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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8913135 No.8913135 [Reply] [Original]

without memes
without shilling your shitty bags
WHICH coin/token/project has the best fundamentals on the market right now?

>> No.8913150

VeChain objectively

>> No.8913159

Bitcoin. I don't even own it, but 8 years of constant FUD and derision and attack vectors and it's still the #1.

>> No.8913160


>> No.8913163
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not even shilling but if you didnt buy as much XLM as possible back in october after the IBM news I can't help you

>> No.8913173


yeah hows their code looking?

>> No.8913187

btc amb wtc

>> No.8913199

95% bitcoin. 5% gambling away sats

>> No.8913216

FUN no doubt

>> No.8913224

> functional product
> mainnet of superb new UI going to launch soon
> ahead of schedules
> going to partner with European bank for crypto to fiat loan
> fully decentralized, unlike their competitors
> utility token, not security token unlike their competitors
> BTC collateral Q2
> not bitconnect
> already thousands of ETH lending volume
> still rank 168 in coinmarketcap despite it's greatness
you can even using their platform to lend your ETH even if you don't want to invest in them to get those premiums.

>> No.8913227


>> No.8913249

I find the lending shady, especially in crypto. And i think many people think like this. That can hold back the project because reluctant buyers.

>> No.8913360


>> No.8913379

it might grow when bitcoin enters into the next crazy "bubble" and those late to the game think they might have found the new bitcoin, just to be justed, same as the bitconnecters

>> No.8913418

>8 years of constant attack vectors
Do you know what those words mean?

>> No.8913450
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Devery (EVE)

>JD.com (China's largest online retailer) handpicked Devery for their Blockchain Accelerator program, together with another 4 blockchain projects (Bluzelle is one of them)

>Partnered with the Tunisian Ministry of Education and the United Nations World Food Programme to verify the supply chain of food which will be distributed to more than 6000 schools in Tunisia

>Team is hiring more devs, new marketing team and acquiring new advisors (will be announced at the end of this month)

>Team moved their HQ to Beijing to work closer with JD.com

>Possible exchange listings on OKEx and/or Huobi since team is now working in Beijing

These are some of the reasons why I believe Devery will be one of the biggest gainers in Q2 and Q3 this year.

>> No.8913512

Monero. King of darknet. Darknet made BTC what it is today.

>> No.8913516

Yeah, I think this is currently the pullback. Everyone shitting about lending after that bitconnect ponzi. However, if ETHLend team can manage and promote this properly, they can attract mass adoption by lenders. Traditional lenders can even fund an Fiat backed loans so they get a stable income.

Another drawback is they haven't made an app for smartphones, so users must use metamask to access the smart contract.

>> No.8913530

not really, darknet made the BTC of late 2016, after that FOMO made it what it is today

>> No.8913534

My picks:
SPRT because of the swap, it's a gamble but it may 5x, 10x during the swap

>> No.8913537


Fundamentals? Cardano, but it’s going to be a wait

>> No.8913551

Bitcoin Cash. The only arguments people have against it are character attacks, instead of the coin itself.

>> No.8913565

WAU Coin no question. only coin that didnt crash. up from .11 to .19 from jan to today. i told yall. Nothing can compete with wau its frickin made to go up. they call it the first appreciating monetary unit on earth and they are right

>> No.8913566

Thou it's a small holding, I have high hopes for ARK. Their website, blog, etc has been well kept, their working on focusing their issues, roadmaps been chugging along, they have a interface a retard could use and download. Delegate proof of stake does away with mining energy woes as well.

I think next year or two we'll see an emphasis in the crypto market for spending and usability and that's when our coins will really shine. That's when some of our coins will be really dead as well. It's a dotcom boom in a particle accelerator.

>> No.8913570

because the character is an additional attack vector you mong

>> No.8913609

You fucking retard

>> No.8913612
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Dan Larimer
Potential to scale to millions of transactions per second
Inter-blockchain communication
Freeze and fix broken applications
Generalised role based permissions
Use any language that compiles into web assembly
Elimination of transaction fees
True user accounts with usernames
Passwords and account recovery
Web toolkit for interface development

>> No.8913618

Why? Why not for Ethereum? Why not for Monero? Why not for BTC? Every one of these coins has developers who have said/done incredibly cringy things too. yet that didn't stop any of them from taking off.

