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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8923710 No.8923710 [Reply] [Original]

fuck this shitcoin and it's pajeet shills

>> No.8923751
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>> No.8923783

How are them bags faggot?

I've been making so much money ever since I dropped Rupee Network

>> No.8923838

ERC20 and bitcoin support is close to ready, just check the most recent merges on git.

>> No.8924004

And when we're also providing a Bitcoin Oracle, you'll scream for us to share.

>> No.8924042

First ICO backed by Y-combinator (out of 2)

Only ICO to partner whit PwC in Europe. (pwC only partner whit 2 worldwide)

>> No.8924050


>just w-wait it will moon soon

money talks, bull shit walks. Fuck your pajeet coin. I'm in crypto to make money not to chase failed projects.

>> No.8924071

Y combinator backs with every start up imaginable and they only partnered with PwC france dipshit

>> No.8924143

1.) Can you explain why you've analyzed the project as a failure?

2.) Are you investing or gambling? How long do you wait for something to "moon" before you become impatient enough to abandon it for something else? What are the metrics that you use to judge something's moon potential? Is it solely by the length of time something has stagnated, or is it something else?

You honestly sound like an addicted day trader whose money burns a hole in his pocket if it doesn't see movement for more than a month or so (Which, if you realized, was the case for every single crypto during the last 4 months. Everything actually went down.)

But keep chasing those moon missions kid, maybe you'll compound your 5% per day until you make a bad trade and lose a month's worth of effort.

>> No.8924183

double post is sign of a nervous idiot

>> No.8924231

Because crypto is all speculation, it's the only reason why coins moon.
REQ has shit tier speculation, and there's no incentive for holding.
>muh coin burn

Will be so slow and insignificant, at BEST it will be a 5 percent increase in Reqs price every year

>> No.8924262

I guess I can understand why you'd prefer speculating in this highly speculative market, but is that honestly the only thing you care about?

Do you actually think crypto in general will be adopted in the future, or are you just looking at it as a way to make quick money without actually believing in any of the products you put your money into?

If it's the latter, I can't help but look at you as another short-term idiot. I have around 140,000 REQ, and I'm sitting on it. Because I've made enough in 2017 where all I need now is to actually choose a smart investment in this space in order to "make it."

I no longer need to speculate (gamble) on moon missions.

I hope you end up making it, but with that kind of attitude I really can't see it.

>> No.8924323

Y-combinator has a 5% acceptance rate. and request was their first ICO

PwC France is the biggest fo Europe

>> No.8924335

Sounds like you bought into the muh blockchain will change the world kool-aid.

Once the speculation wears off, all these meme tokens will lose a lot of fucking value because the current value is driven by pure speculation and not utility.

I want to make money while this mirage lasts, and not end up with useless memetokens.

>> No.8924380

Good luck I guess. Things are only driven by speculation until utility starts to actually happen, and if you haven't seen the start of this you're blind.

It sounds like you're someone that jumped into crypto late 2017 because he heard that people were making a lot of money off it, think it's retarded, but see it as a vehicle to scam money off others.

Your kind is continually the type to get fucked over and over again attempting to time the market and anticipate speculation. I actually pity people like you.

>> No.8924439

Bitcoin is going to hit a new bottom soon and you're holding REQ lol. I fucking hate hodl retards like you, you think you're so smart because LE VALUE INVESTING IN CRYPTO.

So many people didn't sell the top because of the retarded mindset that you hodl tards hold.

Timing the market isn't hard. You sell when every shitcoin imaginable is mooning and buy back in when despair is at it's highest.

>> No.8924471

>"Timing the market isn't hard"

>> No.8924490

Yeah I told you how to time the market, but keep thinking it's hard. You probably held REQ through that $1 pump all the way back down to 15 cents

>> No.8924497

You realize the people that made the most money in crypto are the ones that held for years, right?

But nah, keep panicking about every dip and chasing every pump like a dumbass that can't stop checking the charts every 5 minutes. Your anger is palpable through the screen.

Also >timing the market isn't hard

lmao. I can't take you seriously after that. Enjoy being another one of the faceless retards on /biz/ that has dreams of striking it rich by timing the market, and saying that it's easy, you just did it wrong that one time.

