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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 195 KB, 400x388, 32971173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
893624 No.893624 [Reply] [Original]


I have a killer idea that I know can make me serious cash - it's a portable kitchen appliance, and it doesn't exist yet, but with the right marketing etc. it'd take off big time.

Anyway, so I have an idea and I don't know where to go, who to talk to, etc.

Do I search up an engineer to test my product first? To I look up an investor...Who do I go to, guys?

>> No.893629

Look up the market for it first, unless you have a couple hundred grand to spare

>> No.893632

the market is entirely secure. I'm entirely confident that I'll make at least a million off it

>> No.893635

Stop being a lazy faggot.
Do a ton of research, make a prototype, produce a quality kickstarter.

If you can't even do that much just give up now.

>> No.893639

Any type of kitchen appliance that needs to be portable already exists. Can you spare any details about your idea?

>> No.893641

Are you the guy with the 'chip warmer' from yesterday?
You sound just as dumb

>> No.893656

OP sounds like the rent-a-lambo by the hour and the rent-a-rolex guy. If these are the best ideas you got just give up already and stop shitting /biz/ up with these threads.

>> No.893661

lol yup that's me.

And nah, the idea will work. Here's my idea more finely worded:


if that doesn't convince you, then you don't understand how the market works

>> No.893662

Kek as soon as I read portable kitchen appliance I knew it had to be

>> No.893663

No, I don't know where to start.


Something like that can EASILY sell a million units, without a doubt.

>> No.893669

I'd be willing to invest... maybe.

Do you have any applicable experience in the field of portable kitchen appliances? Can you construct a working prototype?

>> No.893676

I have no business experience, no marketing experience, no engineering experience, nothing.

All I know is that for the reasons stated in that thread (re-read the thread if you want to be re-convinced), that the product will surely sell a considerable amount of units - that much I can tell you.

I have no idea who to talk to, though.

You want to get rich with me?

>> No.893682

can you draw it on ms paint pls

>> No.893685

Brother, you need more then that to get me convinced.

I could give my old college buddy Jerry a call right now (He's an engineer, works for AJ Madison) and get him to construct the prototype, and take the product for ourselves.

If you want backing, you need some drawcards.

>> No.893688

>working prototype

Lel you dont have experience.

There are no novel engineering challenges here - do not waste a penny on making a actual working prototype.

You make an image with a few bullet points about what it does and start testing users. Throw up fake purcahse landing pages - if you get some buy it now clicks you start go getting it made.

>> No.893690

You need to first make as many sketches as possible of your device and everything it is suppose to do then get it copyright with a lawyer and then you bring it to an engineering firm and discuss with them if they can build you a prototype and then once you have a working prototype you go to a bunch of investors and banks and then you keep getting it tested over and over until it is perfected you can thank me when you are rich and take me out to dinner sometime bro

>> No.893692
File: 14 KB, 280x340, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it'd be something like this.

Just a little small base with some buttons up front, with an attached tube where you'd funnel the chips in.

ORR it could be a rectangular attachment to fit in more, and it'd expand and retract to me portable & compact.

It'd have to be incredibly simple and universal, otherwise it'll fail.

>> No.893699

The bottom line is that no product like this exists, yet we have a market of hundreds of millions of people (again, I'm sure the average american family buys chips at least twice a month).

out of these hundreds of millions of chip buyers, a decent amount of that pool would be willing to buy a sleek, small device that'd easily and effortlessly heat up their chips to a restaurant style temperature.

Really, that's it. It's so simple, yet that's why it'd be so genius.

We're talking about a product that all demographics would buy for all different types of social situations.

I have no doubt in my mind that this would take off - none.

If I had enough capital now to kickstart the product I'd quit my job at a respectable semiconductor plant tonight.

>> No.893703

Listen to my advice if you want to be successful with this>>893690

>> No.893705

Just read that now, yeah.

Thanks man.

>> No.893708

are you the mexican chips guy?

