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8939384 No.8939384 [Reply] [Original]

Are millennials fucked up because their boomer parents abused them? Not physically, but emotionally with their narcissism and sociopathy?

>> No.8939404
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Yeah. Read Toxic Parents

>> No.8939405

yes. and self absorption and lack of sacrifice for their children's upbringing.

>> No.8939421

but basically same thing.

>> No.8939435

What does it mean if you answer yes to all but a couple of those questions?

>> No.8939437

This is mostly an American problem.

>> No.8939453

It means you have toxic parents

>> No.8939459


>> No.8939469


my dad used to beat the shit out of my brother and I if we ever did anything wrong and caught him in a bad mood.

I used to have to run to the bathroom and lock the door and brace myself up against the door with my feet bracing against the bathtub or he would be able to break the door down.

In high school he elbowed my brother in the face and broke his nose.

My mom is the epitome of a boomer, and I've only come to the realization of how much she has royally fucked my head up.

I've had anxiety, depression, and the feeling like I can't catch my breath for as long as I can remember.

I feel like making it in crypto is the universes way of trying to make things right.

>> No.8939470

I answered yes to part II but hardly any on III

>> No.8939471


No. Millenials are simply one of the first generations to be exposed to social media from an early age. They didn't have "toxic parents". They gave themselves irreparable brain damage.

>> No.8939487

Probably, but quit being a baby and blaming your short comings on anyone but yourself.

>> No.8939489

If crypto doesn't work out, I'm unironically just going to remove myself from the human gene pool, so as not to cause more suffering.

>> No.8939513

>II. Your Adult Life

Wait, all of this isn't normal? I thought we were supposed to feel that way.

>> No.8939599

Nice deflection

>> No.8939654


>new born babies invented social media.

This is how stupid you sound.

>> No.8939673


Boomer to millennial is too big of an age gap.

It's more like boomer parents emotionally abused their children (Generation X) and turned them into narcissists/sociopaths, then those parents took it out on their children (Generation Y/Millennial) by emotionally abusing them.

>> No.8939675


No, it's a pretty safe bet saying we had the least abusive parents in human history by almost any measure. Not that the boomers are peaches, but chances are pretty good whatever problems you have with them now would have been magnified significantly before WW2.

>> No.8939681


Boomers are some of the most mentally ill cluster Bs ever, poisoning themselves and their children

>> No.8939708

>t. Boomer

I actually agree though.....for a different set of reasons.

I don't think my parents are "toxic" per se. They were just incredibly spolied and can't understand that the world changed. At 25, my Father had nearly finished paying off the house after a 5 year mortgage as a curtain salesman on 45k per year, and a stay at home wife. No budget either - just that everything was so cheap it's retard difficulty mode.

Today, with a University degree I got VERY lucky to get a 45k entry level position in software (many I know are working McJobs in my city, not even brainlets just unlucky really) after a few hundred applications. Not a hope in hell of paying off a house & massive debt, on a vastly tougher and more stressful job - and I'm lucky because I can hopefully get 6 figures in just a year or so.....and still have less spending power than he did in the 80s.

So they're confused why I'm broke all the time and tettering on being a NEET constantly. The house they paid off in 5 years on a shit job has done like a x50 - yet they think I should be able to get one with pocket change.

Basically we're fucked. And they fucked us. But it's honestly not malicious, just incredibly thoughtless. Then they wonder why I trade memecoins.....without a fucking hail mary win from something like that I'm just a destitute peasant forever.

>> No.8939741

>actually believing this

Millennials are fucked up because of the opposite. It's because boomers didn't discipline them and neglected raising their child. You wouldn't have SJWs and faggots running around demanding all the ridiculous things if their parents were there for them.

>> No.8939753

Schools ruined kids.
Everyone got a trophy while teachers scaled back the discipline and content knowledge you were expected to learn.

>> No.8939764

i can agree that education that millennials get does not really prepare them for the world and only for college which still doesnt prepare them for the world.

basically we were taught what works in a capitalist society while our world is shifting towards a post capitalist society. we are too focused on preparing for college when most of the areas are not profitable except civil engineering, medicine and other hard sciences.

too much focus on sports and one street mentality.

>> No.8939807

Millenial's parents are abusive in a way that makes their children dependent. Boomer's parents were abusive in a way that made boomers want independence.

