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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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894481 No.894481 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /biz/

I have an employee who smells. I think its the I dont shower and wash my hair, sweaty smell. I want to adress it with him in a semi-professional and casual way.

My company is very chilled as we wear casual clothes and get drinks etc. I dont want to say something that will be all out rude and hurtful, but I want to be firm aswell.

Any suggestions biz?

>> No.894491

get his address or email and send a note anonymously

>> No.894494

I've got a similar problem.

For context I'm a manger, below me is an operational manager, and she runs 4 teams of 5 people.

The guy's hygiene is not the real issue though, he is insensitive to other people in the organization.

I've been spending on the floor and I'm usually very good at building 'culture' and setting expectations, I've been using some casual signals (congratulating people on dressing well) trying to get people to pick their level up.
Lower manger has actually had someone on his team mention that he is kinda slacking and being hard to work with.

Anyway, I'm going to face to face the guy later this week - my original strategy was to test is there a reason why its not working and if its not a good reason (short term issues where the guy needs a break, etc) I just going to fire the guy.

>> No.894516

Nice, I think just for interest sake compliment people on they smell or ask "whats that fragrance ur wearing"
You make good point, but our HR procedures and union make it really hard to fire someone as we tend just make life so hard that you quit. And I must say he does his job, he just smells and affects people around him

I obviously cant fire someone due to personal hygiene.

>> No.894581

you cant pussyfoot aroud dirty people, tell that cunt to wash himself, i dont understand why you are asking about it. Tell that dirty mf straight, clean up of gtfo, its nasty.

>> No.894594

go to HR

>> No.895280

I had an employee who stank.

I paid a delinquent high-school kid $25 and a twelve pack to key up the guy's car with the letters "S T I N K" on the hood.

At the end of his shift, he found his car and thought it was this guy who parked next to him; he just went apeshit on that Camry, swinging a large sandbag against windows and lights. Camry owner comes out and starts beating the shit out of him after he wrestled the stinker to the ground. Cops showed up responding initially to the vandalism report made by a girl whose window overlooked that area of the parking lot. Both hauled off to jail. They were fired immediately.

The Camry owner was a real jerkoff fortunately, although he was not a supervisee of mine, nor did he have any discernible hygiene problems.

>> No.895289

Story played out too perfectly to be real.

>> No.895301


>All the beta people on biz

Straight up tell him OP. Not in front of other people or behind close door bull shit. Man to man, tell him in the parking lot or some other normal places. Tell him he smell and needs to take the right steps to fix the problem. People get defensive even if they are wrong if they are being embarrass.

>> No.895376

Should had a "needs to maintain good grooming/hygiene" rule.
>we wear casual clothes
"At X we don't mind if you wear casual cloths so long your appearance is still well kept"

>> No.895410


Unless it's because of a medical condition, you are well within your rights to give someone an official warning about poor hygiene, and if they ignore it you can fire them. Someone stinking will piss off your other employees, it's not worth letting him continue upsetting all of them for the sake of not upsetting him. Being the man in charge means that you have to deal with these kinds of shitty situations, it's often impossible to be both boss and friend.

>> No.895423
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Here's my version of that:
>be me
>work with alpha assholes on natgas trading desk
>CEO hire's friend of his wife's husband who is older, out of work, depressed.
>older dude comes to work scheduling natural gas in pipelines.
>older dude does well but has worst breath imaginable (probably why he was out of work).
>alpha assholes start conspiring to get him fired.
>I don't like it.
>I get him in an office and tell him his breath is real bad and that some other employees don't like it and are thinking he may not be "right" for the "team".
>older dude states it is a "stomach problem" that causes the really bad breath.
>I tell him he better see his Doc about it if he wants to keep his job.
>end of discussion
>employee goes to Doc, gets problem treated and fixed.
>older dude still has job 9 years later
>I never get a thank you or Xmas card from older dude who I helped keep his job.

>> No.895429

Just tell him you have received some complains about his hygiene and if he asks who just tell him you cannot reveal who made the complains. It's not that hard... you are the manager

>> No.895671

>I obviously cant fire someone due to personal hygiene.
The fuck you can't. I don't know what shitty country you're from, but in the U.S. of A. I can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all (short of discrimination).

Smelly? FIRED!
Don't watch Walking Dead? FIRED!
Patriots fan? FIRED!

All perfectly legal.

