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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 650x488, bear_brown_njff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8949597 No.8949597 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking told you retarded bull fags but you kept it up with your MUH REVERSAL, MUH INSITUTIONS ARE BUYING IN NOW

new bottom soon.

>> No.8949654
File: 381 KB, 1080x2220, 20180417_200544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard alert
Go long NOW

>> No.8949690

Jesus, you bear fags are such tryhards. Fuck off you nigger.

>> No.8949701

>what is a descending flag

>> No.8949738

A symmetrical patterns that breaks up or down with a higher % of breaking down.

>> No.8949742

salty bull tard, sick of you retards shitting up the board with your optimism bias.

>> No.8949765
File: 17 KB, 455x434, Bull-Flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8949772

I'm not a bull fag, I couldn't give a shit. I'm not shorting and longing. Faggot. Just sick of these gay threads you niggers post every two minutes. Now go kill yourself.

>> No.8949844


>> No.8949880

If you are holding coins you are a long tard by definition. Your salt is showing. These threads need to be made to counter all the bull tard narrative.

>> No.8949908

So you admit you're a dumb faggot who feels the need to say "I TOLD YOU SO!" like a fucking toddler every time you're right about something for a few hours? You fucking suck dude.

>> No.8949975
File: 1.93 MB, 480x320, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and it feels good because i'm making money while im doing it :) enjoy your bleeding bags homo

>> No.8950033

You're a retard. I've been hoping for a dip so I can buy more at discount. I'm just tired of all the smug posting. If you want to feel superior go watch Maury or some shit. Every time the price changes there are 50 new threads in a minute with pink wojaks and bear pictures. Fuck off and unironically kill yourself.

>> No.8950052

>price fluctuates $100
>entire board is flooded with retarded, childish bullshit
>still up like 15% over last week
why do I come here

>> No.8950056

holy shit coping this hard. just admit you're not smart enough and don't have the balls to margin trade.

people post the same threads about bears when we pump.

>> No.8950084

>not realizing that bulls are losing control and we are bound to hit a new bottom soon

plan for it now or post pink wojaks later cuckboy.

>> No.8950124

Coping over what? My 1000% gains on my initial investments? Margin trading is for degenerate who like to gamble. Go put all your money on roulette if you need a rush, faggot.

See? this faggot gets it. You dumbass faggots are annoying as fuck and crap up the board with low effort SHIT. KILL YOURSELF

>> No.8950202

>baby's first bart

>> No.8950298

hahaha this seething rage from a hodler tard. I'm just sick of this reversal narrative that hodlers and long tards like you are pushing, bulls are losing control. it's just a fact. The whole $1k pump was caused by a short squeeze and now the volume has already dropped off as well as the fomo.
Like I said, new bottom soon. Don't be hodling bleeding bags. These threads are just a reminder.

>> No.8950301

3D chart looks absolutely bearish, like it is going to drop to 2k in May/June.

>> No.8950316

is this on N64 or PS1? I wouldn't mind downloading an emulator, but I'm only getting ~4.8kb/s so I want to confirm which ROM is the correct one before I boot up kazaa

>> No.8950452

> I'm just sick of this reversal narrative that hodlers and long tards like you are pushing, bulls are losing control.

Yeah me too, faggot. I also hate the "IT'S DUMPING! BULLS BTFO" narrative you are pushing. It's all fucking annoying. I wish bitcoin would hit $0 so all the faggots would kill themselves already. This board has gone to absolute shit, which we both seem to agree on. So again... go kill yourself, nigger faggot.

>> No.8951476
File: 1.23 MB, 912x905, 1413063101402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh bear looking REAL nervous ;)

>> No.8951503

get fucked crypto cuck. was your initial investment 1$ ? Fuck off and die

>> No.8951532

>btc drops 0.3%
>$2k inevitable
>the absolute state of /biz/

you guys are the faggotest of the faggotest

>> No.8951628

>sell on the way up
>buy back in on the way down
Why would I ever fuck with TA?