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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8917741 No.8917741 [Reply] [Original]

I tried and I failed.

>> No.8917754

Don't worry, OP. Nobody is going to mind that you made a mistake using the fry machine on the first day.

>> No.8917767

In the end it not really matters

>> No.8917773

yeah gimme uhhhh chicken mcsandwich

>> No.8917779

I'm in the same boat as you. It's brutal.

>> No.8917787

u dont fail until u an hero.
u can make it. i've felt on my face so many time that have even started to fell pretty comfortable. hold on. try again. it is possible.

>> No.8917793
File: 80 KB, 500x276, 1462752886542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reversed nametag
>the absolute state of wagecucks

>> No.8917807

thread song

>> No.8917810

How much do you earn? Prolly more than all these hodlfags

>> No.8917836
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Speaking of being a miserable failure - Guys, if I withdraw my linkies from binance to MyEtherWallet, how do I send them back? Do I have to have ether on MEW or will it just chip a bit down from my linkies if I send it back to binance (to sell once they hit 1000$ or something)?

p-pls respond

>> No.8917860


>> No.8917867

its over

>> No.8917890

I haven't been here in a while, what are you talking about? Is LINK dead? Surely not....

>> No.8917942

yeah you have to have some ether for gas.

>> No.8917967

And you will continue to fail if you stop trying.

>> No.8917992

just send them back to your binance address.... why is that so hard?

>> No.8917998

Your stupidity has saved you from selling my brainlet friend. Your linkies are stuck in MEW until you can scrounge up enough ETH for gas.

>> No.8918002

Work your way up the ladder and become a McWagey's manager. You will no longer be a wageslave, you will own your very own hut of slaves.

>> No.8918013


>> No.8918089

I haven't actually sent them to MEW, just planning to. I want to have all my crypto off of exchanges. I have like half of them off already in electrum wallets, but I haven't gotten around to familiarize myself with ETH tokens.

Also, who do you think I am, selling low?

>> No.8918120

A daily reminder

>> No.8918125

k broski thx

>> No.8918136

Why is your name Kajow?

>> No.8918191

Not a MEW expert but I keep over 1m LINK in parity and I move it out using MEW since it is fast. I always have at least 0.1ETH to use as gas.

>> No.8918205

Sell about $30 worth of your LINK for ETH if you don't have any already and send it to MEW along with it. Then don't touch it for the next two years.

>> No.8918217

what happens if you have no eth to use as gas? will it just not let you transfer?

>> No.8918223

>Then don't touch it for the next two years
Yeah that was pretty much my plan. Thanks tho.

>> No.8918237


>> No.8918259

>didn't reverse nametag

>> No.8918271

Yeah. It'll probably warn you because it gives you a default suggested amount for the transaction. It's a trivial amount of ETH, like 0.0002 ETH does the trick.

>> No.8918272

Failure is only giving up.

>> No.8918276

it's one of the new camera phones that autodetect mirrors and reverse the image

>> No.8918298

next time i buy in i will have to send some eth to my ledger. thanks for the info boys

>> No.8918482

literally everyone fails. when you see rich successful people they almost guaranteed failed at a bunch of shit but you don't hear about that because even if you fail 99 times but succeed once you still succeeded. read up on jack ma (alibaba). also, I know this sounds like inspirational bullshit but failing can be good if you learn from it. it helps you find your strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.8918547
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how is working at a wagecuck job more looked down upon than living a NEET lifestyle?

>> No.8918574

>I tried and I failed
Every time you fail you are one step closer to success because you have successfully identified one path that does not work.

>> No.8918606

The NEET life that /biz/ shills for involves being rich already via having made enough money to live on without needing a new source of income while spending your days in blissful relaxation. The NEET reality is much more depressing.

>> No.8918610

lemmegetuhhhhhhhh one McBurger please

>> No.8918671

When you say it like this people will keep trying again, just harder, meanwhile often it's better to try not harder but different. Bad method will not give you results no matter if you keep trying and never give up. It seems so obvious, but so many people fail to achieve success because of this "never give up" and "keep believing" memes... You need to adapt and learn along the way.

>> No.8918716

Being a NEET is far less demeaning.

>> No.8919743


Chief slave of a bunch of slaves. Yippee.

>> No.8919767

regroup, reevaluate, retry

keys to success in anything

>> No.8919790

Good, now go fail again.

>> No.8919935


This isnt your last chance man.

>> No.8920243

Only because of the lack of social contact.

NEETs care only about the short term rather than the long term. They see a fast-food job as demeaning but they don't see the possibility of moving to better jobs. They see being a NEET as being comfortable and safe, but they don't see how it could all end when their parents pass away. Do they expect their siblings to pick up the responsibility.

>> No.8920302


>> No.8920373

>They see a fast-food job as demeaning but they don't see the possibility of moving to better jobs

Put the fast-food job on your resume and be forever pigeonholed into menial tasks.