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File: 11 KB, 249x289, verge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8966934 No.8966934 [Reply] [Original]

What did they mean by this ?

>> No.8966990

lmao what a shitcoin



>> No.8967011

isn't dogecoin just a simple fork of bitcoin with some mining adjustments?

still better than 99% other erc-20 tokens

>> No.8967061

accumulation, going to take off from demand and pump groups soon. Look how it's reached the same bottom.
not a fork, although it uses a lot of the same code

>> No.8967301

It’s shaped like a penis because of PornHub

>> No.8967305

Yeah they named it Dogecoindark because it had a nice ring to it.

If you are not selling now I do not know what you are doing in crypto this is gonna bleed for weeks.

>> No.8967321
File: 7 KB, 197x199, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a fork, although it uses a lot of the same code

>> No.8967338

If I knew this was a dogecoin fork in the first place I would have stayed in

>> No.8967398

Bought at 1082. I'm still confident.

Always follow porn.

>> No.8967489

Same here my fellow Grip Strength Simulator 2018

>> No.8967531


>> No.8967592

>isn't dogecoin just a simple fork of bitcoin with some mining adjustments?
you are the retarded ones. I didn't put a quote because the person I was replying to asked if dogecoin was a fork of bitcoin, not if dogecoin dark was a fork of dogecoin
t. didn't buy into the rumour hype and bought the dump at 830 satoshi, and sold at 1100 on the obvious pump that was going to happen after dumping 35%. Still buying more. If you don't realise there is going to be legitimate high demand in a crypto for once you deserve to miss out.

>> No.8967615


this has all the signs of a pump and dump by insiders who already knew about the deal beforehand. shit like this is exactly why insider trading is illegal in stocks

>> No.8967631
File: 75 KB, 606x617, 1517113527848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just normans being slaughtered

>> No.8967681

.. It's not a fork.. fucking idiot. please die irl

>> No.8967713






>> No.8967786
File: 113 KB, 979x777, lolopl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 1 btc 1 fucking shity 400$ btc its so sad :(

>> No.8967850

did you fall on your keyboard? Control yourself

>> No.8967953

It's about to do the legendary marge. It well spell the letter "M" before going to 1 sat and getting delisted from every exchange.

>> No.8967993
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, vegana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 sats eom
1 doge > 1 vegena eoy

>> No.8968087

you're retarded if you don't buy a position in this verge has way too much going for it.

>> No.8968092
File: 24 KB, 860x1032, 1397430194481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means that I don't fucking know when to buy and sell because I could've exited yesterday in profits but kept waiting for no reason instead.

>> No.8968095

The partnership was with Pornhub Gay

>> No.8968098
File: 9 KB, 259x194, 1519124848714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice just bought 100k more

>> No.8968205
File: 101 KB, 600x842, 1504380772238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it faggot. And don't forget to buy another 100k @600 sats next week.

>> No.8968269

You're retarded, verge was a meme currency on this board less than a year ago below 50 sats, newfag. It's shyte.

>> No.8968301

Why wouldn’ti just buy doge?

>> No.8968331
File: 4 KB, 166x45, vergeporn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you really are that stupid?

>> No.8968610

Who's watching porn in 2018 anyway?

>> No.8968654

> the taking of profits and the dumping of bags

>> No.8968698
File: 1.86 MB, 640x2590, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok brainlet, DYOR, but many people don't understand how important porn industry is for innovation. It really, really is a huge deal for future crypto adoption. People will make fun of this thing, bla bla bla who pays for porn, nobody cares. Often porn is first to do something new and other industries follow later. As I said, google yourself, tons of articles about porn industry and innovation if you didn't know about it. You can take a look at these



>> No.8968744
File: 10 KB, 246x652, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bots spoof sell walls
>they don't dump, just flaky walls that will disappear when price moves close, to get real human idiots to dump
>bots owner shilling peons raid biz to spread FUD
>bots buy cheap dumped coins

>> No.8968894


Also, xvg is a fork of peer coin.

>> No.8969230

Okay, and consider this. Are you buying XVG only because you intend to pay for porn with it? Or are you buying because you expect other people to buy intending to pay for porn with it? I'm betting it's the latter. And currently 95% of the price action, and I'm being very generous here, is still driven by speculators. Once the effect of speculation wears off you might not even notice the effect of the "partnership".

>> No.8969264

>make an investment in medecoin
>if it fails you've got a justification to buy years worth of CosplayVR subscriptions
I honestly have no regrets.

>> No.8969279

I'm phoneposting and the new androids are shit.

>> No.8969379

>Xanax very good
t. Xvg dev

>> No.8969380

actually not going to lie i was looking for a way to pay for brazzers using btc like 2 months ago. im def not the only one

>> No.8969504

Starts with porn, going to be used for scan gurls, legal weed, casinos and any other thing that men want and don’t want their wifey to find out. Get all aboard Verge going to be a very big year ahead

>> No.8969515
File: 44 KB, 540x327, 76CEF332-E898-45FF-8C81-5C7EFA606775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8969564

I’m buying this shit like crazy and dumping most of my other shot into it. Down 10% already but no fucks given. This is going to moon like a teenager on ecstasy.

>> No.8969635

Honestly, i thought it would drop more. ~800 sats is still a lot for a shitcoin like Penis

>> No.8970015
File: 11 KB, 265x198, 1522903962925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's far from done dropping. La Verge still has a half chub.

>> No.8970196

I shitpost about xvg too, but at least be factually correct moron, it isn't a fork of dogecoin, we have been saying this since December.

For some reason people still think that this garbage of a coin is a Dogecoin fork, probably because of its previous name.
It would be better off if it was a Dogecoin fork, this crap is worse than any shitcoin around.

>> No.8970274

>still plummeting
i know this shitcoin will pump hard again someday but jesus christ

lesson learned I guess

>> No.8970308

Asians don't want porn coin, especially when it's banned in China and South Korea. There's already plenty of ways to pay for porn anonymously with less effort compared to paying for it with a cryptocurrency.

For starters, prepaid cards.