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8925727 No.8925727 [Reply] [Original]

Hello everybody on this episode im gonna show you how i got from a 6 figure wage slave to a crypto big millionaire and then i got hacked cuz im too cheap to buy a ledger.Anyway see you tomorrow at McDonalds.Hustle for that burger senpai

>> No.8925736
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>tfw no ledger

elaborate if not larping

>> No.8925761
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Why the fuck do these people post their stacks for the world to see. Just paint a target on your head.

>> No.8925763

>implying the nigger is not trying to evade taxes

>> No.8925775

This dumb nigger posted brag pics of his blockfolio every week. good riddance. I'm jealous as fuck of his NCASH bags, hacker will enjoy dumping those.

>> No.8925783
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If you look closely you can actually pinpoint the exact moment his heart breaks in two.

>> No.8925784

He stored the private keys on Evernote. Guess that graph regarding average niggers iq is true after all

>> No.8925798

He signed out of his account using a phone while streaming
There's no hacking going on here

>> No.8925803

Is I lost all my coins an actual excuse? Is it classified as a capital loss?

>Sorry IRS I lost all my crypto gains.
>No worries mate lets call it even then.

>> No.8925811


>> No.8925827

I don't know, not a burger. But it's certainly something a 2 digits IQ nigger would not think about too hard.

>> No.8925856
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>> No.8925870

I dropped my gold in the river while fishing, whoopsie

smart nigga

>> No.8925871

What is evernote?

>> No.8925886

People actually believe this? Obvious tax evasion.

>> No.8925900

fuck you, peace of shit

>> No.8925917
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Ironic his stream called hacking the system was live when this happened.

>> No.8925919

How is it even possible to hack google account if you have 2 step verification

>> No.8925934 [DELETED] 
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>2 step verification

>> No.8925942
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Still want to see the video.

>> No.8925946

Nice picture, did your mom take it?

>> No.8925995
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Oh yes, I've been waiting for this day

>> No.8926099

Obvious obvious tax evasion.

>> No.8926109
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rest in peaces

>> No.8926110

He is just doing this to evade taxes. What the fucking odds he is hacked THE GODDAMNED DAY BEFORE TAXES ARE DUE?

>> No.8926298

Dude you fuckin idiots, taxes that are due this week are for 2017 lol. If he magically lost all his money now it wouldn't have shit to do with last years taxes you brainlets.

>> No.8926337

Tell me exactly how taxes work and how theft works with your losses on taxes? Hint it can carry over to next year and negate anything he currently owes from last year.

>> No.8926345

I hope this fucking nigger dont drop his wan bags now.

>> No.8926373

This is his wallet? The Hacker uses "IanBal_Hack_2" this is what hackers do?


>> No.8926389

People always jump to 'tax evasion' or 'dev exit scam' or 'exchange stole its own funds!'. The majority of the time its really a hacker as its like the only type of funds online a hacker can steal and cant be reversed. Every minute of the day hackers are trying to get into exchanges or into wallets.
If he wanted to just say it was hacked or stolen he could do it in his free time then report it to the police to get it on file and then claim it on his taxes, he wouldnt have to make videos about it.

>> No.8926442
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>The majority of the time its really a hacker

>Trevon James
>datadash (not hacked but "lost" money)
>Ian Ballina

All "hacked" sure buddy.

>> No.8926518

He will have a pretty big SEC procedure up his ass for promoting unregulated, unlicensed coins as an American citizen. Possible seizure of his assets or part of it. It is highly likely as "influencer" he will be treated as an example marketeer for unlicensed ico's. A friend of mine is a consultant at a pretty big law firm and he is telling me SEC is really going to deliver a lot of big punches in the entire crypto world in the coming months, they are preparing lots of cases. They want to make sure the signal gets out their authority is not to be underestimated. I really see them making an example case out of Ian especially because he is so vocal, even explicitly advising illegal schemes such as ncash.

Other than that, he is a massive fraudster. On multiple occasions he tried pumping prices by doing tweets on "massive announcements" with shocking emojis and later deleting his tweets and/or videos.

This guy is going to get it coming. One way or another. He knows nothing about the tech and is merely approaching crypto as a salesman and get rich quick scheme. Most people are, problem is he is a bit too vocal to go unnoticed.

This """hack""" will change nothing. In fact, it will probably make it easier for the SEC as losing of all assets is highly suspect. Ian is feeling the heat and thinks he can outsmarten the sec and the tax offices.

He will get fucked hard, trust me. Maybe not today or tomorrow but it will happen.

>> No.8926560
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>> No.8926607

so 2018 bear market confirmed?

>> No.8926726

>Pretend to get hacked
>File taxes
>Tell the IRS you lost money investing
>Get gibs

>> No.8926759

At least you tried, Ian

>> No.8926775

you merisharts arent the world lol

>> No.8926786
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>A friend of mine is a consultant at a pretty big law firm and he is telling me SEC is really going to deliver a lot of big punches in the entire crypto world in the coming months, they are preparing lots of cases.

>> No.8926790

*smacks lips*

>> No.8926887

I know first hand that some people promoting ICOs on YouTube have gotten subpoenas from the SEC

>> No.8926910

Not a larp, it is actually happening as confirmed by many people in the sphere. The groundwork is being laid.

>> No.8927630
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>He stored the private keys on Evernote.