>> No.893709

I have way more advice for you too I am a business professional, programmer, web designer and entrepreneur.

>> No.893710

Dude...do you realize that toaster ovens heat up fries perfectly? You basically made a gimmick toaster oven.

Did you really think this through? Are cooking fresh fries in the oven even that burdensome?
Sorry OP, not this time. Maybe you're just a troll.

>> No.893711

You're damn right I am.

I told everybody my idea at work today, and while they all chuckled, they kind of nodded in agreement that there'd be enough people out there to make good money off it.

Imagine if I got just $500k off my idea - that's still money that 97% of the population would never receive at once in their life.

>> No.893714

A great way to get the funds to get this project done is to crowdfund your great idea


You will then have to market it everywhere on all the different cooking blog websites and on all social media

>> No.893713

Well I'm 24 and I'm already worth 10 million dollars

I have fucked pornstars and have partied like crazy every weekend for the past 2 months

I can go anywhere in the world right now

I got some lines of coke next to me as I type this

I also have a genius level IQ I could literally fuck you in the ass at everything whether its the bench press or golf

I earn about 100k in passive income every fucking month

Don't trust these amateurs, If you want to succeed you need to construct some proper technical images and give a thorough explanation on how it works and what it does.

>> No.893715

wait chips as in french fries?

>> No.893716

email me at rileysticka@gmail.com

I need people who are hungry to kick ass, and this product will definitely inspire you to kick ass - because you KNOW that there are millions of people across America that'd buy this.

And you know, that's just America. I haven't even begun to imagine Latin America's embrace with this.

Imagine if it was done with memorable marketing, or an iconic spokeperson/character.

You're now imagining yourself owning a 2016 BMW

>> No.893718

I'm talking chips - heating up salty chips perfectly is an entirely different ballgame than throwing french fries into the oven, or microwave. Believe me, they are almost NEVER cooked right.

Which explains why NOBODY cooks their chips, yet everybody loves cooked chips at restaurants. It's because nobody knows how to do it

>> No.893719

post time stamp of proof of all your claims please

>> No.893720
File: 36 KB, 126x188, 1320387273258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP in the bright side, if you keep posting this shit everyday, in about a year you will become a /biz/ meme!
You will be immortalized next to 'index funds' and 'suck a billion dicks'

>> No.893722

>If you want to succeed you need to construct some proper technical images and give a thorough explanation on how it works and what it does.

So, I need to contact an artist company first, then an engineering firm?

>> No.893724

Nah he's going to make it because he isn't a naysayer like you

>> No.893726


Yeah, I'll have to drum up convincing design images etc. for it before I do it ,but yeah I'll definitely try my hat there.

>> No.893728

Yeah idea guys always make it to the top

>> No.893730

He's actually willing to do whatever it takes to get it accomplished unlike you. Never listen to the Nay sayers if you do you will be in the exact same position you are in now

>> No.893733

true, but this idea is really simple.

That's the thing.

This isn't some elaborate idea, this is totally within reach, the market is huge, and the product doesn't exist yet.

All I literally need to do is make this, and not fuck up in design & marketing, and I'll have enough money to live comfortably.

It's literally that easy with this idea.

Who wants on board?

And by the way, I do have a shit load of other ideas that became a /biz/ meme a year ago:


I could possibly use the money I'd get this from this to fund 'em

>> No.893734
File: 38 KB, 704x960, Kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.893737

I lawled! Post proof of all the money you claim

>> No.893739
File: 30 KB, 472x461, 12340851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys c'mon


I just need somebody to help me get the product off the ground, and we can then delve into my array of other projects, too:


>> No.893740

Where do you live?

>> No.893742

This only proves that your mom has baking soda in the kitchen

>> No.893746

Why would anyone want to do it with you?
It's not patented
This guy will probably try to scam you OP beware

>> No.893748

>Gets roasted in his first thread on /biz/
>Gets roasted on /ck/
>"Maybe I should try /biz/ again

OP, if you're this confident in it, then stop shit posting and start on it.

