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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8912088 No.8912088 [Reply] [Original]

Name ONE (1) real problem that crypto solves.

>> No.8912096
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Efficient transfer of money to scammers

>> No.8912098

buying drugs

>> No.8912101

the double spending problem

>> No.8912102

The oracle problem :^)

>> No.8912104

My poverty.

>> No.8912107

A stable money supply?

>> No.8912111

it solves the 'get the best drugs on the planet' problem.

>> No.8912118

Checked for Hitler's dubs
It bought me a flat and a car. That is two personal problems crypto solved for me

>> No.8912119

World hunger

>> No.8912121

it keeps a couple of NEETS busy.

>> No.8912123

Trustlessness. You don't have to trust a central entity because the network is transparent, lowering barriers of entry to the provision and accessing of financial services.

>> No.8912126

State of crypto ladies and gentlemen

>> No.8912136

the Byzantine General's Problem

>> No.8912146

that is why there is multi sig and escrow for people who don't do their research and trust every elk who wants their credit card number and SSN

>> No.8912152

Irrelevant. Normies don't care about this. They'll trust a literal criminal organization with zero consideration.

>> No.8912155

irrefutable, immutable quality assurance in vertically integrated supply chains

>> No.8912162

Logistics and documentation

>> No.8912164

This thread isn't about what normies think.

>> No.8912169

Censorship resistance is literally the only thing and that's all we need.

>> No.8912172

I know for a fact that most of the people I know (about 5 including my parents) would absolutely love to have a ledger that openly displays the transactions of everybody they know.

>> No.8912183

If the criminal debt bankers propaganda arm keeps the FUD up more normies will risk a look into that ebin bitcoin and will get instantly red pilled. Funny part, they have to keep up the FUD to protect the dollar. Poor fools playing a losing game. Ovens will be filled with the remains of bankers, journalists and politicians when a critical mass will be reached

>> No.8912187

You say that like the illicit drug trade isn't a multi multi billion dollar industry.

>> No.8912189

enslavement of mankind via currency debasement

>> No.8912200

(((The International Banking Schemes)))

>> No.8912213

Never bet against nosy bitches being nosy

>> No.8912224

kike tyranny

>> No.8912231
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I don't have a lot of money.

>> No.8912240



>> No.8912246


Voter fraud

>> No.8912255

Me not having a dodge challenger

Thanks for that btw

>> No.8912268

The problem of me still having loads of money.

>> No.8912269


>> No.8912280
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Why don't you have it explained from the creator itself

>> No.8912307

It refreshes the otherwise stale pool of memes on this board.

>> No.8912310
File: 903 KB, 1366x768, richard stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly he talks about time-sharing computer systems. Something RMS keeps bringing up in his talks too.

Satoshi == RMS ?

>> No.8912311

censorship resistant value transfer

>> No.8912317

It feeds mi familia

>> No.8912341

international payments

>> No.8912343

The inflation problem

>> No.8912355

Creating trustless pyramids.
Now buy into powh.

>> No.8912360


>> No.8912396

fucking delete this before they come for you. my brother was killed after he exposed the truth. DELETE THIS.

>> No.8912426

Jew middleman in literally EVERYTHING you dumb fuck.

>> No.8912452

The Oracle problem

>> No.8912946

Being poor

>> No.8912957

Sending big amounts of money worldwide in less then 5 minutes from your toilet

>> No.8912959

buying roids
thats how I got swole and rich

>> No.8912960

she's rly pretty

>> No.8912962

Short-term highly risky extremely leveraged speculation

>> No.8912961


>> No.8912963


>> No.8913015

because you can reverse your bitcoin transactions once you send them to the wrong wallet right?

>> No.8913661

poor faggots on 4chan can get a little ahead in life before they die in an accident or by nigger hand

>> No.8913685

nostro/vostro bank accounts (2.7 trillion USD locked) not needed any more = XRP.

If you still didn't do the research regarding Ripple/XRP you should die poor.

>> No.8913713

The jews

>> No.8913729

The Oracle one

>> No.8913828

This dude knows nothing about central banks, fractional reserve and inflation. Ask Zimbabwe if BTC has a use

>> No.8913894

>Interestingly he talks about time-sharing computer systems. Something RMS keeps bringing up in his talks too.
A lot of people talk about this desu.

>> No.8913916

RMS is a commie pajeet

>> No.8913939


>> No.8913947

avoiding banks (3rd parties) you fucking moron

>> No.8913993

the end of economic disasters and recessions. This new paradigm just began and 99.99% of cryptos still crash, but the new digital currencies eleiminate crashing and are the best store of value humans have ever had access to. chec out WAU Coin or NUMA for what im yammerin about

>> No.8914009


>> No.8914021

hurdur recession are bad
are you fucking retarded? they fix the market

>> No.8914024


>> No.8914056

Fuck yeah someone else is in on WAU coin and NUMA? The math behind the coin is what excites me most.

>> No.8914899

It solved my lonely dick problem. Made me super rich and i now fuck 10/10 babes.

>> No.8914933

crypto is increasing the speed of wealth transfer from stupid people to smart people
ty for the money, le HODL GANG and /biz/tards who only use 4chan for crypto investment ideas

>> No.8914939


A more efficient way to separate the computer generation from their money

>> No.8915110

The lambo problem

>> No.8915167
File: 137 KB, 1440x370, banner-american-nationalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can send money to Andrew Anglin, and the jews can't stop me.


>> No.8915204

in wau coin and loving how it keeps kicking ass. getting in numa in 2 weeks

>> No.8915508

it actually does not solve the Byzantine general's problem, it just gets very, very close

it does solve the double-spend problem though

>> No.8915583


>> No.8915647

Find some mxe then

>> No.8915851

It's a great currency that won't inflate for 3rd world countries who have a shittier economies than an Indian street

>> No.8915880


>> No.8916319

ur mum

>> No.8916351

My life

>> No.8916495


Also blockchain has already been used to track supplies and distribution in unbanked refugee camps in Syria

>> No.8916651

Getting your money out of countries when the government/commies/fascists/negros/etc come for you (South Africa). Getting money out of countries with withdraw restrictions (Ukraine). A A store of value for when your country's Jew decides to go the hyper-inflation money printing route (Venezuela). A store of value when the systems you trust collapse (Mr. Robot).

Crypto exists as a real world options contract for when the Jews decide to fuck you over.