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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8937812 No.8937812 [Reply] [Original]

Just noticed a tweet by Crypto Emporium, talking about an exiting partnership comming up. Liked by Colx, that claimed earlier this week to have another good surprise comming up.

Emporium is a well known luxury store that sells lambo level stuff for cryptos:


Could it be /biz/? Fuck this coin is on a roll...

>> No.8937907
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If this turns out to be the partnership, Colx will be in the company of a very select group of crypto's accepted by them: BTC, LTC, ETH, XRP and XVG.

It seems the team instilled some grade-a confidence in serious investors during the Crypto exibit in London. Good times ahead of us bro's.

Mark my words, it will be 0,20 cents by the end of next year. For once, be smart /biz/.

>> No.8937979
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Bought 5 million around 7 sats. Feeling very comfy. Staking it on a free AWS. Join us /biz/ and get rich!

>> No.8938046
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Gheh, I bought after some dude shilled it last week here, i've been very comfy since then. I'm currently sitting on a 500K stack, but i'm buying another 500K when my paycheck arrives in a few days. I seriously consider it one of the best crypto investments in the entire market. It actually reminds me a bit of were verge was about one year ago, with the exception of having much better tech and certainly being a LOT more professional lol. We'll see where this little coin will end up mate :)

>> No.8938124

Good, they're partnering up with the proper shops already, so we don't have to convert to BTC when buying Lambos a year from now.
On a serious note this team is fucking amazing.
If they partner with a shop like that which only accepts few of the bigger coins, they're either super lucky to get a 18 sat coin with a 15 mil market cap there or they have god tier social skills and can really sell this concept.
I have a feeling it's the latter and that's a great sign.

They also tweeted this.
> An in-depth review of the London fundraiser and event will follow in the coming days.
> #COLX made a number of important connections while at the show.
Can't wait to hear who they talked with.

Buy another 5 mil and get a masternode while it's still affordable. Takes 10 mil to get one.
You'll be living off passive income after that. I'd get one in a heartbeat if I had the money.

Same here, I have a 520k stack at the moment and I'd like to push it to 1 mil soon. I'm also in for the long hold.
If this team stays active and pulls off great partnerships over time, this has some serious growth potential.

>> No.8938286
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>> No.8938316

i just bought 1 satoshi of COLX on tradesatohi
how can i spend it? what are my options?

>> No.8938370
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On crypto emporium soon. Cars, bikes, luxury items, even real estate. Thats why this is such a big deal dude. Only a few coins are accepted by them.