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8952674 No.8952674 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get royally fucked from their crypto capital gains taxes? Yea the ones that promptly disappeared a couple months ago lol

Fortunately I'm not underwater but god damn my bank account is scary low after removing the IRS's dildo from my ass.

>> No.8952726
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>declaring crypto

>> No.8952763


The earnings were enough where coinbase definitely would have ratted me out

>> No.8952764

Would you have preferred to keep the dildo in?

>> No.8952804
File: 100 KB, 540x394, lain_smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trading on coinbase

>> No.8952832

Why would you jump into crypto without understanding how taxation works? Don't complain about the consequences of your own actions.

>> No.8952893
File: 41 KB, 640x628, 7940815F-FE17-45B6-8394-98F6168DE956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch the fgcking IRS hasn’t figured it out yet. Many highly skilled (((accountants))) won’t even come near this shit because they have no idea what the fyck is going on. And what’s more, all of this stuff is going to wind up in court and the courts may completely reverse whatever the IRS does.

Stop acting like you know what the fnck’s going on because you do fqcking NOT.

>> No.8952900

>Committing tax evasion
I hope you continue to not declare.

>> No.8953134
File: 226 KB, 560x577, smugasuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shamelessly garbling on the taxman's balls
Good luck tracing my crypto assets.

>> No.8953162
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>he fell for the IRS meme

>> No.8953200

why would an accountant do anything, when the only person who can really help you would be a CPA and a Tax Lawyer. You sound very retarded.

>> No.8953223

>why would an accountant do anything, when the only person who can really help you would be a CPA
What do you think CPA stands for

>> No.8953230

Stopped reading there. Kys.

>> No.8953235

I think this will be the year of many regrets for the people that declared their gains.

>> No.8953244

Do you genuinely believe accountant and certified public accountant are interchangeable?

>> No.8953306


>> No.8953350

hope you're posting on a VPN faggot.

>> No.8953360

No fear for declaring my crypto gains. I'm not committing tax evasion like you.

>> No.8953373
File: 80 KB, 1440x900, 1493602990935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw paid all of my taxes, and due to my gambling losses at casinos, got a nice check back

>> No.8953379

Lul paying taxes in 2017 when it’s not even legally required

>> No.8953405
File: 382 KB, 875x1010, 1519406480137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is everyone so worried about who's paying tax. if you're paying tax you're clearly a boomer that has no idea what this is all about. just don't cash out into inferior currency. how come everyone is so narrow sighted they can't see that crypto payments will be integrated in the next couple years. smart contracts will kickstart this. sit tight faggots.

>> No.8953411

This guy gets it, the only time you had to report capital gains was when you sold Crypto for Fiat directly deposited in your bank account.

>> No.8953427

Unless the IRS decides any time in the next 6 years to retroactively not classify them as like-kind exchanges.

>> No.8953436

He thinks that accountants can not figure out what a digital ledger is. The blockchain is going to fuck him hard when he crashes out. It would take 30 min to log all his capital gain evasion.

>> No.8953445

good luck trying to backdate that. fuckin kek

>> No.8953490

if our founders were brought back from the dead today in 2018. They'd be using their muskets if govt was demanding taxes. Along with most REAL Americans in the 19th century

>> No.8954307

You do realize how under staffed they are right? Zero chance this happens. Most people can't figure out their trades that they made themselves. Lol. And good luck getting info from any DEX out there. Never will happen even if it's possible.

>> No.8954331

Cowards use weapons. You should join the founders in the ground you gun-loving nut.

>> No.8954378

Fucking this.
I should have never opened an or at least moved to a different provider.
Fuck this shit. Even though I didn't lose on btc i'm still getting taxed out of my ass

>> No.8954393

Fuck off cunt

>> No.8954396

The irs doesn't care about your 5 figure crypto lmao what a cuck

>> No.8954433

Faggots don’t use weapons. I guess I’d rather be a "coward" than a faggot.

>> No.8954485

>Having to use weapons instead of your hands to express your emotions
You have no heart

>> No.8954529

Yep I’m underwater about 45k. Filed an extension. Been fucking stress eating everyday.

>> No.8954556

yea... it doesnt work like that, hope u dont get audited

>The amount of gambling losses you can deduct can never exceed the winnings you report as income. For example, if you have $5,000 in winnings but $8,000 in losses, your deduction is limited to $5,000. You could not write off the remaining $3,000, or carry it forward to future years.

>> No.8954563

Do you burgers ever stop talking about your taxes?

>> No.8954600

Sorry I don’t live in Empire of America
I’m portaricen

>> No.8954618

its literally tax day today faggot. niggas is stressin

>> No.8954633
File: 373 KB, 768x768, 1520786696116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, whole fucking board is filled with IRS this, IRS that.
Why there are no EU tax threads?
inb4: europoors

>> No.8954677


Americans are 2 weeks late to the party.

>> No.8955062

>Paying taxes.
Look at Southern Europe. People evade taxes like a motherfucker by default.
You think that they're going to pay a cent of their crypto gains?
So that's half of Europe right there.
Germans who hold their coins 12 months don't need to pay taxes on their gains, another huge chunk of Europe who doesn't pay.
You burgers need to take a page from the book of your rich people and learn their ways. They don't pay any taxes.
Use Bitcoin ATMs to sell your coins for cash. Sell your coins locally, try to buy things with crypto, don't use exchanges that cuck you to the IRS.
Fuck there are so many ways of evading mr tax bear.
Only if you're going to buy a house or something does this become a trickier situation.

>> No.8955566
File: 32 KB, 836x97, intheclouds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


friendly reminder

>> No.8955629

If you're not a CPA you're not an accountant. You can call yourself a bookkeeper or clerk but that's about it. It'd be like a burger flipper at a fast food joint calling himself a chef, its absurd.

>> No.8955661
File: 33 KB, 854x640, 34565465454645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't pay any taxes

This is a larp of the poors to sperg for gibs. Muh 1% accounts for half of all collected income taxes every year

>> No.8955667

Tax attorney is the only way to go.

>> No.8955683

>cowards use weapons
This is the most retarded statement that I have ever read. Every soldier in all of history is apparently a coward.

>> No.8955720

You are the biggest faggot I've ever seen on this board.

>> No.8955723

>declaring crypto gains


>> No.8955755

Excellent troll.

>> No.8955837

Had to come up with 35k to avoid selling into the abyess. Basically been saving since november after i talked with my accountant. Tough nut but im still up so no worries.

>> No.8956135

Cuckboy burgers paying tax lmao. Good job giving tyrone his new sneakers.

>> No.8956251

getting tired you you dirty street shitters shitting up the board with these posts. have fun with your "monaco card" and its $25 balance which happens to feed your family for a week in your country but here in America when you cash out $100k, taxes are due because we actually have running water and electricity.

>> No.8956340

So when do we get to hear about how many people didnt report crypto gains? This is the main thing to worry about because if the number is low we can safely expect some kind of IRS panic mode.

And if they make it illegal you know what that means for the good goys!

>> No.8956600

Is it true if you don't owe, you're good past the deadline to claim your refund? My federal got accepted but my state got rejected since my driver's license is expired.