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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8915227 No.8915227 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy Linkpool? Imagine if Link becomes world changing, billions move through it, and you own some of it. That could be mother.fucking.huge. Your actions now dictate the quality of your life in 2, 3, 5 years.

>> No.8915256

Buying linkpool is like buying diet coke. It’s just not the real deal.

>> No.8915263

Wait, why the fuck is LinkPool doing a crowdsale?

>> No.8915273

IM investing solely to get it up and running so the amount of circulating LINK will be greatly reduced since plebs can actually stake their LINK. From a financial return standpoint? Idk and idc, I’ll be throwing 2 ETH at it anyway.

>> No.8915274

Indeed, it's better.

>> No.8915301
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>They want to quit their jobs to work on it fulltime

>> No.8915326

Sorry for dumb questions, haven't looked much into linkpool. But aren't they already taking a cut from the linkies within the pool? If not then it's totally understandable.

>> No.8915397

They have a big amount of upfront costs and they have day jobs they will leave. Anyone blasting them can fuck off, these guys are directly invovled in the community and have done nothing but good things. This ICO is great and could be a huge opportunity.

>> No.8915423

They are, but since they can't have a working product before LINK actually works as intended (which based on the github's progress rate, won't happen for at least another 2 years), they're trying to get some money to chill until then.
The cost would not be prohibitive if they were ready to get started working on the project (just enough to cover a couple dev's salaries, infrastructure costs and some overhead), the problem is there is no chance they can do that.
The LinkPool project needs the ChainLink consensus and node selection code to be ready before it can start operating and that code is simply not there, nor will it be for a while. They're selling wind from now, and if the project ever materializes the numbers they give are pure speculation. Reading their whitepaper is like reading medieval theologians debating on the number of angels in heaven. Speculation built on top of speculation.

>> No.8915466
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While I'm uncertain what will happen i can say that I trust these guys when it comes to tech and genuineness. Same reason I threw in with Sergey.

I'm not personally getting in because I have 1m+ LINK and want to run my own nodes.

>> No.8915817


I don’t trust these at all like I do sergey. Jonny seems competent, but idk. haven’t a notion about the other lad. I’ll be putting in a small bit, but we’re already banking on a successful mainnet launch, as well as ETH scaling (I know the agnosticism, but ETH is the primary use chain for now).

There’s too much unknown about the numbers to justify it. I think the 1k eth is alright though. 500k USD. The lads are from UK too so can convert it there. Idk desu, they have been working on it and JH is a nice, honest guy. But you’re giving up a couple hundred/ thousand link in eth for it. Hard to debate desu

>> No.8916476

I want to trust them, but it's so early. On one hand, getting in now gives you outstanding trust should it come to fruition. On the other hand, I'm still banking on my stinkies making it in the first place.

>> No.8916626

500k USD minus tax, minus overhead costs, divided between how many people. a bit low desu, but whatever

>> No.8916636

agreed. this shit is incredibly risky, sorta like a derivative of something based solely on speculation (for now)