Go get approved for a business loan and file a patent.

>> No.893750

You think I have $10,000,000 in cash lying around this house?

I could show you a screenshot of my account, but you would claim photoshop.

I can't prove shit to you Sherlock.

>> No.893751
File: 346 KB, 1676x2981, 37524416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm 25

Simply but, both of us know that there's enough people out there that'd buy into my idea to get both of us a return - a good return.

Who knows if it'd be hundreds of thousands, of upwards of millions.

It's not whether or not the product would sell, it's whether or not we'd get a good contract.

I'm not even worried about the product not selling, how much money we get depends on how much we sign up for

>> No.893752
File: 24 KB, 386x306, lehands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.893753

I'll send you $1000 for 25% of your company if you can draw me a diagram right now

>> No.893756

I'll send you $30k for 95% of the company if you can draw me a diagram of your idea.

>> No.893759

Take screenshot of your account and I will believe you

I swear I seen your picture before on 4chan

Do not take these guy's offers they are not good for your great idea

>> No.893760
File: 68 KB, 668x712, 1404179457518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god I chose not so smoke weed before I made this thread

>> No.893768
File: 64 KB, 656x447, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah, it'd be like this

you have a few buttons up top, the temperature of the setting, and badda-bing-badda-boom.

It'd be this little small guy that could easily store inside the cabinet.

And again, the tube could be a more rectangle thing that could possibly expand & retract

>> No.893772
File: 157 KB, 1463x906, debitaccount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My debit account, the rest is tied up in investments and a joined family savings account.

>> No.893774

You are going to need to go to a professional technical artist to draw your sketches after getting your idea patented then bring those drawings to the engineering firm

>> No.893777

I believe you Mr.Benjamin I am just curious what is a rich successful guy doing browsing 4chan biz board?

>> No.893778
File: 24 KB, 189x165, 1401937215465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you are getting slaughtered over /ck/.
I now feel bad because I know some of you guys will try to scam OP because you know he's actually retarded or mentally ill. Fuck you guys

>> No.893781

are you a teenager or something?
You didn't even explain how it internally works, or how the fries actually heat up.
OP if you're serious, you need to spend a good few days designing something beyond a 6 year old crayon sketch.

or am I getting trolled hardcore?

>> No.893783
File: 11 KB, 692x148, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

here's my account

>> No.893787

Right, most definitely.

I can't do a patent now though, because I have no idea how the hell this would work.

I'm not even sure if I should go to a sketch artist now, as I have no idea what it'd properly and realistically look like.

I feel like I need to work with somebody to help drum up ideas

>> No.893793

>You didn't even explain how it internally works, or how the fries actually heat up.

so they're chips, you know. Tortilla chips.

And yeah,, who knows how they'd heat up?

They could be from the bottom base, or perhaps the tube itself would heat them up - hot on the inside and cold on the outside, of course.

Either or, my idea COULD be pulled off. It's not like we need to go to Mars to make this happen, we have the technology right here, and it's all easily within reach, too.

I just need to work with somebody to make it happen

>> No.893796

ITT riley forgot to take his lithium today

>> No.893798
File: 12 KB, 822x564, Chipzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just exploring my interests

>> No.893800
File: 414 KB, 534x599, chips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So something like this? You don't even know the heating application of your own invention to call it superior to something like this.

I don't think that people care enough to warm up fucking tortilla chips to buy an entire appliance for it.

It's just a shit idea, sorry. Waste of time and money.

>> No.893801
File: 57 KB, 604x604, Bailey2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please fulfill my fantasy of meeting Bailey Jay

>> No.893804
File: 761 KB, 2048x1536, 27376257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But yeah, the design would definitely need to be small, that's for sure. I'm banking that aside from marketing, the success will be determined in how sleek and small it is.

That's why I figured a circular base, and then a tube on top of it.

