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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 800x800, no gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8940341 No.8940341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no gf

>> No.8940346


>> No.8940348

na women are fucked

>> No.8940403

You'll find one someday. Just be altruistic and focus on things that matter.

>> No.8940437

What in the fuck is up with all the r9k virgins today? Kindly off yourselves

>> No.8940452

they exist to ruin the website with effortless vapid blogging because they're the worst cunts to ever exist.

>> No.8940515

not a virgin.

I have no problem getting laid, but I can't find a girl willing to settle or make a long term commitment. I'm tired of these roasties who just one one-night flings

>> No.8940522

*just want

>> No.8940635

Humble brag

>> No.8940681

Ive never understood the whole point of:
>No gf.

Like seriously, it is so fucking easy to get a girl to fuck. Let me give you the basic 101 how to get laid.

>Be a guy.
>Go to the gym 3 times a week.
>Workout for only max 1hour. Even running on a treadmill.
>This boosts your ego.
>Have a good job and at least 2k$ free money always lying around.
>Have an income that is >expenses.
>Go clubbing each weekend or with 1 week skips.
>Attend the biggest parties, search facebook.
>Buy nice clothes. Find some douchebag singer and just try to copy him. I dont know fucking copy some faggot ass onedirection clothing style.
>Go to clubs and just try to approach women but not in a creepy way. Try max 3 girls a night.
>If you pump the numbers to 30girls over a certain amount of time, that 1% will talk to you and continue.

Its fucking easy, but ofcourse if you are mommys little wolf of wallstreet, sit at home and eat pizza all day while playing games dont wonder why women want you.

Ask yourself the question: do you want a gf who stays at home, eats pizza and plays video games all day while being fat and ugly and not wearing nice (sexy) clothes? Yeah i think your mousebrain just exploded. Just because thots dont like you is because you dont think like them. Ask yourself if you were a woman, would you like that woman? I guess not.

Now KYS and make the world a better place and increase our chances of getting more thots (you die, our % goes up).

>> No.8940706
File: 287 KB, 1663x1247, 1516153990523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a normie

>> No.8940724

Who the hell honestly cares. Marriage is dead. If you really want sex that badly, there are many average girls who have no problems with one night stands. Have sex a handful of times and you will realize women are not worth the effort you put into chasing them. After that, focus on gains, becoming rich, and living the life you've always dreamed of. The women will follow (if you still really want them).

>> No.8940734

>Being called a normie.
>Gets laid with 7-9/10.

Okay brother. Of course 10/10 dont want you because im a poorfag and havnt made it yet. But those 10/10 want money and looks so its kind of hard.

>> No.8940745

The approach 3 girls is definitely key. Unless you're gorgeous you cant just sit back and try to be the cool mysterious guy. I'm always surprised by how receptive some girls are to me when I'm out. Of course it's tough to deal with the rejection but it's part of the game.

>> No.8940790
File: 368 KB, 3000x3000, 1508596845542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reeeeeee you're gonna have to try harder than that

>> No.8940838

Yeah you just have to deal with it. I've also been rejected countless times, may even say that 6 times in a row.

Last time i was out i was near the toilet area. Was just standing there in line. A 8/10 thot appeared. There was a sign on the wall saying "Non-humans are not allowed". I just pointed at it and said to her. She started laughing AF.

Later that night i pounded that vag and was happy. Just from that one sentence which started it all "You are not human, you cant enter this toilet".

>> No.8940860

ugh fuck is /biz/ the new /r9k/ now? Are crypto dumps going to inspire mass shootings?

>> No.8940861

This guy gets it.

>> No.8940880

just report it and move on. its been like this for months now

>> No.8940894

Have you bought TRX yet?

>> No.8940943

Swingtrading TRX to get profit is tasty btw. But no i dont own TRX, but those who are willing to waste time on daytrading are getting good profits. It literally has been jumping 80-84 in the recent month (ETH). Go check it if you dont believe it.

>> No.8940958

>investing in a depreciating asset.