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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 200x200, shitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8960296 No.8960296 [Reply] [Original]

Over half the posts on the front page are shill threads. Boycott this shitcoin. Do not respond to their threads. Fuck this shitcoin.

>> No.8960336

it's not even shilling. it's just a bunch of retards saying chainlink

>> No.8960365

>rent free

>> No.8960404

Shoo, dirty noLINKer faggot
Fomo in at $75

>> No.8960419

Chainlink is special because it potentially makes us all insanely wealthy.

Cryptocurrency is in its infancy but if you can't see that this is the transition into the way things are going to be done, kys.

Blockchain is the perfect monetary system for any gov and so they all want one.
- know where every $ is at all times
-cant be counterfeit

Prob is that if they try hire some pajeets to create one that they control 100% then it's worth less than open source distributed ones. Who wants govcoin when it's a doge fork that has one person controlling all the nodes?

Not me I'd rather the one secured by thousands of people around the world that cat be confiscated at any moment.

But hey some of you boomers probs want to stay cucked.

If gov blockchains can't compete with global open blockchains then it's a complete paradigm shift. Even if they can, it's a complete paradigm shift.

Regardless of who wins that battle, they all need data from the real world to enable the automation of value transfer (the Oracle problem). Chainlink meets that demand with its trusted data network.

The brains behind this technology are all ideaologists (satoshi, vitalik and a few hundred other weapons grade math autists). Sergey is one of one of them.

People laughing at the 2 man dev team don't realise what this man has previously accomplished alone. Your completely out of your depth and when link moons, you will drown.

>> No.8960427
File: 2.72 MB, 601x1177, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back in time and tell your dad to boycott your mothers womb

>> No.8960428

There is no need to boycott it. A boycott is organized to protest something that would otherwise be desirable. No one gives a fuck about Link, and no one with half a brain who's not a hipster would ever buy it. So there is no need for a boycott, because in all honesty, no one cares about it. Just put filters like a normal person.

>> No.8960489

He is math illiterate.
>pajeet intercepted

>> No.8960490

Why are you not holding any link?

>> No.8960501

It's annoying as shit. LINK is going nowhere until BTC does, like everything else.

>> No.8960514

ChainLink Reloaded: The Linkening

>> No.8960519

My filter has a total of 19 blocked threads for this shit. Wish mods would ban them, its worse rhan bazinga. They need to stop shitting on the street and posting this shit. We need flags here to stop this.

>> No.8960521

Dude stop it already. You are either accumulating or you will be left behind, your choice.

>> No.8960533


>> No.8960557

The pajeets are trying to force-feed their retarded narrative and potato memes, but the market btfo's them every time.

>> No.8960611


This piece of shit is worthless. Give it up, noone is fudding to buy this piece of shit low. It is fucking trash, please fuck off to /r/bitcoin or some other retarded fucking forum to spam this shitcoin.

>> No.8960748

>tries hard to deliver an epic writeup
>comes out as a major hurrdurr bs
>Brigadier General...
Sir yessir!

>> No.8960793

Tell me what link does (or is attemtping to do) and i will send you 100 of them OR $50 in ETH you choice. Make sure to post address.

You have 3 minutes.

>> No.8960811

it does nothing

>> No.8960814
File: 105 KB, 804x568, 2018-Lexus-RX-350-interior-look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8960816

Makes you $1000 for everyone you own end of year.


Link please

>> No.8960817

Solves oracle problem

>> No.8960819

It's like ripple but better because it connects all blockchains seamlessly

>> No.8960822

Youve failed and your ignorance on the topic is glaring.

The person i replied to still has 1 more minute.

>> No.8960830

kys, you entiteled piece of shit

>> No.8960841

youve failed and missed your oppurtunity for an easy $50. Maybe research it a bit more before talking out of your ass.

Best of luck next time.