>> No.8939858


Mayhaps, but from what I've heard about boomer grievances with their parents it sounds like we'd be bitching about how they raised us no matter what 2bh.

>> No.8939865
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Look up the Adverse Childhood Experience Survey. Feminist have fucked it up, because the original survey was witnessing domestic violence when young but they changed it to violence against the mother.

Everything in the image is roughly equal.
If you were raised by a single parent that is equal to being raped as an child. Gives a whole new meant to divorce rape.

And the sad thing is we knew for a long time that bastards were different, and they didn't turn out as well. But now our society is filled with literal bastards and it is (((Feminist))).

Remember, no sluts and no fat chicks.

>> No.8939876

Speaking as a millennial, I've realised our problem after watching a speech by a public speaker.

We were introduced to social media and the internet at an early age. Having everything we need socially in our pocket has fucked us up. We're addicted because it offers us dopamine
Get a text? Dopamine hit
Get a like? Dopamine hit
That's why when we're feeling down we text our friends or put a picture up in Instagram and a text back or a like makes us happy.
We're too addicted to social media and our phones and that's why we have so much difficulty focusing on the outside world. We're not social during meetings. We're not social at dinners or lunches, were all on our phones

I've begun using my phone less and less and trying to strive to learn the things I love and I'm passionate about and actually study and do my fucking assignments and listen properly in my lectures.
Other millennials need to recognise the phone addiction so they actually do stuff without needing a phone by their side and actually socialise

>> No.8939884

Many people of all ages might answer yes in II and I did for a few but almost all nos for III. I wish I was more like my parents, they've done well and I have lots I can still learn from them

>> No.8939902

also 45k is a lot less now than it was then

>> No.8939905
File: 36 KB, 470x313, images-144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the Boomatrix, Neo. What is the Boomatrix? It is a network of electrical signals, of social media, of identity politics, relationship and personal issues beamed directly into your brain 24/7 to keep you docile and turn you into this (pic). They do so to harvest your taxes for their retirement.

Humans are not born free anymore, Neo. From the moment they take their first breath they have a smartphone and tablet shoved in their hands and are jacked into the Boomatrix.

Why does your brain hurt, Neo? Because you've never used it before.

>> No.8939907

Wait what? What's the conclusion if it's all yes? Lol

>> No.8939930


We are already in the machine hell (simulation), we are just now slowly realizing it.

>> No.8940005

don't please.

>> No.8940048

millennials have it so easy that if they ever encounter any, even tiny, obstacle they start to scream and cry (literally). this is what you get if you always tell your children they're the best and give them trophies if they lose.

>> No.8940068

Yes to most. Abused physically. Also adopted. Trying to rid myself of victim mentality but wew lad shit was not cash

>> No.8940077

The britbongs seem to have gotten it the worst

>> No.8940092

I'd rather be a millenial, but the struggle to overcome helicopter parent conditioning is still a bitch.

>> No.8940096

As someone who reached adolescence before smart phones but experienced the addictive nature of computers, I agree.

Everything is very boring without your phone.

The best I feel is when I get off of all electronics for a few days. I do it every weekend now since I'm a programmer and am on screens all day otherwise.

>> No.8940140

On top of this, millennials also have a reward complex.
There are now participation medals so that kids get a reward even if they lose. It removes the want to succeed and try harder, so when they're older they look at a tough obstacle and either give up immediately or put little effort in and they don't see an immediate result so they give up.
This is why so few are striving to own businesses or make a change in the world or be wealthy, because those goals take time and have challenges before you can reach the end goal, so they think it's to hard and give up.

Imagine when you were a baby, and you tried to walk. You fell down but you got up again, and eventually, after falling down lots, you successfully learned how to walk. When millennials are older, they fall but don't try to get up, because they're use to instant satisfaction and because they just keep falling, they give up on their goals.

They need to recognise it takes time and effort to reach even small goals and that eventually they'll be use to it.

>> No.8940260

>everything is boring without a phone
No you're just a boring fucking person. Take up a hobby. Learn how to play an instrument or something.

>millennials need rewards
I know young adults that come from wealthy families with degrees that are selling their bodies for money because they don't make enough to pay their living expenses. Fuck you seriously. Yes, it's that bad out there. Stop with the senile denial.

>> No.8940304


No OP. We are not fucked up because we were abused by our parents, we are fucked up because our parents prepared us to succeed in their archaic model of the world.