Something that you'd easily stuff in the back of a cabinet or something, you know.

I believe that the success of the product will be determined on how easy it'll be to store it away, as most of the life will be stored away, you know.

>I don't think that people care enough to warm up fucking tortilla chips

But that's wrong

Middle America is going to get me rich, friend.

A family like pic related - you have no idea how many of these people exist

>> No.893813

Dude, are you smoking crack? Yes, some people would buy it, but not enough to offset your production and marketing costs. Because no person with an oven, microwave, or stove who doesn't have a money tree is going to spend $20 on yet another kitchen device, that doesn't even cook anything. You're heating chips, not cooking them. It's not hard to do in a microwave at all. And on top of that, when I'm eating chips and salsa, I've never once though "Gee, these would be so much better warm." Because yeah, they would be better, but not enough to convince me to spend $20 on something that is only made for chips. Besides, the average American family may buy 2 bags of chips a month, but only a small fraction will be tortilla chips and an even smaller fraction will be good tortilla chips that actually get better with heat (i.e. not Tostitos). And that brings up another point. Do you know who's going to be buying this? Women. And even the most wasteful of women will realize that they can only milk their husband so much, so they have an incentive not to spend their money on the ocean of useless bullshit, your product idea being one water droplet, that's out there, and instead on some more useful bullshit. As for the other women who don't get to milk their husbands, they are going to have to pitch the purchase of a chip heater to their husband. "Oh honey it'll be so much fun eating chips as a family sitting around the chip warmer, just like we're in a real Mexican restaurant." What man is not going to beat his wife after hearing that? If you still think your idea has potential, you might actually be autistic.

>> No.893821

you look autistic

>> No.893824

this. end of thread.

OP you are an idiot. People are actually trying to cure cancer in this world not cause it

>> No.893825
File: 63 KB, 720x1280, 1440080026219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I?

>> No.893827


>facial dysmorphia
>thin lip

get sequenced OP you might pass on your autistic genes.

>> No.893834

This is so fucking funny holy shit, ty 4 da lolz op

>> No.893837


>> No.893839
File: 34 KB, 311x553, 2015-05-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.893843


this is the man who is going to bring the world warm chips.

>> No.893845

10/10 would fuck

>> No.893849
File: 51 KB, 412x500, george_foreman_grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no person with an oven, microwave, or stove who doesn't have a money tree is going to spend $20 on yet another kitchen device

pic related


There are no buts. All it takes is a resonating marketing campaign that'll convince Middle Americans that they WANT this product - shouldn't be too hard, explaining how there's a reason why nobody uses other appliances to heat up chips (nobody knows how etc). It'll be easy especially with some zany marketing

>but only a small fraction will be tortilla chips and an even smaller fraction will be good tortilla chips that actually get better with heat (i.e. not Tostitos).

Who knows what Tostitos would taste like warm, but anyway:


>Although potato chips continue to be the top-selling salted snack in terms of pounds sold, tortilla chips have been increasing in sales at a faster pace than potato chips.

Also, there's plenty of women out there that'd make their boyfriend/husband smile, when they buy a Mexican restaurant style warmer for watching NFL

or for their son when he wants to play videogames with all of his friends

or for their spoiled daughter

and then, there's the lower middle class families that'll just genuinely think this is fantastic idea

then there's the upper middle class families that don't want to miss out on the fun, either - perhaps buying it, using it a few times, and then donating it to Good Will (I still get my money)

late night stoners, college kids, etc. etc. etc.

I think young people are really going to love this thing.

The 18 year old kid who's first starting to get money, and would think it'd be a good purchase.

Really, the market is fucking there. This is determined.

>> No.893853
File: 2.50 MB, 2988x5312, das.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get rich with me, bros.

>> No.893854


>> No.893859

this shit is fucked, does any anon want to invest in my cool idea?

>> No.893862

Anything is better than a fucking portable chipwarmer

>> No.893863

leave a email and i can send you the sell sheet.

