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8963866 No.8963866 [Reply] [Original]

Will it ever moon :( my bags are so heavy

>> No.8963882

Rekt, normie

>> No.8963881
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Daily reqminder

>> No.8963886

going sub 100 any minute now

>> No.8963911

already 101 senpai

>> No.8963962

I swear nobody has any patience anymore. You have a coin that has a solid team, solid partnerships, and a great plan for dapps and roadmap. To top it all off, the market is keeping it at 20 fucking cents so you can keep gobbling up more. Be grateful it hasn’t mooned yet and keep accumulating. Iron hands, golden gains friend.

>> No.8963987
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I honestly no longer know what it would take to get broad interest in this project.

At the very least, they will need crypto-fiat integration before anyone else, otherwise they are doomed to shitcoin hell otherwise known as Yobit.

If I don't get an update on the roadmap for fiat integration, I'm going to be looking to bail out.

What's keeping me in so far is there really are no other crypto investments with better fundamentals for growth.

I don't want to Tether up and then see all this shit fly to $2.50 like that Swiss fund manager guy predicts.

>> No.8964013

I still believe.

>> No.8964110

>reddit spacing
>doesn't know about the accounting use case
>displays severe lack of intellect
checks out

>> No.8964130


None of those form any coherent arguments.

What you retards call Rebbit spacing is in reality correct use of paragraphs and sentence layout.

>> No.8964134

>/r/bikinibottomtwitter memes


>> No.8964289

I'll put it like this:
I'm holding until 2020. 10k REQ over the course of a few years could turn out to be very profitable. I'm taking to account the fact that REQ has a Mainnet, partnerships, and solid plans that will revolutionize certain industries. It's going to stick around and there will be more profit. The question is, "how much?"

Idk what's going to happen or when, but I do know that it will go up. I'm not going to day trade, risk more tax liability, and try to time the crypto market. I've learned my lesson early 2018 along with everyone else. I don't lose anything. I holding REQ for two years, so I say, "Why the hell not."

You have to remember, no matter how much FUD you see about crypto in general and about how we're "late" that we're still ARPAnet tier of the internet craze. Crypto and block chain technologies will explode in the next few years, and REQ seems like one of 17 solid projects to latch onto while on the ground floor.

Do what you want, though. Just have fun, be cautious, and be safe, faggot.

>> No.8964407






according to you? Please an hero, newnigger.

>> No.8964824

I'm just at a loss as to why there is not more enthusiasm about this project. The partnerships they announce, the team and roadmap is all so fantastic it's just incredible that the price is so stagnant and that the volume as well is so low.

>> No.8964922
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Well I'm currently sitting on 325% profit in REQ since I bought in at 4 cents.

I've already made a respectable gain.

Would you recommend I bail out and seek out higher volume shitcoins?

>> No.8964924
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17 solid projects? Enlighten us anon. I have another £1k to put in, should i add to my 5.5k REQ or put into something else

>> No.8964972
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All I'm saying is that super computers tend to be right pretty often.

>> No.8965101

>holding through $1.20
>selling at $0.21
Nice, just sold 100k

>> No.8965128

>holding through $1.20

That's not guaranteed to happen again, and the market was stupid for those 20 days. Hindsight is always crystal clear too.

>> No.8965140


That's pathetic desu. What is that even based on and how could you possibly model something as irrational as crypto valuations.

>> No.8965143
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>no reqs unironically believe this

>> No.8965171

God that would be depressing

>> No.8965178
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only chainlink can save us now

>> No.8965184

theyre going to moon in the days, weeks, and months after consensus when normie money comes in and when they get more exposure.

i think the next 1-3ish months are the last time to buy req at this low of a price level

>> No.8965208

Word on the street is req is making their own oracle solution now because sergay spends too much time at Mc Donald’s doing nothing

>> No.8965355

I hope so but not sure that Consensus will have that much of an effect on normies

>> No.8965398

it's a scamcoin focused on marketing. I'm an accountant and I've read the white paper. I've talked to multiple people at the office and no one can explain what the dev team means when they talk about smart auditing or replacing human audits. I've questioned people shilling and they ignore it. I asked on the req subreddit and the thread got deleted.

a week later someone pops up on biz claiming to work for big 4 and linking a bunch of shitty links with new articles talking about req

they don't have a working product, they have videos of a "working product". it's all marketing to get their reddit drones to create "whats possible with req" as the dev team just makes another venmo copy cat that has higher fees.

Normies aren't using this trash. Just lol at the burn rate right now and they already released a mainnet

>> No.8965431

>their entire accounting system violates the independent auditor requirement
>claims all taxes are handled by REQ when all other payment systems require 1099s to be sent out
>claims the government will approach them with questions about taxes (as if the IRS is not going to audit you instead)
>violates GAAP and FASB and SOX

>> No.8965447

Req and link only coins not doing shit today lmao

>> No.8965631


Dude, they have a working payment network running ETH transactions, you can send or receive money today if you wanted to. Everyone is holding however for the promised fiat integration with crypto via Oracle. But Srgey is a fat fucked and locked himself in his mother's apartment.

What do you make of the PwC merger? Apparently PwC has a dedicate crypto staff who will be coordinating work with REQ devs.

>> No.8965712

The US is not the world u retarded fk.

Also this lvl of stupid fud. go now and post this concerns on reddit u cuck, so i can see that you are not a paid rupee pajeet.

>> No.8965770

To be fair I always questioned the Audit part of their Whitepaper but I assumed they meant Tax Returns instead and that it was an error with the wording.

>> No.8965825

Told you deluded fucks for months to drop your bags. There's something satisfying in seeing your posts being called FUD for months, watching desperate bagholders ride it all the way to the bottom and now your hands are getting weak. Funny enough, this is probably where you should accumulate more if you believe in it.

>> No.8965910

Maybe what you said is true, I have no idea. But for a scam coin focused on marketing it doesn't fucking do a lot of marketing. They tweet like twice a week.

>> No.8965988

I've been saying this for ages: Dump your SHIT REQ bags for something with potential.

REQ only used to pump cause of speculation on testnet/ mainnet/ updates. Now all that is OVER. main net came out and everyone smart sold before it happened. I sold my ICO bags probably to you during the January bull.

Look for coins with upcoming huge hype: OMG, ICX, EOS, XLM, NEO, ELA or some moon shots that havnt pumped yet like ELEC.

dump that shitcoin asap you're losing money anon

>> No.8966083

dunno breh It's going up in sats.

>> No.8966236

Wow guys, I think this one's actually serious. I look forward to you FOMO-ing in at a few bucks

>> No.8966317


>1.2 billion valuation, White Paper only

Your post just fell apart right there. You can make an alarmist post and pretend to be an expert and than drop a turd like that. Your credibility is just right in the toilet now.