>> No.8960843

go suck your dads cock

>> No.8960851

hes dead maybe ill go dig him up

>> No.8960869
File: 801 KB, 587x847, 99534786-7CC6-4377-9106-AB2314E493DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of fucking useless spaces plebbiteer

>> No.8960882

Interrogator: Recite your all time high
K: "And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells chainlinked within cells chainlinked within cells chainlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played."
Interrogator: Cells.
K: Cells.
Interrogator: Have you ever been in an institution? Cells.
K: Cells.
Interrogator: Do they keep you in a cell? Cells.
K: Cells.
Interrogator: When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells.
K: Cells.
Interrogator: chainlinked.
K: chainlinked.
Interrogator: What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? chainlinked.
K: chainlinked.
Interrogator: Did they teach you how to feel finger to finger? chainlinked.
K: chainlinked.
Interrogator: Do you long for having your heart chainlinked? chainlinked.
K: chainlinked.
Interrogator: Do you dream about being chainlinked... ?
K: chainlinked.
Interrogator: What's it like to hold your child in your arms? chainlinked.
K: chainlinked.
Interrogator: Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? chainlinked.
K: chainlinked.
Interrogator: Within cells chainlinked.
K: Within cells chainlinked.
Interrogator: Why don't you say that three times: Within cells chainlinked.
K: Within cells chainlinked. Within cells chainlinked. Within cells chainlinked.
Interrogator: We're done. "Constant K"... you can pick up your moon.
K: Thank you, sir.

>> No.8960886

>your ignorance on the topic is glaring
Topic is the link spam. No need to setup your intellectual high-ground with pompous challenges and pre-cooked answers.
If anyone is interested in Chainlink, they'd do their due diligence.

>> No.8960898

The pajeet are killing this board with LINK threads. But the pajeets need to shill other places. We all already bought this shit coin a month or 4 ago

>> No.8960906

because you arent the original person I replied to and because you are only partially correct I will only send you 20 Link. Enjoy

>> No.8960944

>subconscious projections intensify

>> No.8960945

Simply hide the threads you do not want to see. Or just even ignore them, its not rocket science.

This is not reddit where you can cry out for people to hide what you dont like to see.

>> No.8960997
File: 204 KB, 750x500, 1521931579900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're a programmer, think of it like a cstream. It allows you to to stream real world data onto blockchains. This is very difficult because the consensus protocols (what makes blockchains immutable and valuable) don't easily allow changes like that. The current solution to this problem is oracles, but the problem is that oracles are centralized. This kills the entire premise of decentralization that crypto is based on. Think of it like designing a brand new machine gun that shoots arrows. Sure, it works and is lethal. But you've lost the major benefit of using a gun in the first place. LINK decentralizes the oracle service, allowing blockchains to stream input and outputs while retaining all the benefits of this technology.

Also, LINK $1000 EOY



>> No.8961051

good answer but you are too late my friend.

>> No.8961103

You sound a little upset friend, have you been losing money?

>> No.8961171

>Or just even ignore them
I mostly do. Sometimes I don't.

It is not quantum mechanics to comprehend the topic being about the daily 50+ threads with trash content dedicated to a single project.
Obviously, part of an organized campaign.

>This is not reddit...
I'm not intricate with reddit's lore and customs, but this is still beyond the point.

>> No.8961189

>Obviously, part of an organized campaign.

Sergey can barley get a team together to write updates on some shitty website, do you really think they expend the time and energy to shill their project on 4chan?

>> No.8961232

Never said it was their CEO, but would never exclude this either. It's a chronic thing for project with heavily centralized capitals.

>> No.8961242

link 1000$ eoy

>> No.8961271


Are you fucking serious?

Just give me the link you fucking Jew

>> No.8961408

fuck you stay poor fucking faggit

>> No.8961425
File: 205 KB, 659x525, pepe1brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality answer, he earned them links

>> No.8961588

I'm sorry you can't even try to prove me the fuck wrong.

Salty little poorfag