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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 92 KB, 289x241, elon%920musk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8931083 No.8931083 [Reply] [Original]

why do people like this cunt?

>> No.8931104

I heard he makes a lot of false promises and delays on thing a lot

>> No.8931117

Because people like cunt

>> No.8931126

the man is built on false promises to keep his stock price above 300

>> No.8931131

Because so far he had pretty good business ideas which turned into big industries.

>> No.8931144

Because he put all of his wealth on the line to start multiple successful companies through sheer effort and determination.
When you get wealthy and then decide to spend all of your money on 'risky' startups instead of getting comfy, then you can talk shit.

>> No.8931170

Then you should stop getting your information from butthurt neckbeards on /pol/ who live in an alternate reality.


>> No.8931187
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i hope to someday make it so i can buy some new hair.

>> No.8931235

Because he seems like a genuinely good guy.
He seems to be the only billionaire that isn't plotting world domination over the goyim and is actually concerned with things like regulating AI so we dont create a super intelligence that fucks us all up and we cant do anything to stop it because our intelligence compared to is is probably like comparing a humans brain to a mouse.

So yeah, I like him

>> No.8931238
File: 169 KB, 317x432, 1515179264601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's a genius...

Wtf has your fat ass done to help this earth?

NOT SHIT but fill your studio apartment up with sulfur from your fat ass. Probably why all your dumf fuck brain cells have deteriorated like your personal life you fuck.

>> No.8931248

His car company may or may not make it but his rocket company is historic. Also paypal $$$. I think the thing that made me respect him the most was reading about his ex-wife bitching about him. He made her sign a post-nup (!) and later told her their marriage was fixed TODAY or it's over. Then he divorced her and she was salty as fuck. Later he pumped and dumped Amber Heard. The man knows how to deal with roasties.

>> No.8931271

PayPal was pretty good

>> No.8931272

Nice bait thread

>> No.8931301

genuinely good guy lmfao

"“I’ve seen people pass out, hit the floor like a pancake and smash their face open,” said Jonathan Galescu, a production technician at Tesla. “They just send us to work around him while he’s still laying on the floor.”

not sure if this union worker exploitation can class the musk as a genuinely good guy

>> No.8931332

Yeah ok

My dad actually worked at Tesla designing their first cars and said the conditions were great. Also made alot of bank off of the shares employees were given. Got them at around $20.

>> No.8931343

Because he's a fucking modern day Leonardo da Vinci.

>He had $180 million after paypal and risked it all. I wouldn't do that.
>First successful auto start up in 100 years
>Tesla super charger stations will take market share from big oil. No more need for wars over the petro dollar.
>Told NASA to get out of the way, we're going to Mars.

>> No.8931347


>> No.8931369

it's all subsidized

>> No.8931385


You idiot fuck.

Your fat ass WISHES you could for Tesla you burger flipping, French fry cooking, dick smelling fucktard.

Go back to foxnews.com you /r CP requesting faggot.

>> No.8931388
File: 128 KB, 898x628, 1500195092001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could just as well ask why people buy creepto.

>> No.8931400

successful auto start up

yeah.. about that...

>> No.8931406

This is all false. He didn't invent shit, he's just good at marketing.

>> No.8931409

>why do people like this cunt
men like pussy

>> No.8931411

But he didn't know that he was going to get any subsidies beforehand so he still had balls.

>> No.8931436

Because he's sexy.

>> No.8931456
File: 2.63 MB, 280x250, 1520694911294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was in Big bang theory so normies like him.

>> No.8931467

Are you fucking retarded? Can you name a single company in the SP500 with more than 35000 employees where no workers have complained about the working conditions. No? Nothing? Gtfo with your anecdotal evidence.

>> No.8931476

He literally invented the first large scale reusable rocket in human history, a few months ago.

>> No.8931489


>> No.8931499

This makes me like Musk even more. As a business owner you’re supposed to push your employees to maximum efficiency.
>muh exploitation
They can quit anytime they want. It’s a voluntary contract you dirty commie

>> No.8931501

I like him because he's getting people interested in space and science the way no one else can.
He makes it interesting enough for the whole internet to sit down to watch a rocket launch. Also his company is the first one in ages to make incredible improvements in the very much stagnated rocket tech.
I don't care if this guy eats children and secretly plans for world domination.
As long as he's actually pushing for space and manages to get masses interested in it, he's 1000x better than any other billionaire out there.

>> No.8931548

why do people like him.. exist?
why do people like him get rich?
finish your fucking question asshole

>> No.8931553

A CEO has the fiduciary duty to use every government grant, tax incentive, subsidy, etc possible. I’m a libertarian and I hate that shit but don’t hate the player, hate the game.

>> No.8931598

I don't dislike Musk, but when I hear people gargling his balls it irritates me only because of his pseudo-intellectual reddit-tier fanbase.

>> No.8931621

Ten years ago the CEO of Tata motors laughed at the idea of producing cars for the American market. The auto industry is game-locked due to over regulation. That's the state of affairs. The fact that Teslas are even on the road is a huge accomplishment. And they're the safest cars ever made.

>> No.8931652

Who has done more? Billy Gates with his African abortion clinics?

Musk is changing the world. As far as the last 50 years goes, He's on a short list with Steve Jobs.

>> No.8931980

>Billy Gates with his African abortion clinics?
>eradicated malaria
>hurr abortion clinics

>> No.8931991

>He had $180 million after paypal and risked it all. I wouldn't do that.
Be real anon. He risked $170 million. $10 million is more than 99.999% people on earth will ever hold

>> No.8932010

yes like Jobs didn't invent the smartphone

>> No.8932032

This goy alone made Lithium batteries about 30 percent better.

Also reusable rockets are a game changer.

As for Mars I think his time table is ass. A Mars colony needs to drill for water. Plus they will need at least 5 rockets of equipment and supplies before they could launch people and that doesn't count a drill!

>> No.8932050

Kek all of business is subsidized. Get good.

>> No.8932210

His aids in Africa plan is as follows:

>If you don't have aids, here's a condom.
>If you do have aids and you're pregnant, we built an abortion clinic for you in the next village.
>No, sorry. We don't have any medicine. We're just stopping the spread. Good luck.

>> No.8932228

Nor windows.

>> No.8932232

It's true. He kind of reminds me of trump in that way. Alot of hype.

>> No.8932461
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a great toy-maker

>> No.8932735

Not really, he advertised it as ready and it lost a sat in the first commercial lunch.

>> No.8932941

I share the same sentiment

>> No.8933304

Why doesn't anyone like you?

>> No.8933775
File: 759 KB, 972x1862, XLM-TO-MARS-AND-BEYOND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
