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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8928284 No.8928284 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8928300

this is getting weird

>> No.8928312

Who is this and why should we care?

>> No.8928323

what is a nigger?

>> No.8928331

Why are you here?

>> No.8928354

Afraid of legal repercussions. SEC is likely after him.

>> No.8928371

how does deleting anything help in this? What if he really did get hacked like a retard and started deleting everything out of panic.

>> No.8928372


What ever happened to the bitconnect guy who was holed up in florida wailing about the SEC getting ready to ravage his boipucc? ‘I ain’t need no lwyers’

>> No.8928381

Lmao, do you actually talk like this in person?

>> No.8928430

The nigger got hacked

>> No.8928436


Do you?

>> No.8928472
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No, It is just I could see you sitting next to people in a restaurant screaming about boipucc

>> No.8928497


One of those guys is now promoting Powh, not fucking kidding you. He also has a lawsuit coming up; promoting a fucking pyramid scheme while he's waiting for it. Craig Grant, rebranded to Arti Intel, fucking KEK.


>> No.8928540

>making fun of the way someone types on a Mongolian water dancing website.

Gj anon. You win the internet today.

>> No.8928556

i think because the pyramid is very clear that it's not an investment should be fine. beeeeeeitconnnnec wasn't upfront about their activities so he'll roast for that one.

>> No.8928564
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well, it is better then looking at the price of bitcorn

>> No.8928638

No, openly promoting any ponzi-scheme even self-proclaimed is punishable by law. He fucked himself over on this. If the Judge or SEC or any authority was going to excuse some of his actions they won't when they see that.

>> No.8928700

That's what people do when the government is after them. Philakone did the same.

>> No.8928709

Kek. Oh no poor ian balina, he gets millions of free coins from projects to shill on naive pajeets based on his credibility as a crypto evangelist after getting lucky 100x on the icx ico.

No sympathy from me. He is either trying to dodge taxes or is retarded for leaving his pvt keys in evernote. Either way pay the taxes you owe nigger. Making 5 million dollars in icos, pay taxes like everyone else.

>> No.8928766

The funny thing about all of this is that no matter what has happened, he is fucked. Who will take any advice from someone who lost so much money due to such a simple mistake? Annnnd, if he is really doing this for tax reasons, the addresses will be blacklisted (by now) from any exchange. Laundering them will be pretty odd, even if he launders and layers them, he will still have to pay TAX. And when that time comes where he tries to cash the laundered money out, there suddenly are a few millions on his tab he can't explain.

>> No.8928773
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This fucking nigger.

>> No.8928785

Cryptonigger is going to jail. Guess he's covering his tracks before seeking help from a lawyer

>> No.8928808

Party is over lol
The last Pajeets and nigs are exiting.

>> No.8928835

Best time to buy is in a bear market. Says like every white person.. for some reason.

>> No.8928886

Oddly enough he also tweeted out:

2/ Hacker has stolen my funds and is about to sell on @kucoincom.Please help in contacting them. $ETH $BTC $KCS

But then very quickly afterwards, deleted this tweet. (You can search that Kucoin @ and see his followers that tweeted them after he posted it).

The really strange thing is, at that time no funds had been moved to Kucoin from the wallets identified as the hackers yet within minutes of that tweet having been posted/deleted, suddenly some funds were being moved to a Kucoin wallet.

I was more of the opinion before that happened that he was just being stupid, holding millions of $ in crypto with poor security but this points more towards the more dodgy behaviour that others have suggested.

lol this nigga is 100% staging it. He prob has MASSIVE tax liabilities in 2017 for shitcoins he received/traded at the peak in Dec. Now many of his shitcoin holdings are worth much less and he doesnt want to sacrifice his entire portfolio to pay it off.

Get fucked nigger

>> No.8928902


Craig Grant was his partner in crime here. He's now livestreaming and promoting P3D.


>> No.8928916

getting robbed in 2018 doesn't remove his tax liabilities for 2017, he can't write losses off on a previous year

>> No.8928928

It's this. He's probably in the hole more than you could ever imagine. He was likely trading with his entire stack and racking up them realized gains

>> No.8928940

lmao what an idiot, I cannot fucking believe that there are people out there who unironically and willingly take advice from complete strangers in crypto

protip: no one knows what the fuck is going on and anyone claiming to know is a scammer taking advantage of people who are dumber than they are

>> No.8928946


He could write it off next year though, and maybe he did sacrifice an entire amont of money on his current portfolio to pay off 2017. The screenshots he was posting recently were being called out as more than he really had.

Either way, nigga is doing something sketchy.

>> No.8928955

As far as I know theft isn't like capital gains. It doesn't have a 3K limit and he can write off what he owes for this year next year.

>> No.8928977

Ian ballina is a dirty fucking nignog stop listening to niggars

>> No.8928991


>> No.8929025

>no one knows what the fuck is going on
To a certain extent I think you're right, nobody can predict prices and bullruns with 100% accuracy. Listening to some rando on Twitter is probably a terrible idea. However, there are CERTAINLY people with more experience and knowledge about crypto than you or me, and it's wise to listen to their advice and consider it.

Saying "lol nobody knows anything" is just as retarded as saying "listen to me I know everything." Don't be a retard.

>> No.8929029

Probably because he publicly showed his portfolio, promoted ICOs and got paid for it, but says he's ''advising''.

Smells like a sham

>> No.8929785

dw anon, he's newfag bait so nubiz can waste their time chasing crypto tabloids instead of being remotely useful