>> No.8940332

I was discussing from a middle class perspective.
Wealthy families tend to be more narcissistic and teach their kids that they need to be independent and self-supportive so they can earn a place in life.
Though I may be looking at this stupidly.

Also, the other guy is on the right path, millennials struggle to think of conversation starters or a topic or really anything productive in a conversation so they get bored and go back to their phones because they're uninterested.

>> No.8940371

This. We inherited a different world from our parents. Children born in the 80s and 90s lived through an adolescence that became changed by technology in the blink of an eye.

The world we were born into is now completely gone - I was born before most people owned a computer or had even heard of the internet. When I was a kid in the 90s, we still rode bikes over people's houses to hang out and called our friends on their house phones. Now, internet is ubiquitous and every man, woman, and child owns a smart phone and PC/laptop. We live and work over the internet now. Children barely go outside anymore.

The old strategies taught to us by our parents and society no longer apply to us. Yes, some parents are terribly abusive to their children (physically, emotionally, and mentally), but the real change has happened to society. Technology changes people.

>> No.8940372

I never understood parents who beat their children. That’s so fucked up. Sorry you went through that. Hope everything works out for you

>> No.8940423

Was born in 2000. I think it may depend on your geographic location. I was born in a more rural part in Australia but still next to the city. I went outside and played with friends and rode our bikes and went to the park and called each other on home phones way more than we played consoles or talked on Facebook (didn't even have Facebook until I was 14) all the way until I turned 12. Now the impact of technology has stripped everything like that away and it's saddening

>> No.8940430

you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8940448

So much this

I was told that getting good grades and graduating from college would usher me a successful career...only for employers to ask me why I don't have 3 to 5 years of experience.

>> No.8940562

I am genuinely surprised kids as late as 2010 were still chilling outside with one another. Congrats though, that social contact with other kids during your pre-pubescent years will do you wonders later in life. So many social queues become ingrained to us during our formative years. I highly suspect the lack of early social contact in kids these days is why so many people have horrible social anxiety and can't stand the idea of someone not liking them.

>> No.8940583

Can you imagine if any of the weak willed pathetic faggots in this thread actually had a difficult childhood? Being homeless, beaten etc. They wouldnt have survived lmao

>waaaa my mommy and daddy who supported me until i was in my 20s scarred me for life!! my lack of success is all their fault!!

>> No.8940659

I'm glad to be one of the lucky few. Can only hope that if I have kids I can raise them in a similar manner

>> No.8940665

grandpa please go, they are also the first to grow up WITH THE ENTIRE WORLD'S INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THEM FROM A YOUNG AGE, FFS

>> No.8940682

That kind of abuse gives people drive, guts and a strong sense of self if it doesn't ruin them. Helicopter parenting doesn't offer the same paradoxical benefits.

>> No.8940697
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>need a job to pay bills, eat and pay for fuel
>Need experience to get a job
>Either don't have the right experience or no experience at all

Millennials life

>> No.8940710

This conflation of SJWs with Millenials really needs to stop, all the term "millenial" refers to is people born from 1985ish to 2005ish, that is all. The generation from 2006 onward is "Gen Z" and they are just as likely to be SJWs as well. I don't know if you noticed but the alt-right is also a millenial movement. Cut the brain-dead shortcut bullshit, faggot. THINK

>> No.8940716


>waaa if i hadnt had a really easy life id be more successful! im actually a victim because i had it so easy!!

youre really determined to identify as someone thats been hard done by huh

>> No.8940718

Boomer parents aren't the problem, it's that society has become permissive of weakness, not just permissive but it is in fact rewarded, society opens a path that leads to people being weaklings who still want to be seen as unique and valuable without actually achieving anything, instead they insist they are unique and valuable for just being and they borrow identity traits that do not require effort.

>> No.8940729

This is why I was born in the wrong decade. If I had graduated college in the 90's, I could get any job fresh out of school.

>> No.8940730

No, most millennials are fine. You're just a loser faggot

>> No.8940738

>proving his point spending your time posting on a racist internet forum for retards

>> No.8940749

Same, but its a tough battle to fight. I think more importantly, I want to be involved in my kids digital lives so that I can be there to teach them the right lessons when I see parental guidance is needed. So much of kids lives is digital these days, most parents dont get an actual chance to do some parenting when its needed.

