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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8963288 No.8963288 [Reply] [Original]

Mainnets working nicely, so lets start talking strategy.
How do I make make money off this shit?

TA fags welcome.

>Recent Results
Race #3 - 1hr - WINNER: LTC - ODDS: 4.47
Race #4 - 1hr - WINNER: ETH - ODDS: 3.59

Hows it work? All bets go into a pot, winners take the pot, house takes 5%
What's the minimum bet amount? 0.01 ETH
Will there be more coins in the future? Likely

>> No.8963311

Link to the site:

you'll need metamask

>> No.8963330

this dapp cured me of autism

>> No.8963334

Fuck, I had a pretty clear signal LTC would win race 2 but stuck in a meeting and never bet it :/

>> No.8963384

Finally something fun to do in this bear market. Is this the full version or are there going to be more coins?

>> No.8963436

This is literally free money. If you bet its free money. If you hold horse its free money.

>> No.8963444
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there will be more coins.The only limiting factor is they have to chose coins with somewhatt decent volume to avoid price manipulation from influencing the races.
Future versions will also bring an aggregate price feed by combining several apis,for now it's using CMC.

>> No.8963588

50 stables to make it

>> No.8963624

All those times you have thought "i wish i got in on that early"... this is it right here right now. Luckily the conservative early volume has not caused this to spike yet so there is still time to accumulate.

>> No.8963762

1hr40 till the next 1hr race. Odds on BTC are too good so expecting a bit more to flow into that before betting is suspended. Otherwise i will drop into it myself ofcourse...

>> No.8963810

Wenn marketing

>> No.8963813

if this is so good why's the price still tanking? :(

>> No.8963826

why don't you guys just buy the coins themselves rather than do this crazy gambling?

>> No.8964058

cause the odds are good?

>> No.8964105

it's just very low liquidity. you could buy 5 eth worth and make the price go up by 25%+ or sell and do the same in the other direction.

>> No.8964153

so is the goal to buy HORSE or to just bet ETH on these races?

>> No.8964177

Because I can win dosh because I'm better than you

>> No.8964212

>How do I make make money off this shit?
so we would need to wait til the last few minutes for the 1 hour race, then place a bet based on most recent TA?

>> No.8964284

odds arent concrete until betting is suspended so yeah expect most bets to come in last second and even out the odds. if they dont even out though its basically free money.

>> No.8964304

dubs confirm congrats mang enjoy the lambos

>> No.8964375

so whats the best source for solid TA?
also winners from the recent races were all kinda close.

>> No.8964794

I'm no TA expert, was hoping to see some in here.
Im here for the long game anyway. Might not win every game, but if you can play the odds right i reckon you can end up nicely in the green. Playing the probabilities by looking at expected payoff etc...

>> No.8965072

we gotta figure it out bro!

>> No.8965297

So what is the strat for this bullshit? This feels like something autists could make money at

>> No.8965311

Get your (virtual) wallets out lads. 5 mins left, bets are rolling in now...

>> No.8965362

Why does everyone always wait to the last second to bet?

>> No.8965458

this is the nature of this type of system - they wanna snipe the best odds possible at the last minute.
But this way they decrease those best odds in favour of the other coins.

>> No.8965473

Ah so if u get in last minute you get the best odds and everyone is trying to do the same thing? Any idea how you could take advantage of that?

>> No.8966040

If you leave it too late you run the risk of your tx not going through in time and wasting your gas. But here 'getting the best odds' just means being able to weigh the risk/reward better when choosing what to bet on, not that you get better rewards regardless of what you bet on. If you're a complete chad and know what is going to win then just go ahead and place your bet early.

>> No.8966394

this guy gets it

>> No.8966820

What odds do you look for before you place a bet at random? Just if the bets on a coin are less than <33.3% of the total pool? Or are you guys meme triangling for an edge?

>> No.8967044
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The CHAD horse whisperer
>bets immediately as the race begins
>bets 99x the house
>owns 1k stables, has a stake in the dapp
>gambles the money he earns through dividends, wins more money
>makes all horse generals on /biz/ with his unlimited proxy works
>is secretly a fucking horse

The VIRGIN neighsayer
>has no horse, will FOMO in at all high points ($1, $5, $15...)
>"gambles safely" the minimum amount, always loses but justifies it by saying it's not much
>can't understand idex
>has never been banned on 4chan, a good goy
>actually owns some LTC
>has never seen a horse in his life

>> No.8967160

Based HORSEposter

>> No.8967269


>> No.8967290

is an horse an athlete?

>> No.8967365

god tier post

>> No.8967476


>> No.8967722

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/wSYpsRJuWdA

>> No.8968200
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fuck it feels good to be a horseholder

>> No.8968253

also /biz/ this is one of those coins that you see posted for a while and when it moons like fuck you go "hey, I saw that man why didn't I ever go into one of those Ethorse General threads"

NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY SOME OF THIS SHT, mainnet has just went live and its still down alot from ATH

>> No.8968530

price continues to decline after mainnet release—meh.

frankly they did indeed deliver but it's rather boring, similar to Etheroll

I don't see it ever getting big. The price of the token itself doesn't need to be large for people to use the dapp.

>> No.8968653

I woke up at exactly 6:00. I need no alarm clock.
Two women woke me by sucking my horsecock. I gave 0.000022 HORSE to each of the women as a tip.
Three women helped me into the shower, all while caressing me and drooling at my Ethorse wallet.
They also came instantly after seeing my horse dong.
I left my 50 acre mansion and got in my gold-plated 2030 Ferrari (custom made for me after the dealer saw my HORSE) and another one of my bitches was waiting in the passenger seat.
I revved the 1400 HORSEpower engine and she orgasmed instantly.
She was in the car all night, because she couldn't sleep without me having penetrated her.
She hopped on me and started riding my dick while I squeezed her tits and drove with my knees.
In a whim, I arrived at the gym. I threw the bitch off me, and she quickly returned to the passenger seat, where she would sit until I got back.
When I got out the car, I flexed. My bulging, huge, muscles ripped my Gucci shirt off, and six women lined up.
We had an orgy, which didn't last too long. Each woman climaxed when my horsecock came within five inches of her pussy, and went into an eternal state of euphoria after seeing my Ethorse wallet.
I came, and transferred .00003 HORSE to each of the women.

After benching seven hundred kilograms, I squatted four hundred kilograms.
I started doing my 100 laps, but I got a phone call.
It was a conference call with nineteen supermodels.
They orgasmed after hearing my voice.
My bitch in the car was getting lonely, so I went back.
She sucked me off as I took the drive back home.
I left her in the car, transferred.00002 HORSE to her, opened the diamond-encrusted knob and went inside.

>> No.8968799
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>> No.8968844

t. brainlet

if the daily volume even came close to etheroll, the dividends per token alone would be insane enough to buy up the token in the thousands

>> No.8968861

ok man
enjoy your token..

>> No.8969633
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>pic related its you

>> No.8970212

first 24hr race over soon, pretty close still

>> No.8970733
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good thing my lack of a brain saved me from your advice

>> No.8971201
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price dipped guys, pack it in, ethorse is done.

>> No.8971232

>buy now! it's gonna be worth millions!
look, we can strawman each other all day long! kek

>> No.8971249

I wish they'd get races going with at least the top 30 or something. I'd love a way to short alts.

>> No.8971959

true. betting volume is the key long term anyway, that and speculation about future volume. pretty hard to predict at this point