all other coins. But every 1 sat up in price were like 20k 50k 100k 500k coins for sale

Whales actually bought thru many of them but at a certain point they give up. I've seen 5 million coins for sale at a given time .

Anyways I trade daily so I don't give a shit. I ride the pumps and wait to buy the dumps