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8960524 No.8960524 [Reply] [Original]

God fucking dammit.

When I was a kid and a new console came out you couldn't GIVE the games (or hardware) from the older systems away. Nobody wanted them because nobody except a few losers played video games (so the market was tiny), and the few kids that did play didn't want them either because they were 'old' and 'lame'. You ended up giving them to a younger cousin or just dumping them in the garbage because they took up too much space, plus you didn't want to look like a bigger faggot than you already were by having old video games in your room (aka things that were completely socially unacceptable and considered toys for children ages 4-7). 'Outdated' video games were the fucking pogs of their time - worthless collectables.

I still can't fucking believe that video games went mainstream and now manchildren pay good fucking money for bits of silicon and plastic that I chucked away as worthless. Based on eBay prices and my recollection of the games I owned over the years I realize if I hadn't just thrown that shit away I would have about an extra three-hundred-thousand in unregistered assets. That's a 30% house deposit.

I'm not posting this to bitch or anything (feel free to laugh at my colossal short-sighted faggotry) but to teach a valuable lesson: DON'T THROW SHIT AWAY no matter how worthless you think it is right now.

You can't predict what currently worthless crap you own will one day be worth a small fortune, so keep it all, keep it in the box, in protective storage, and look after it like it's worth good money. In thirty years you never know: you could still be sitting on a worthless stack of pogs, but there's a reasonable chance that you could instead be sitting on boxes of power nines, and you will thank your younger self as you laugh all the way to the bank.

Now excuse me while I go hyperventilate.

>> No.8960539
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>> No.8960559

Who dis

>> No.8960561


>> No.8960566

This is why I keep all my piss in bottles, you just never know.

>> No.8960575
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>DON'T THROW SHIT AWAY no matter how worthless you think it is right now.
meanwhile at OP's house...

>> No.8960578

>DON'T THROW SHIT AWAY no matter how worthless you think it is right now.
So you say my piss bottles will be worth something one day

>> No.8960600

Nice just hoarded all of my trash 100k.

>> No.8960609

Also why dont these faggots just use emulators?

I mean holy shit, people who buy physical media are absolute brainlets

>> No.8960697

Fat chance my photo enlarger gets pricey all of a sudden.
Might sell it for $50 to buy more LINK

>> No.8960824

>not based enough as a child