>> No.893864

Thank you OP for making the most interesting thread on /biz/ I have ever seen

>> No.893867


it's my email just anon

>> No.893870

I can't tell if your trolling or being serious. If you are truly serious you need to do a lot more work into forming your idea instead of asking other people to do it. Your being that idea guy right now that brings nothing to the table except words. More action, less talking.

>> No.893874

>doesn't even have a sketch
>or a patent
>or anything beyond an idea

when you have an actual prototype get back to me and we can trial it at my grocery store. i'm sure the people here would love it.

>> No.893876

OP you need help...
It's not that ideas are bad or dreaming/starting a company is but this is totally delusional.

>> No.893879
File: 33 KB, 311x553, 2015-06-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

no but you're wrong

>muh microwaves

right bro, try dumping a bunch of tortilla chips into your Aunt's oven at this years Christmas party. Get her microwave messy and dirty, that'll be fun.

Bottom line is that nobody heats up their chips to a restaurant style because it's too much of an effort - that's the bottom line.

My idea will eliminate that, and there's enough millions of people out there that'd buy this to get me rich.

Don't you want to get rich, too?

rileysticka@gmail.com , brothers.

>> No.893881

Meme time is over, stop advertising.

>> No.893891
File: 1.65 MB, 2322x4128, 20150731_200715~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right, that's why I'm here.

Join me, bros.

Stop what you're doing, I'll pay for your flight to Oregon. Let's meetup this weekend in Portland, and fucking do this.


It'll be such a fucking easy design bros, you don't even know

>> No.893904

You have to be expected to put work into this...i'm not an engineer. Get some patents first

>> No.893909

>Bottom line is that nobody heats up their chips to a restaurant style because it's too much of an effort - that's the bottom line.


Are you thinking of hot air fryers?

>> No.893911
File: 710 KB, 1920x1080, 20150725_084440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something that most people forget:

Surround yourself with people smarter than you

Have an idea? Good. Get people smarter than you to make it happen.

I can't physically draw it up, or come up with the math to make it work, or market it or do anything.

But I'd get people on board to help me with it all.

And it can totally be done


>> No.893918

Right, french fries are an entirely different animal than salty tortilla chips though brother.

Also, that thing is fucking huge.

But yeah, I wouldn't mind studying the technology of similar items to have int influence mine:

A small and easily portable device that'll heat up mexican tortilla chips for $19.99

>> No.893920

and by the way, that device ranges from $200 to $250 kek


>> No.893924

You can cook tortilla chips in those hot air fryers.

>> No.893933
File: 2.27 MB, 2984x4984, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$200 to $250 kek

nah m8.

My idea however would be a small easy little guy for $20 or under, for everyone.

Again though, it'd be neat to study that technology though, sure.

>> No.893939

Can I ask what industry you are apart of?

>> No.893945

>My idea however would be a small easy little guy for $20 or under, for everyone.

I'm trying to understand what you're making but you're making little sense.. So like a hot air fryer but it's like a small little appliance and you heat up your food?

>> No.893960
File: 88 KB, 464x495, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

it's resemble this

Something sleek and compact - you just pour the chips in the tube, close the lid, and boom.

A few preset buttons, a LCD screen to show your degrees just for kicks, that's it.

>> No.893966

Think my grandma might buy one of those. PFFFFTAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.893967
File: 62 KB, 464x495, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know how large the tube would be, but it'd have be sizable enough to store a good amount of chips in it - like five handfuls or more

>> No.893969

if you can't do any of those things, you better be prepared to give up the majority share of whatever product you have

>> No.893970

you do realize you can go on fiver or any graphic design website and pay a guy like 100-300$ to draw your shit.

>> No.893972

This shit is not going to sell. I'm sorry.