>> No.8940752

>but it is in fact rewarded, society opens a path that leads to people being weaklings who still want to be seen as unique and valuable without actually achieving anything, instead they insist they are unique and valuable for just being and they borrow identity traits that do not require effort.
This reminds me of how I called out on this bullshit in elementary school:

"You don't have to be special to be special"
"Everyone is special"

I pointed out that if everyone is special, then we'd all be the same. And does being special mean I'm like one of the "special ed kids"? Needless to say, I got into serious trouble when pointing that crap out.

>> No.8940758

>Boomer parents aren't the problem, it's that society...
hmm I wonder which age group has had the biggest effect on modern society

>> No.8940763

>There are now participation medals so that kids get a reward even if they lose.

This is an absolute meme, nobody ever felt genuinely proud of getting those and they never had any lasting effect, you're just stupid

>> No.8940771
File: 38 KB, 410x303, 84E587AB-2CC8-4C47-807D-94685710462C-1231-000003956AE1C47F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DAE the sky is falling?!

Shit like this, low t, soyboy, etc are just memes to make you blame others for your growth. Even people with sociopath parents can develop empathy. Everyone in this thread who has posted to agree has forgotten people used to birch their kids and should go neck themselves.

>> No.8940773

Society has become too soft, not too hard as OP suggests.

>> No.8940780


>guessing things about anonymous people on the internet.

I own 2 houses and im almost defenitely younger than you. I also had great parents who ''scarred me'' by being nice and raising me to believe in myself, whoa its me! If only id had it tougher then it wouldn't all be someone elses fault!

>> No.8940783

Yet another retarded boomer invention forced down our throats

>> No.8940794
File: 31 KB, 506x196, 1523947840593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Millennials have Gen X parents or Boomer parents? This seems to have gotten confused at some point.

>> No.8940800

>my parents were rich so I'm rich but like totally selfmade shut up

>> No.8940807

Oh absolutely and throw some feminist influence in the mix as well.

>> No.8940811

Empathy correlates with intelligence

>> No.8940818

Boomer. Gen X make gen Z kids. The most based gen that will put an end to boomer society.

>> No.8940822

People being more empathic has nothing to do with employers actively fucking employees over

>> No.8940825

I am a millennial and have boomer parents. Born 1950s, fairly sure that qualifies as boomers. They were old when had had me (mid-to-late-thirties). I am now approaching 28.

>> No.8940836

I'm 21, only trophies I ever earned were at karate competitions, when I kicked the shit out of my opponent.

what the fuck are these boomers talking about?

>> No.8940849

A small subsection of millenials have Gen X parents, but the majority are boomers

>> No.8940866


You mistake sympathy for empathy.

Cuddling and sheltering your children is not emphatic, it's weak.

You are not clear on what 'empathy' or 'being emphatic' means, it has nothing at all to do with being kind.

>> No.8940881


>> No.8940885

No clue, I actually did get one of those "participation ribbons" a single time way back when and literally never thought anything of it because it just seemed like some dumb administrative thing. No kids were celebrating. Went on to do off-season athletics in high school where people regularly threw up from the training regime and the wins and losses were miserable. No idea what these people are talking about.

>> No.8940897


Lol yes it fucking does. Having people that are more agreeable inevitably leads to employers fucking employees over. Look at women, I don't believe in the gender pay gap shit, they're just terrible, terrible negotiators for themselves. Something like 80% of men negotiate for higher pay where like 12% of women do, because why? They're more agreeable, so they get justed, they can't defend their own self-worth.

>> No.8940919

Again, this idea that there is some epidmic of cuddling and coddling is so far from my experience and everyone I know that I have to imagine it's just anger that different styles of parenting exist. Honestly this might be controversial but I think parenting is actually a very small part of how people develop; socializing in school and at home with other children and access to information shape an individual far more, and that is at least the vibe I get from a majority of millenials

>> No.8940933


You're thinking of Gen Z, needledick. Millenials were kids in the 90s/early 00s before social media.

>> No.8940942

Literally got detention from thowing a participation medal in the trash during mandatory track and field day for like one of the retarded jumping events.

>> No.8940966


Bugmen aren't a meme though, and they're a serious problem.

>> No.8940975

I've gotten my ass beat but its cause i was a little shit in high school.
I got smoking weed, stealing money and stealing opoid pills from my parents.

I got kicked out before I turned 18 and it honestly made me way better r, I'm a lot more responsible though bit messier but im am finally wise with my finances and value investing now.

