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File: 123 KB, 1280x720, vegana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8935610 No.8935610 [Reply] [Original]

Roughly 15 more hours before one of the biggest justings in cryptocurrency will take place.

Vagene XVG, the infamous scam as a choice coin, will be on its way to dethrone bitconneeeeeeeeeeeeeeect. The scale of this justing is of global scale, attracting not only current sheeple but also new idiots into the crypto space, focussing mainly on XVG.

As you have seen recently - Vegana has been at the center of attention, negatively. Every waking soul that has recently bought Vagena in anyway will have an uncontrollable (v)urge to dump.

I will not link again to this post tomorrow.

Have you ever considered suicide?

And you are waiting for what?

>> No.8935646

kek. I literally cannot wait for the JUSTing tomorrow. It's gonna be hilariously on par with bitconnect.

>> No.8935666


>> No.8935678

Hahahahahah nice FUD.

I'm not selling you my XVG cheap.

>> No.8935700


Oooooh your last thread was 20 hours from now, now 15 hours! Ooooooh, the tension! The countdown! the hype, ooooooooh im so exited i just cant hide it.

I haf 250 xvg, gunna be a milionaireeeee tomorowwww! VERGEFAM 4 LIFE yO!

>> No.8935747
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>> No.8935770

A fucking dogecoin fork. It'll be delisted from binance soon enough

>> No.8935796
File: 44 KB, 228x222, 1523139666489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh partnership

>> No.8935828

XVG is a pump n dump shitcoin. These are the only coins that have any real value:

Main trading pair: BTC

ICOs, D'Apps, smart contracts: ETH

Privacy: XMR

"Spending" coin (BitPay, Dream Market): BCH

Alternative "spending" coin (since market sentiment towards BCH is very negative as Roger Ver and Jihan Wu/BitMain are bad actors): LTC

Investment coin: BNB. When you buy BNB, you are investing in Binance. Binance takes the BTC, ETH, etc. that they get from issuing BNB. and they use it to pay their staff, maintain their platform, grow their platform, etc.

Everything else is a literal shitcoin.

>> No.8936131
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Let me guess, you just posted your entire portfolio

>> No.8936785
File: 192 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180416-201511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually not really. I'm mostly a BTC Maximalist.
I sold most of my ETH a week ago because I figured it was finished. But then it rebounded so I'm down in sats. I have some left over NXT because I thought "proof of stake" would be the future and I thought fundamental analysis was actually worth a shit at the time. Heh. I have some CLAM invested and staking in Just-Dice that I never bothered to take out. I literally only ever buy LTC to renew my VPN/Proxy subscription. What you see there is some left overs. And I buy BNB just to get the trading fee discount.

I own BCH and BTG dust on Binance that I can't do anything about. So I consider my holdings to be 0 there. If I was on that BitPay and Dream Market time, I would buy some BCH for personal use, not hodling. I haven't bought anything off the darknets in a long time. And pretty much never use BitPay. I'm a NEET hikikomori with a frugal lifestyle. Most of my expenses involve supermarket shopping, car, dental, pizza slaying, fast food, Netflix, shit like that. I stopped buying vidya because vidya is boring. Why invest so much time into vidya when you can invest your time trading instead? So pretty much everything that I buy involves either credit/debit card or cash. They don't take crypto. And bitcoin debit cards gouge you on fees.

I don't own XMR because I haven't needed to use it yet.

If you buy shitcoins and you
1) aren't a whale who can manipulate the market
2) don't have insider knowledge
3) aren't part of a reliable Telegram pump n dump group that doesn't fuck you over

you are literally gambling. Even the BTC bulls are gambling degenerates (not as much as idiots who are holding shitcoin bags) and after the very humbling correction I have moved more to the bear side of things. Shorters are degenerate gamblers too. I sell for fiat when I think the price is gonna go down, I don't short. I haven't sold my 9+ BTC stack because I lost so much profit on that shit, what's the point at this point?

>> No.8936945

I literally want to see crypto go to shit. $1,000 or lower bitcoin. I want all the normies to lose faith and fucking leave so that I can accumulate. And then dump my bags on them in a couple/few years for the next pump.

I don't buy into the crypto kool-aid anymore. For the most part people only buy crypto because they think the price is going to go up. Only a small minority of people who buy crypto need it. Whether they need it to buy drugs or whatever other criminal activity, donate to Wikileaks/neo-nazis/terrorists, launder money, evade taxes, etc.

Sometimes I wish I was a low-inhibition high-T BBC pimp who is able to earn cash on the street from illicit activity so that I can buy crypto with cash, tether up and then trade back to BTC and sell BTC for cash whenever I need to cash out to pay for stuff. Crypto is perfect for money laundering. And if you need cash in the bank, you can claim that you won it by gambling or some shit.

>> No.8936966

XVG and NANO will both be delisted