>> No.8913694

There is no point in trying to represent physical objects with digital blockchains. Useless token.
Provably fair gambling already exists and you do not a separate token for this. At best, Funfair just makes you more assured you will get paid.
Proof of Stake literally encourages people to not use the currency, while giving whales power over the entire network. But it does have decent development on it.

>> No.8913699
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>I want /biz/ to do my research for me
>1 post by this ID

>> No.8913716

This. Otherwise ETH. In a distant third LINK. Everything else is a pajeet shitcoin.

>> No.8913722

What is Link used for again?

>> No.8913723

>>I want /biz/ to do my research for me
literally what's wrong with that
it's public thread, everybody can learn from it, everybody can read it, everybody can discuss the fundamentals here, etc

>> No.8913733

This is just a really shitty pseudo-decentralized database lmao, true piece of shit coin

>> No.8913749

Decentralized oracles which are necessary for smart contract platform success you fucking retard.

>> No.8913757

its obviously stellar
its not close

>> No.8913808

Tron and Bitconnect.

>> No.8913850

Yeah, and my next ICO is gonna be used to cure cancer. Get real, it's a useless token. It always will be too, you can not decentralise information that comes from one source. It's the same faulty mentality for VeChainers, there is literally no point in putting information dependent on a single point into a blockchain or DN.

At best you remove one middle-man with a shit-ton of complexity impossible for anyone to come up with. Hardly revolutionary.

>> No.8913871

And no, you don't end up with no middle-man - you end up with at least one in every scenario. And for smart-contracts, they are already coming to Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.8914836


>> No.8914847


>> No.8914881

i'd say pretty solid with 100 devs.
why don't you go ask the largest assurance certificate company in the world and the largest auditing firm in the world?

>> No.8914902

COLX - 15m marketcap, privacy coin with active devs. In the last 3 days they've made 2 announcements. One for buying and selling online with COLX and another for a credit card that you can use to spend COLX in normal shops and also withdraw Fiat from ATM's. More news coming soon.

>> No.8914912

Electrify by fucking far

>> No.8914914

>information that comes from one source
Thats not what the whitepaper says

>> No.8915086


>> No.8915165


>> No.8915522

nothing else comes close

>> No.8915600

Wrong. DN is mostly using LTC.

>> No.8915648

Development power behind ETH is all thats important at least in medium / medium-long term. Yeah maybe some other empty protocol has an edge on ETH as a smart contract platform but all the momentum is with the Ethereum platform right now. The writing is on the wall for me.

>> No.8915733


>> No.8915783

daily reminder that the chainlaink algo is a single point as failure (same as trusted oracles)

>> No.8915805

so what. Whitepaper tells bullshit.

Also sourceing from several centralized oracles is also possible.

>> No.8915849


>> No.8916033
File: 394 KB, 1286x891, fcd69c01918841bf9de625ba9b6191a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an actual non shit project to look into and you can still get on board on the ground level.

Apex Network/CPX
Still in it's infancy.
Chinapex, which is Shanghai's leading AI and data technology company, is developing a marketing platform.

>APEX will be a platform that allows consumers to maintain control of their data and who can use it.
>The main touch point for consumers will be the Consumer Client App (CPX rewards wallet), which will enable users and brands to interact, with the user maintaining the the power to decide who they like to share their data with and what data they would like to make available.
>Users can set a price in CPX tokens for access to their data, which will be accumulated as the data is accessed by brands.
>The amount of CPX earned can be scaled by increasing the number of brands that have access, how much data is shared and the number of interactions had with a brand.
>This passes the value of data back to the consumer. Instead of their data being collected and sold for profit by third parties, the user can cut out the middle man and receive profit on their data usage in the form of rewards.
>Chinapex already have over 200 enterprise customers using their real time AI powered customer data platform

CEO is on the Forbes China 30 Under 30 list, pic related rest of the team.
This has the potential to become huge. When the project is ready, they can easily sell this platform to their huge enterprise customer base.
Best part is that the use in marketing for this coin is set in stone, so not just a shitcoin expecting to get snatched up by some company.
Go and read about it.

Also a fan of this project.
Very active team, privacy coin and marketplace oriented approach with planned real world credit cards.
Not to mention the coin is now cheap as fuck due to hundreds of millions of stolen coins that got dumped on the market.
Those coins all got sold couple of days ago and it's all growth from here.

>> No.8916152


>> No.8916718