I bet you see other successful people, and think to yourself how easy it is to do what they did, without having done shit yourself.

You will forever be a loser.

>> No.8924505

Good luck in timing the market in the future bruv, your overconfidence will kill your positions.

>> No.8924524

Yes ive held req since the ico, sold my short bags at around a quarter of the dollar and will not be touching the rest until significantly higher valuations.

>> No.8924539

Nono, what will happen is that the coming bull market where literally everyone can make money by throwing it at any random shitcoin will make him think he's the Warren Buffet of crypto, while he continues to larp and say how easy it is to sell every peak and buy every dip.

The people that do do this successfully are paid six figure salaries, and have more emotional control that this guy, who gets triggered by, and apparently tricked by "pajeets" that convinced him to buy an altcoin he didn't do any research on.

You say the market is easy but you apparently got fucked over by random assholes telling you what to buy on this board. Looks like things are working out for you.

>> No.8924550

You do realize if you sold after every parabolic pump then waited for it to dump to rebuy again, you would have made way more money in the end rather than just hodling through the whole thing like an idiot. Just look at Ethereum for example.

> keep panicking about every dip and chasing every pump like a dumbass that can't stop checking the charts every 5 minutes

the same retarded shit you idiots were saying when REQ dipped to 40 cents.

>> No.8924561

No one can do that with certainty, and certainly not with your whole stack.

>> No.8924581

Of course you would make more money, but it's not realistic to assume you can do it. Look, I get that you must be new at this, but it's one of those things that's easier said than done.

Do you realize that literally every person that's ever had an interest in trading, had the same thoughts that you've having now?

"Why doesn't everyone just buy here and sell here? wtf this is easy."

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.8924626

Holy shit just because you get emotionally attached to your bags doesn't mean it's hard to sell after a big unnatural pump. I don't care if it moons higher, there's always a higher chance it's going to eventually dump. It happens every fucking time to every fucking coin but you hodl tards never fucking learn. How can you call yourself an old coiner.

Yes you can, don't get blinded by greed.

>> No.8924652

So do you have an address that shows your millions in BTC/ETH because you're able to sell every pump and buy every dip?

I'm not calling you stupid because you say that timing the market makes you money, I'm calling you stupid because you're literally saying that you're the best trader in the world.

>> No.8924674

Then try it and see future results, too much timing will lead to FOMO and higher fees.

>> No.8924753

So this thread is a salty anon that believes he’s a master trader that buys low and sells high everytime, upset that he followed the advice of people on /biz/ which led to a bad trade, thus contradicting himself?

Never change /biz/.

“It’s not me, it’s other people that are fucking up my success.”

>> No.8924763

is it really hard concept to understand, sell the pump and buy the dip. I've been sticking to that mantra instead of hodling like a idiot and it has been amazing for me better than holding REQ like a idiot the whole time.

>> No.8924777

I bet this brainlet is 12 yo

>> No.8924801

You will all be trying to sell next time we have a bull market and everything imaginable is mooning cause you learned to do that after what happened in January.

>> No.8924818

80% of my bags in REQ here. Hodling until at least $10.
Have fun chasing pumps, OP. Shit's so irrational, there's no way to predict the next short-term moon. In the end you'll see that it's a waste of time.

>> No.8924884

REQ will never be $10. Stop being retarded. It's a fucking utility token used for fees. Why the fuck would it ever be valued at $10 retard and who the fuck would buy it.

>> No.8925004
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>> No.8925330

So what you're saying is if the apps developed by the devs of the REQ foundation just grab 5% of the whole PayPal chunk (without the stripe, etc.) with a fee of 0.5% they would burn more than 500,000,000 out of 999,999,999 tokens in a year and nobody has to buy the token except the burn mechanism?

>> No.8925348

For lurkers:
61,780 USD * 5 / $0.21 * 365d = 536,897,619

Using the 0.5% fee and the current price.

>> No.8925454
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Buying is automated you retard

>> No.8925469

Automated buying mechanism from an exchange (kyber). Update your pic.

>> No.8925714

My pic is just fine