>> No.8940988

The majority of new jobs being created are low-skilled and low pay with steep competition from automation and cheap immigrant labor where there isn't an opportunity to move up so yes, maybe in that specific sector of millenials who have PROPER jobs with salary competition, maybe their is some minor effect from the liberalization of parenting but that isn't really the issue, is it?

>> No.8940989

>so far from my experience

Probably because you and everyone you've heard has spun some victim narrative around their own failures and shortcomings.

>> No.8941038
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You talk in really basic talking points and memes and it is impossible to actually have a conversation with people whose entire narrative was artificially created by the media to foster intergenerational hostility and obscure the heart of the problems that actually need to be addressed, but tell me more how I'm a secret sjw with helicopter parents because it's much simpler for you to interface with a false reality than face the one right in front of you.

>> No.8941074


Oh that wasn't in reference to the liberalization of parenting. I do believe you can be nurturing and show a lot of affection for your children and still raise someone who can stand on their own two feet and be a balanced individual.

My comment was simply in opposition to your statement that empathetic/agreeable behavioral traits has nothing to do with employees fucking people over. I mean, they don't actively fuck women over, they just don't provide concessions, thus you see women fall behind because they don't self advocate NEARLY as much as men in positions where salaries can be negotiated, and you see the same in men with high agreeableness. Overall, people high in empathetic behavior in general will earn less than others in the same positions.

You're spot on about new job creation, it's not a scenario that arises today nearly as much as it used to.

>> No.8941086

Absolutely, but at the same time intelligence enables us to be cruel when we have to be. Millennials and the people who raised them are detached from the harshness of nature.
The prevailing idea is that empathy equals intelligence which will have dire consequences.

>> No.8941095

No, I put in work, pay my own way and understand my situation. It's just not easy to build the 'get it' mindset when you're raised spoiled.
The most driven people I know, from any generation, had shitty childhoods that made them resolve to be succesful as adults. One example: my good friend from highschool had an abusive alcoholic stepfather. He got beat with 2x4s and belts for a few years, was told that he was retarded and worthless on a daily basis. He now runs his own IT consulting company and makes ~300k a year on top of building equity in the company. He always tells me that his biggest motivation to succeed is so that he doesn't have to be poor and fucked over like he was as a kid. The 'hard times > strong men, easy times > weak men' phrase isn't just a meme.

>> No.8941111

>My comment was simply in opposition to your statement that empathetic/agreeable behavioral traits has nothing to do with employees fucking people over.

Oh, right, you're absolutely correct and I should have been more precise, it does have an effect, I was more concerend with addressing what exactly was the problem with millenials not getting proper jobs tho, but yes. Also yes, the wage gap is a myth

>> No.8941144


This anon knows what I mean't to say. Replace empathy with sympathy in the last sentence.

>> No.8941147

>detached from the harshness of nature.

This is actually a problem with the modern world in general, I believe there some study that showed with every new generation the trait adaptibility has dropped drastically; it's a cause for concern because many peoples' bodies literally can't withstand harsh climates any more because they've never experienced them

>> No.8941217

easily accessible internet porn has fucked up entire generations

>> No.8941220

Dont think like that anon. Perseverance.

>> No.8941227

I blame the millenial for believing that "everyone gets a prize" shit from school. Life doesn't give a fuck about virtue signals like muh vanity degree, so now they're realising they've been stooged out of 10 years of their life and a shitload of shekels for degrees that mean nothing.

in a world of meaningless virtue signals, pajeet is the king because he's cheaper to hire and he doesn't mind sleeping under his desk and these cucks are miffed because they can't compete.

fuck milennials. now that we're returning to a normalised world of currency where the gov cant hand out endless shekels to the war department and the welfare department these fuckers are screwed. This is going to be such a good show.

>> No.8941317

You are the cancer at the heart of Western Civilization

>> No.8941340


That is one of the major areas that millennials have fucked up badly, just swallowing ridiculous college costs. Administrators have to be over the moon when they see their students yelling at the sky over Trump or some bullshit distant social issue while the people they see every day rob them blind.

>> No.8941361

Look pal, "physical assault" isn't anything special, let alone psychological, it taught me one thing above all else, to be strong, never weak. I don't care about your talking points or your views and neither should you, all you should demand of yourself is to be strong in both mind and body and to not permit weakness, all else will fall into place, spare yourself this mire off self-excusing bullshit, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.8941375

All except the last point.