>> No.893977

Is OP actually mentally ill ? This naked pictures and shit are making me cringe

>> No.893981

There you go. Like I stated earlier:

"Also, there's plenty of women out there that'd make their boyfriend/husband smile, when they buy a Mexican restaurant style warmer for watching NFL

or for their son when he wants to play videogames with all of his friends

or for their spoiled daughter

and then, there's the lower middle class families that'll just genuinely think this is fantastic idea

then there's the upper middle class families that don't want to miss out on the fun, either - perhaps buying it, using it a few times, and then donating it to Good Will (I still get my money)

late night stoners, college kids, etc. etc. etc.

I think young people are really going to love this thing.

The 18 year old kid who's first starting to get money, and would think it'd be a good purchase."

Amongst an array of other people, for sure.

And guys, guys.


I can totally see a co-worker buying this for his company's break room or something.

Way too much potential out there for me to NOT make a sizable profit.

And guys - you can join in too. Let's do this


>> No.893984
File: 74 KB, 649x254, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.894002
File: 46 KB, 468x315, article-1216814-002AE93A00000258-902_468x315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Middle America is not going to buy this

>> No.894033

That is a great idea and I was sadly too young to think of it I'm sorry op but I also have my extreme doubts but if your dead set on this you must make your own prototype first so learn about it yourself or just find a guy to pay to make it then file to patent it, carry the prototype around till u find a sucker that'll give you money for this terrible idea

>> No.894117

>I have a killer idea that I know can make me serious cash - it's a portable kitchen appliance...

Ha, I've had the same killer idea: a combination coffee-maker/fleshlight.

>> No.894122

I've never had warm chips in my life, nor have I heard of that until now. From what you're implying I can just buy a toaster oven for twice the price, plus it does 10000 other things

>> No.894126

>lcd screen
are you trying to loose money this will cost you too much to make, which means you can't sell it for 20$ which means I wouldn't even consider some autistic chip warped for over 20

>> No.894156

well if OP has people willing to invest in his shitty idea where have i been

i always have great ideas but forget them because i always think i wont know how to develop them

>> No.894530


You don't need a special appliance to reheat chips

>> No.894649

>glass sides
>low heating surface area
Wow no wonder this didn't take off, we can do better than this

>> No.894670

This is a dumb fucking idea. Products like 'George foreman grill' already exist. What makes you think that people will buy another bulky kitchen appliance JUST to be able to heat up some fucking tortillas

Into the trash it goes

>> No.894671

I love this OP so much would do business with such a true entrepreneur and scholar

>> No.894672

Hey at least OP has an idea unlike you which you have not said one good idea yet.

>> No.894712

Tortilla chips.

>> No.894746

Dream big OP. How about a little slot or cup in the machine where you could put a jar of nacho cheese that the machine warms up at the same time?

>> No.894765

What fraternity are you in OP?

>> No.894779

>Well I'm 24 and I'm already worth 10 million dollars
>I have fucked pornstars and have partied like crazy every weekend for the past 2 months
>I can go anywhere in the world right now
>I got some lines of coke next to me as I type this
>I also have a genius level IQ I could literally fuck you in the ass at everything whether its the bench press or golf
>I earn about 100k in passive income every fucking month

>cheap ass logitech speakers
>basic ikea-tier desk
>a single samshit 19" monitor
>generic rubber dome keyboard
>can't even tell if it's some scratched up iPhone or someshit because the camera the picture was taken with with is so shit
>even if it wasn't just baking powder, the lines are so big that you'd mostly be snorting baking powder anyway

>> No.895281

LMFAOO a fucken chipwarmer, when the fuck was the last time you warmed up doritos or some shit? I can tell you're from America because this is prolly the most retarded shit I've ever heard.

First of all, how the fuck do you know people will actually buy this shit? They must be equally retarded as you are to ever spend money to warm up fucken chips when I can use a microwave or some shit.

Good luck man.

>> No.895293

Isnt this like idea #12 from Riley in biz alone? Hasn't he been doing this for over a year?

Dude. Stop.