>> No.8927727

>Not a larp, it is actually happening as confirmed by many people in the sphere. The groundwork is being laid.
literally been hearing that for 18 months. Nothing has been hit except obvious illegal scams like bitconnect. Not a single grey area ICO has been hit.

People will keep saying "SEC is about to hit hard in the next few months" for then next 10 years and then nothing will ever happen except to obvious scams.

>> No.8927858
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Why would the hacker do it when Ian is awake and by his computer and not when he is sleeping or flying?
Didn't that bitconnect guy Trevon also get "hacked" on livestream?

>> No.8927894

No. One could argue he did it to see his reaction live but really it was just so that Ian had evidence he didn't do it he could present to the IRS.

>> No.8928220

What if he really is only claiming he got "hacked" because in agreement to shill icos for tokens, there was a holding period for the tokens. I.E. 6MO. Just claim hack and boom dump'em without breaching any agreements.

>> No.8928256

they hacked today on purpose to make people like you say that

>> No.8928326

How much money did he lose?

>> No.8928561

Getting hacked in 2018 will not affect his 2017 taxes. Not sure why everyone is saying he did it to evade taxes unless you are retarded and don't understand how taxes work. But his 2018 taxes will have some nice capital gains losses to carry forward for many years....

>> No.8928601

And all you retards are falling for it again. This is the easiest way to avoid taxes and "unfortunately" perfectly timed.

>> No.8928760

Maybe he can itemize all of that expensive sushi and hotel stays in with his tax returns. Muh made it by getting lucky in an ico and then shilling scams on pajeets. Muh 6 figure slave hard lifestyle

>> No.8928828

>Is I lost all my coins an actual excuse?
No, as burden of proof is on him that he has no power over the funds anymore. Hard to prove that you are not in charge anymore here - they will conduct an investigation in his case, screen all his bank accounts (and will continue for the foreseeable time) and watch the fiat/crypto-gateways for his name.

If he really try to avoid taxes this way, he will be in for a world of hurt and misery, as the IRS is not stupid.

>> No.8928867

You're giving him too much credit. What's he gonna do, say all those coins that got hacked magically showed back up later on?

No, the real explaination for this is probably the simplest one, he's just a dumb nigger.

>> No.8928871

Did he really?

>> No.8928885
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From the tax standpoint goys, this seems legit. The UK tax year starts on the 6th of April "right", Balina is a UK resident and if he was gonna hack himself he would have done it the previous tax year ie before 6th, then he would have been able to deduct his losses from the gains. He now has a hefty tax bill and no funds.

>> No.8928900

Oddly enough he also tweeted out:

2/ Hacker has stolen my funds and is about to sell on @kucoincom.Please help in contacting them. $ETH $BTC $KCS

But then very quickly afterwards, deleted this tweet. (You can search that Kucoin @ and see his followers that tweeted them after he posted it).

The really strange thing is, at that time no funds had been moved to Kucoin from the wallets identified as the hackers yet within minutes of that tweet having been posted/deleted, suddenly some funds were being moved to a Kucoin wallet.

I was more of the opinion before that happened that he was just being stupid, holding millions of $ in crypto with poor security but this points more towards the more dodgy behaviour that others have suggested.

>> No.8928926
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Guys I'm being real here, whenever someone says ohh this or this person has such a punchable face I always thought it sounded so edgy and I never understood what it meant. But this nigger has the most weird punchable face I have ever witnessed. Have you guys seen how his face moves when he talks it looks so fucking stupid. And his fucking accent sounds so retarded AHHHHHH

>> No.8929428

*promotes scam project*
*dumps bags after brainlet followers make the price skyrocket*
*evades taxes*

>> No.8929481

It’s literally the worst time wtf. A better time would be before 2017 ended so he wouldn’t have realized the gains in any way.

>> No.8929495


Do you have proof for this? Cannot find it.

>> No.8929712

no, just 1 in a million coincidence that the hacker shares the name with his victim. these are crazy times

>> No.8929763

Agree...timing is too convenient.

>> No.8929937

>ico stream called "Hacking the System"
>gets hack


>> No.8930578

These wallets are tagged by Etherscan so people know the wallet contains fraudulent/stolen dumbass

>> No.8930590

These wallets are tagged by Etherscan so people know the wallet contains fraudulent/stolen funds dumbass

>> No.8931847

who cares if their memecoins were stolen from some nigger

>> No.8931990

Serious question : if he didn't post everyday his portfolio in his instagram, would he have been hacked?

>> No.8932699


He is crying now


>> No.8932769

It's a larp. There's a ledger shilling operation going on if you haven't noticed already.

If you want a hardware wallet get a trezor, but a paper wallet is even better security-wise.

>> No.8933230

you're a big boy huh

>> No.8933376

I'll make him pay, Ian... He'll pay...

>> No.8933405
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What does it mean??

>> No.8933691

>What does it mean??
That he still is the owner of the coins and for some reason does want to give the impression that he is not.

>> No.8933948

>He now has a hefty tax bill and no funds.
He could be trying to wiggle out of paying the bill though, by claiming he lost it all, and is no longer able to do so. I'm in no way familiar with UK tax law though

>> No.8933972

He probably had a friend do it for him

>> No.8933993
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>> No.8934001

Someone post the fucking video link

>> No.8934027

he deserves this

>> No.8934155




>> No.8934176
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