>> No.8941385

Oh hello Jordan Peterson

>> No.8941393

that's an interesting angle, furthermore they're lining up for more education and borrowing more money to shove in the administrators pockets. Top tier ponzi scheme.

dw gomrade, gevorution coming loll XD

>> No.8941494

I was born in the early eighties and was raised in that toxic environment for a long time. It fucked me over royaly and I'm still dealing with the fallout but I woke up years ago and I have a head start over the poor saps that came after me.

>This is going to be such a good show.
There's no joy in watching the house burn down when you have to live in it.

>> No.8941955

>I blame the millenial for believing that "everyone gets a prize" shit from school.
And who gave them that impression? The boomer operated schools, boomer parents, boomer run media... Really makes you think doesn't it.

You boomers are silly, can't even connect the dots.

>> No.8942012

And who created this world of endless consumerism and social media? Newborn millennial straight out of the room?
It was you, bucko. Own up to it boomers.

>> No.8942044

Damn millennials are gay
Can't wait for Gen Z to show you all up

>> No.8942084

generation zyklon will swing the pendulum back so hard it will never go left of center again

>> No.8942550

This is an interesting post, particularly when taken with III.1 here >>8939404. Notice the way he seems to equate millenials with "kids these days" so to speak. Of course all millenials are adults now, and depending where you draw the boundary with gen z, have been for some time. The bulk of them were already teenagers when the earliest proto-social media like MySpace and LiveJournal came out.

>> No.8942560

My parents are Russian. You become traumatized simply by dealing with Russians.

>> No.8942672

You're a fucking idiot mate. Which generation has the most liberals? Which spearheaded the movement of the retarded LGBTQ+ bullshit? Which generation cries over pronouns and safespaces? Which generation cries over "gay rights" but then turn 180 degrees around and champion Islam while denouncing Christianity? It wasn't the boomers, it wasn't the generations before them, hell it sure wasn't the people in the enlightenment era. This is purely a millennial "problem" since it's this generation that gave birth to the SJW retardation. SJW'ism is so pervasive that it has seeped through into every facet of our society. Face it, millennials are to blame for this. Many millennials (especially in first world nations) were spoiled and undisciplined by their parents that they grew up not knowing that every action has consequences or that you can't be a winner all the time. Think, faggot. This bullshit of using correct pronouns and being gay was seen as "cool" was literally unheard of in the previous generations

>> No.8942718
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>Business & Finance

These /r9k/ threads can fuck off. It's off topic garbage and turning this place into another /b/.

>> No.8942754

Of all generations through history I doubt millenials have been emotionally abused to some special extent.

>> No.8943739

I'd extend that to slavs, but it is indeed the worst with russians

>> No.8944504


t. same

>> No.8944615

No you are fucked cause you blame your parents, grow the fuck up

>> No.8945539

In the 50,000 years since the first modern human the past 200 years since the industrial revolution have been absolutely unprecedented. The signal is too new and unstable to understand from a naive generational perspective. Anyone who says otherwise is just doing moralizing pontificating.

>> No.8945601

boomers are fine but the housing market all over the world are fucked up.

>> No.8945606

you're just describing the "I'm a sociopathic misunderstood genius" trope

that's the exact trope that /biz/ buys into to tell themselves they're special. coincidence?

>> No.8945866


Exactly my point anon. It's fucked.

>> No.8946023

Medically speaking, boomers are malignancy.

>> No.8946085

Gl anon

>> No.8946374

Yes, but it's also yourself partly. Don't blame everything on your parents, even though boomers did fuck up a lot and have no idea how harder AND also eaiser the world is, if you are guided well.

If you had bad parents = mental health problems, difficulty to focus, depression etc.. Can't really function and compete so well with others, unless you suck it up for few years and become a complete animal and alpha who started from the bottom

If parents guided you well and aren't divorced, had their shit together and planned life out for you = incredible emotional support and understanding, can focus on anything for hours, can rely on your parents as friends and someone to trust your problema with and talk to and get their support back

tl:dr life is unfair, suck irlt up if you are on the worse side

t. Anon from worse side, who had gfs whose parents had their shit together and saw the incredible difference in uprising/personality development

>> No.8946669

>they be raycis n sheeeeit
T. Jamal

>> No.8946925

That's the thing though, narcissistic parenting strategies undermine a child's sense of self and ability to think independently, leading to failure later in life. A child in such situation would unironically be better off having no parental intervention in such a situation, it's that toxic. Sorry you never had parental support in your life, it's bad in its own way. Parents need to provide material support, but overbearing helicopter parenting is super destructive.

