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8914179 No.8914179 [Reply] [Original]

allright, crypto is ded, and I will explain why so with this example:

All the big (stupid) money is gone; retards lost so much money, they are now not willing/able to buy, therefore there won't be another bullrun, as everyone remembers what happend.

as to the chart: Here is what happend:

1. Some whales decide to liquidate a few more shorts, and/or to push their own longs, therefore creating a higher price /w buying for a few minutes

2. normies think "THIS IS IT" and trow in their pathetic amount of money, hoping to EVER reach a new ATH (wich wont happen, cause number 3)

3. whales are standing buy for a few moments, cashing our their longs, building up new shorts/longs, while normies are barely able to hold the current price (perfect balance of guys who NEED to sell and few greedys who want to make more money)

After step 3 whales decide to make another push upwards, or downwards, depending on their shorts/longs.
Just watch the HUGE geen/red dildo at every beginning and then the few smaller ones (those are pajeets trying to jump on the train)

As to bagholders: they dont determine the price, as they do not create demand or else. meaning at some day, they will end up back to 0 without doubt

as to the greedys: they keep loosing money over and over trough every bart-circle, and after a while they wont have money to participate in longs/shorts
what will ultimately crash the price will be the time, when normies run out of money to buy into every dip/bart. suddenly noone is willing to buy anymore, and we will be back to 0 with a few more bounces. but those wont be higher the 7k or 9k, since noone is stupid enough to buy more than that.

dont you get it? you are NOT holding anything of worth! As soon as normies loose intrest or even worse CANT buy cause they be broke as hell, we will drop down to 0, with only a few bounces,cause broke greedys are wasting their money on the way down.

>tl;dr ur fukd

>> No.8914225

delusional newfag

>> No.8914252

well, see for yourself and take a closer look to the next green/red dildos.
Even better, go back in time and compare to the chart..

>> No.8914284

>everyone remembers what happened.
> wont be another bull run

Stopped reading right there boss. Whatever you think based in this premise is wrong and you will see how wrong shortly. Theyll all come right back for more FOMO once the price starts going up. Simple mass retard psychology.

>> No.8914289
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Yup, that's a good explanation of the mechanics behind the bart pattern. Also, if anyone is interested to know, we started seeing bart patterns right after February 23. If anyone remembers, after the dump from 11k, there was a recovery which abruptly ended when a whale flash crashed the price by almost 1000 dollars if I remember correctly. My guess is that it was the last "smart money" to leave the market. The first bart happened just 2 days later.

>> No.8914328

maybe, but since the price will stay manipulated, the the reatards will show as weak hands and sell after the first dips occour, therefore neglecting and chance for another bullrun..

>> No.8914369
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spot on analysis op. all of these coinbase ATH credit card """""investors""""" are about to learn that they've been irreversibly JUSTed by the world's biggest ponzi once the reverse bart candle takes crypto straight to hell.

>> No.8914470

So you think the small candles are of indian ethnicity. The absolute state of ta faggotry

>> No.8914494

it doesnt really matter if they are acutally indian or just burgers waking up..
it's effd anyway