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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8934607 No.8934607 [Reply] [Original]

So, why is this so fucking immune to FUD again?
Normally coins have one or two really convincing arguments to not buy, but I literally haven't seen one decent FUD post.
It's just so fucking weird. Are pajeets losing their creativity?

>> No.8934621

The only legitimate FUD is that it gets shilled here.

>> No.8934648

i guess you havent heard of the burn mechanism yet

>> No.8934653

bros I'm looking out for you all
buy OMG and TRX instead
trust me

>> No.8934765

Because of the following:

- The only hype near the beginning was driven by the community, the team doesn’t shill.
- There hasn’t been any kind of scandal
- The team actually stuck to their roadmap goals for the most part since its inception
- They have always been clear about what it is, the people shouting PayPal 2.0 are retarded hodlers that can’t read a whitepaper.
- They underpromise and overdeliver—there hasn’t been any source of BAD news.
- They update the github far more often than most other projects, so people can see progress is being made.

There’s nothing legitimate to FUD because the team is legitimate. Pajeets need to go for hoping people fall for a wrong narrative out of people’s lazyness to not do their own research.

>> No.8934769

Been holding this coin since 700 satoshis. I sure envy those who had the balls to sell it near the peak of that massive bull run at new years.
I honestly had this hope that this was the coin normies would jump on. But in hindsight i suppose it's predictability let to it's downfall, with so many people selling anyway "since the next big news is in march". By the time of mainnet release nobody really gave a damn and was just begging for dollars to get their money out of crypto.

Still think this coin has great potential but i may have to wait another 3 years of bull market before i ever get an opportunity again.

>> No.8934842

>wait another 3 years of bull market before i ever get an opportunity again.
What the fuck

>> No.8934996

It's not unlikely that it will take 3 years before we see another bullrun on crypto.

>> No.8935011
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>a project which burns its users' tokens will succeed

>> No.8935056


By far one of the most professional teams in the space.

>> No.8935082

• First ICO backed by Y-Combinaotr
• Only project to partner whit PwC in Europe.

>> No.8935098

Despite whatever memes you may have about France, it is a western coin, and will outlast all the chink shit.

>> No.8935177

when the adoption comes we see the gains we deserve. this is literally the true "store of value"

>> No.8935205

OMG is backed by Vitalik Buterin

>> No.8935214

nope. the only thing he did was read their whitepaper.

>> No.8935242


full disclosure I'm all in TRX and OMG

>> No.8935277




>> No.8935297

>getting laughed at for owning a top 15 coin...
only on biz

>> No.8935329

yeah, cardano and ripple are also in the top ten. doesnt mean im gonna touch those shitcoins.

>> No.8935350

Who is talking about OMG?

>> No.8935359



>> No.8935368

as an omg holder plz sell your omg and just go all in on trx we don't want you. thanks

>> No.8935372

fuck you guys
only trying to help

>> No.8935389
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TRX has unironically more growth potential than your stale, overpriced vapor-ware coin which mooned in August 2017.

>> No.8935411

req is weird and creepy, op
no one wants to hold something weird and creepy

>> No.8935423

o look it's that manlet that's in every omg thread. Top 5 in recovery since the btc crash, already nearing ath again, money skelly and poon working directly with a company that processes billions a year. Stay poor fag see you at triple digits

>> No.8935444

req is a shitcoin

>> No.8935451

Sick of the shills, REQ is nothing special.

>> No.8935454


I have to agree with this

>> No.8935476
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>with a company that processes billions a year.

Which has nothing to show for it and has to dredge through a bottom-feeding, unregulated crowdsale in what institutional money considers a grey, illegitimate and fraudulent and quasi-illegal market..

Say, where can I buy Omise stock?

Oh right, it's not even remotely capable of passing basic securities requirements.

>> No.8935484

fucking newfag cannot even link a post correctly. get off this board

>> No.8935491

And what the fuck does REQ have?? Its a dying shitcoin with a service that nobody cares about or uses.

>> No.8935681
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>And what the fuck does REQ have??


>> No.8935688


Remember this moment when you neck yourself in two years.

>> No.8935706

REQ isn't going anywhere you stupid pajeet shills.

>> No.8935719

theses a reason OMG is worth over a billion if your too blind to see it then your hopeless

>> No.8935734
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At 125 million market cap, it has a far great probability than a 1.3 billion White Paper, which is PRICED THE FUCK IN, for the next 5 years of development.

Now take your Gook goblins, your cheap prostitutes and sleaze, hop on your little skateboard and head on back to Thailand.

>> No.8935749
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>theses a reason OMG is worth over a billion

Is it the same reason Tron is valued at almost 3 billion?

Gook, please.

>> No.8935756

Stupid ass REQ shill. I really want your shit coin to fail so faggots eat shit.

I'm not even a OMG shill, I just fucking hate REQ shills and I want to see them fail.

>> No.8935767

ITT: non-REQ owners who will not take part of the bull run 2018 to make it

>> No.8935769

>im smarter than the market
dont say i didnt warn you

>> No.8935785

REQ didn't even perform that well in the last bull run, there were shittier shitcoins that mooned harder than that piece of shit. I'm not worried at all, I'm pretty sure i'll make more money by avoiding REQ.

>> No.8935791

LMAO, what kind of a retard puts any money in TRX

>> No.8935831


>The crypto market is smart and know what it's doing



>> No.8935851
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Being this deluded. The absolute state of biz

>> No.8935883

That’s why you will stay poor. You let emotions control your investment decisions. Sad.

>> No.8936049
File: 115 KB, 1368x418, REQEmergency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh, guys?

>> No.8936157

Nobody will use this shit over paypal or Coinbase commerce

>> No.8936199

This. Spending time on other boards gives a good sense of organic vs shill discussion.

>> No.8936227

It's highly unlikely

>> No.8936625

Keep going please I'm screenshoting all the FUD

>> No.8936670

same fucking guy in every OMG thread, i thought it was a joke but holy shit. you can tell by the shitty pictures that go along with his shitty FUD.

>> No.8936682

except paypal and coinbase have way higher fees than req.

>> No.8936758

Coinbase commerce is literally an oxymoron. A company designed to oversee transactions of a decentralized, trustless currency... it's adding a middleman to something that was designed to avoid the middlemen.

The only reason there is demand for it and other coin payment services is because autonomous payment networks like REQ are still in their early stages.

>> No.8936775

Funny how you think bunch of French soyboys who have never made anything special will top paypal or Coinbase commerce. Nobody does commerce with crypto anyways, it's a buy low sell high ponzi

>> No.8936816

Remember, a group of req whales come on here and fud req to drop the price. They’re easy to spot.

>> No.8936834
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>> No.8937149
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You don't actually believe that do you?