>> No.8946940

Of course, it's just like how boomers had Greatest generation and Silent generation parents, twenty years is a long time frame.

>> No.8946970

Maybe for you, my dad would yell and beat me if I didn't do what he said, that included signing up for classes, of course it affected my development more. Just saying.

>> No.8947000

Possibly. I love my parents but they’ve made me so uncofident with no self esteem. I would get great grades and they’d never congratulate me just so it could have been better. I can tell my mum was one of those popular girls in school as well and she always used to say I’m looking scraggly, rough and thin faced. I legit can’t remember a time she called me handsome. I mean even ugly kids get called handsome by their parents and it didn’t happen to me once. I remember one time she said who would wanna get married to someone who had big ears, a narrow face and shaggy hair. She said it was a joke quickly after she realised it upset me a bit. Now I’m early 20s with no confidence in anything I do. Had a girl interested in me in high school and didn’t do anything about it because I was a nervous wreck.

I even have 6 figures in crypto and haven’t even graduated yet and she just says it’s an ok amount. Idk what to do anymore desu.

Sorry for paragraph, just needed to vent.

>> No.8947001

Mine were both physically and emotionally abusive.

>> No.8947006

this pleases me

>> No.8947124

Dear Boomers, we did everything you said, and now you're yelling at us.

>> No.8947179

I'm similar. My parents expressed "love" but I also grew up very unconfident, shy, and depressed.

I actually didn't lose my virginity until I was 23 because I was so depressed and not confident.
If you want to get good with girls, you gotta just buckle down and start educating yourself. Read or youtube about Inner game. Watch coach corey wayne videos. Don't learn about pick up lines and that bullshit. Just learn about what makes females operate. I feel like I got a decent handle on that and it makes "a LOT more sense" now

For me I realize now at 29 years old, my dad contributed a lot to how I feel. He has anger issues so he is always angry. He always judged what I said and had to share his stupid opinion because he thought he is right (he is foreign and I am first generation born in US). Even though truthfully, he doesn't know shit.

He wasn't emotionally "open". He always makes mean jabs and makes me feel like shit. Just deep down, he has mental issues but completely fails to acknowledge it and brings everyone else around him down.

I'm trying to figure it out because at 29 even though on paper I have accomplished a lot (gotten music tracks signed. got music on network TV shows. released apps on app store. ) I'm still a failure in the eyes of my father. And HE is a failure himself (my stepmom basically works all day and pays for all the bills and he treats her like shit).

Anyways, I'm venting too but the girl thing I figured out so I just wanted to share that you can overcome that for sure. In terms of feeling shitty because not getting emotional support from parents, that I don't know how to fix.

I've thought about going no contact on parents because they make me feel like a failure and I feel like I could just be confident even if I worked in a call center or something. But I guess that might be "fucked up". So I don't know either. Good luck man.

>> No.8947313
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kekked and made me think. Boomers have literally enslaved two generations just for a slim chance they can afford to retire (which they won't).

"Live from your parents until you can live from your children."
--Boomer's motto

>> No.8947337

Check out Reddit /raisedbynarcissists

Super helpful resource for people who grew up with NPD parents.

>> No.8947359

Boomers lived in a nation that was 95% White, where the man was king, where good high paying jobs where everywhere and things like cars and houses were cheap. They looked around and saw this idyllic world and said "let's fuck shit up for our children and grandchildren!!!". I'd kill to have lived my life in their shoes.

>> No.8947896

No to everything in II and III, except III 9 implies there is something deeply wrong with them. I have great parents.

>> No.8947947

ITT pussies. I'm a millennial who was abused both physically and emotionally, and it's not stopping me from anything. If anything, it motivated me to get out of the house.

>> No.8947964
File: 49 KB, 540x720, {jazz music stops}.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8948151

Unironically that's me, I'm one of the most driven, ambitious and successful people I know but I'm also retardedly anxious and depressed and I've never been happy. I don't know if this is worth it.
t. Millennial who got the shit beaten out of him by shitty angry dad and emotionally abused by narcissistic mom

>> No.8948218

The last part 7. Yes, 9. Idk
Rest No