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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8964862 No.8964862 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8964897
File: 591 KB, 581x431, ciT8Aid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe they can give us dat last pump

>> No.8965879

They are early adopters. They are the first major YouTubers to have a d.tube channel.

>> No.8965958

i stopped watching these fuckers when I actually learned how to lift on my own and they started selling out in all of their videos

but the first minute of this was actually somewhat funny

>> No.8965964

Hodgetwins are actually pretty damn smart, idk why people think that just because they know about crypto that it's suddenly mainstream. It won't even matter because we're nowhere near mass adoption.

>> No.8965986

yea but i'm near ass adoption if you know what i mean

>> No.8965989

they obviously arent smart, but they do act dumber than they are for the humor

>> No.8966002

Are people still deluded about this? We’re not early adopters anymore. Lol.

>> No.8966046

These guys aren't retarded when it comes to crypto.
They talk about it in a clearly ironic and humorous way, they're using it as a bit.
Dont see the issue. It's funny.

>> No.8966049

damn tron btfo

>> No.8966069

>Gets angry at people for wanting to make a living

>> No.8966080
File: 2.86 MB, 200x200, SzycWQW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember these guys from 3-4 years back when I just got into /fit/, stupid but hilarious. Seeing them get into Crypto definitely marks an early investor phase. Maybe we should keep track of popular youtubers who chase marketing hypes and opportunities, and create some sort of video/price increase index so we can accurately predict the top of the next cycle and dump our bags on them. Tai Lopez must have been the first one though? When will the flood gates open?

>> No.8966082
File: 550 KB, 1201x615, adoptioncurve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idiot, we haven't exited the early adopters phase yet. The technology still hasn't done jack shit in a real world context, it's still all fun and games with a handful of odd projects that are actually innovating.

>> No.8966160

They give the rundown that could take hours of cruising /biz/ on a happening-less day

>> No.8966198
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>> No.8966200

Fuckin love these guys and this is first class shilling to normie retards. Bullish as fuck

>> No.8966216
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, yikes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create some sort of video/price increase index so we can accurately predict the top of the next cycle and dump our bags on them.


>> No.8966433

>they aren't smart
smarter than most of /biz/

>> No.8966574


Well they made one for us unironically


>> No.8967145

Imagine being such a triggered white boi lmao

>> No.8967803

Thank god I'm not white.

>> No.8967826

stop shilling yourselves here you mocha half-niggers

>> No.8968153

these guys are future billionares. sceencap this

>> No.8968319
File: 97 KB, 1080x1349, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Nobody is actually using blockchain/crypto for anything yet.

>> No.8968460

if you consider >>8966082's chart we definitely are. No way 13.5% of people have crypto, and not only that, the ones that do are mostly people who are investing what they can afford to lose.

But I sure as fuck don't feel special and in that sense, we aren't early.

>> No.8968866
File: 15 KB, 360x360, redneckwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% of people will use cryptocurrency

>> No.8969193

good for them

and that was actually pretty funny - especially that stuff about Tron

>> No.8969227

if you laugh you lose

hodgetwins edition


>> No.8969270
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>> No.8969281


>> No.8969318

Man I remember these two from when I used to go to /fit/

>> No.8969326

why do black people ruin everything

>> No.8969547

you need a psychotic evaluation if you believe we are early adopters. that is truly a shame. the ONLY early adopter phase left is decentralized oracles even the smart contract platforms have hit peak prices literally gone 1000x. lmao

>> No.8969549

bitcone where dat bitcone

>> No.8969762
File: 48 KB, 814x404, srsly m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychotic evaluation

>> No.8969863

>thought i was late to facebook, didn't bother making account. join date 2007
>thought i was late to 4chan, 2006, all these oldfags with yaranaika loaf memes haha i don't get it
>thought i was too late for tech stocks in the 00s
>it's 2013, thought i was too late for bitcoin
>2017/18, too late for alts

it depends on the timeframe. none of us have a crystal ball but if we have ten solid years of growth we are definitely early adopters/early majority. i see too many parallels to what happened in the 00s. i used to read fuckedgoogle in 04, flipped AMZN a few times in '07 and read the buttcoin website (not the subreddit) in 2013. your bias is you're too focused on the here and now.
it crypto dies and flops, i don't care. it's a risk worth taking.

>> No.8970013

real world adoption takes time the more it's shilled the more we moon. look at how any of those companies i mentioned grew, and the naysayers along the way. QE played a big part too but let's not get into that.
wasn't there an article where economists said bitcoin is a virus - a meme? the more the idea that it is "digital gold" or a asset class that is worth it spreads, the greater chance it has of becoming true. I think the shills will win out in the end.
if you want a 4chan example look at how stormfront colonized /b/, /news/, and then /pol/. It took what - eight years? but now it's one of the dominant aspects of 4chan.

>> No.8970159

all kind of gains.. yeeeeeeeeeuuuuuhhhhhhh

>> No.8970326

this fellow biz addict posted this a while back about early adoption. i couldnt get past their video bouncy screen so i /ff


>> No.8971109

These niggers were early adopters for youtube fitness

20 fucking 11. Even earlier actually.

>> No.8971166

Yeah smart video. I don't even get the guys screaming we're not early adopters. We're not the first 5% but we're in that next range.

>> No.8971197


>> No.8971204

Its a promotional video. They got payed shitloads from Coinbase to promote their site.

Are you guys seriously thinking these guys are stupid? Do you know how long they've been on youtube and marketing?

They make tons of money and it isnt because they make "work out" -videos.

>> No.8971366

cause you're a dumbass

>> No.8971430