>> No.895840

Similar thing happened with a guy I worked with.
>Really bro dude, nice as fuck to everyone
>Works harder than any two other employees combined
>Smells like literal shit
>Some of the guys give him a hard time about it, some are straight up assholes about it
>Tell him he should report their asses for harassment
>Doesn't want anyone to get in trouble
>Asshole supervisor gives him a hard time about it, makes fun of him behind his back to others
>One day he's on a power trip and starts berating the guy in front of several other employees
>Guy tells the supervisor that he can't talk to him like that
>Supervisor tells him he's fired and to go home
>Monday comes around, bro guy walks back into the break room ready to go
>Supervisor starts laying into him about how he's too retarded to understand because he has shit in his head
>District manager walks into break room behind the guy
>Supervisor tries to save face saying that this man was fired and he's trespassing
>Manager tells the supervisor he doesn't have the authority to fire anyone, that he sent a man home early without any ability to do so.
>Continues to say that the worker has a documented medical condition, and that he broke the law by trying to fire him
>Bro dude went right to HR and told them all this, supervisor was never notified about the medical condition because it didn't effect the job
>Bro dude basically said that he would forego a discrimination lawsuit if the guy was fired, also brought up a bunch of shit he was doing

Turns out the bro dude was a war disabled vet who took shrapnel to the stomach in Afghanistan which fucked up his intestines and colon and he had a colostomy. He's now the supervisor too because he was the best worker and had the most seniority.

>> No.895872
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lmao now that's a good story, get fckin rekt.

>> No.896153

>I can fire someone for any reason or no reason at all (short of discrimination).
I make a living suing people like you. And I have to say, "Thanks!"

I live a really good life.

>> No.896236

No you don't. If you did, you'd know what "at will" employment means.

Now fuck off back to reddit you edgy 12-year-old cunt.

>> No.896282
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You get him in a room and have a very private discussion. "look man we're both adults here and I've noticed it along with several others. I'm here to tell you man to man {look the motherfucker in the eyes when you tell him this stare into his fucking soul} that you have a personal hygiene problem. We're all in this thing together and it is what it is. please show some consideration to us here. If somethings going on or you have a medical condition keep me in the loop. It'll stay between us and I'll tell the others to lay off while you address the issue. If there's nothing you'd like to say I expect this to be the last time we talk about this."

>> No.896294

Damn, that guy sounds like a real badass, go to war to serve your country, get fucked up by a grenade, work your ass off when you get back home even in the face of "fellow" Americans teasing him like it's fucking high school.


>> No.896295

>Patriots fan? FIRED!

That should be automatic grounds for termination for cause.

>> No.896405
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You can fire anyone for any reason (other than discrimination due to race or gender)

God Bless America

>> No.896440

I like your approach. Very good way of thinking.

>> No.896445

Typical dumbass response. I deal with you shitheads in depositions all the time.

Yes you can fire people. You can rob a bank, too. It doesn't man it was "legal".

If you fire someone for protected status you get fucking sued. I'm the pitbull who makes it happen. I see guys like you crying in depositions all the time. Why? Because someone with common sense above you gets drawn into the fray because you are an emotional asshole (why you fire people). After paying the fees to defend against me and my client they decide you cause too much trouble and soon you're gone in in one way or another. My client wins.

>> No.896447

Yes you can. My job is to show that the person you fired was wrongfully terminated. I'm pretty good at that. Usually the terminating party will settle up rather than letting me drag them through the court system. That's because they have common sense.

Before you fire someone think about this: In a deposition I get to "review" everything I want about your personal life, finances, prior interactions, if you've been divorced ("Why anon?") and all your emails and personal notes you've ever written about this matter, and anything else I want to. Your lawyer ($500/hr) will be getting paid through all this as you squirm and fiddle about and feel light headed in my meeting room at our firm's office for about 8 hours. I've seen doctors, lawyers, CEOs VPs and dickhead managers like you perhaps, lose their shit and try to come at me over the table while your/their lawyers hold them back. In the end, you'll admit you might have been hasty and then your lawyers will offer to settle and I go to the bank along with my client.

It's easy to fire someone isn't it? Thanks!

>> No.896572

>Meanwhile, in Australia...

>> No.896802


Shit thread. Bunch of people making shit up as usual.

>> No.896902

>for about 8 hours
If you think I'm sitting through an 8 hour deposition you're retarded. My lawyer will quash that bitch like I did your mom last night.

You'll get two hours, three tops. And we'll do at a rented conference in the airport because I have place to go and I'm not wasting time driving to your shithole slum offices. By the way, I'll waste 1/2 of your allotted time with requests to rephrase or clarify the question, and I'll ask the court reporter to read back every third question just to piss you off. I'll nod or shake my head for yes and no just to see how many times I can make you repeat your stupid deposition instructions.

And whether you get mad (which your kind always does) my lawyer will use the transcript in our motion for discovery sanctions. You'll be in the hole financially on the case years before a trial date is a distant memory.

You'll rue the day you ever took the case, and you'll lose sleep at night over how badly you screwed up the representation. Meanwhile, I'll never even bother to learn your name.

>> No.896936

The only logical answer

>> No.896951

I'm embarrassed to say that I had this conversation with my boss years ago. My washing machine agitator wasn't working right and my clothes smelled after I was wearing them for a few hours - only it didn't seem too bad from my perspective because I couldn't smell it.

Just be a good person , pull them into the office and state the issue. No reason to go crazy with it and likewise you shouldn't have to embarrass them as they may not be conscious of it.