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8910867 No.8910867 [Reply] [Original]

do people still do amazon return scams?
have amazon started cracking down on SE?

>> No.8910905

whats a return scam anon

>> No.8910926

Still easy AF to do. Just don't use the empty box / didn't arrive method, think of something original

>> No.8910935

Say you received a banana instead of the product

>> No.8910953

Free tablet here i come

>> No.8910966

brb ordering a lamborgini

>> No.8911355

Go to /hbg/ for a chuckle
>inb4 what's /hbg/

>> No.8911399

the homebrew general?

>> No.8911410

Yeah, go read it, (ctrl-f amazon trick)

>> No.8911533

Link it.

>> No.8911541

amazon is not only shop what is cheatable, you can do that same thing with any internet shops

nothing special in amazn

>> No.8911565

what methods do people use these days?
I can't think for myself

>> No.8911620
File: 40 KB, 597x552, Go on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8911853

Easy af to scam any seller out of their product provided they use paypal. I know this because i use paypal on an almost daily basis as a seller.

>> No.8912659

Don't start looking for ways to scam is a slippery slope that will land you in jail and when you get out you'll have record.

>> No.8913529

Agreed. I was a part time eBay/Amazon/grailed seller for awhile and the amount of charge backs and shit I got through PayPal is unbearable

>> No.8913706

no one does it anymore, scammers moved to crypto

>> No.8913726

fucking brainlet , but tell them you got wrong model " already opened retail box"

say you got iphone 4 instead iphone 8 you ordered , and that iphone 4 came in iphone 8 package that was already opened

or something like that
fucking idiot

>> No.8913807


>> No.8913827

I was obliterated by chargebacks on PayPal. Its a big reason I am all in on REQ.

>> No.8913842

As an ebay and amazon seller, i can honestly say that the people who are involved in this shit need to be purged. You 14yr old cucks are utter swine, i've had shit like this pulled on me and its virtually unwinnable.

you cucks are cancer and i hope you die. srs

>> No.8913868

fuck off pajeet being a scamming nigger doesn't come easily to honest people

>> No.8913889

This is just shoplifting, a pathetic petty crime for retards.

>> No.8913893

So fucking stupid. Everyone has a record in America. Most humans imprisoned per captia. Like I give a fuck about breaking the law

>> No.8913911

Scamming is a crime and crime is for blacks.

>> No.8913918


>> No.8913985

Acting like all big companies aren't criminals

>> No.8913998

Try again. I just have a better moral code than you, fuck the rich.

>> No.8914036

Even worse, a communist. Enjoy being butthurt your entire life.

>> No.8914146

retard commie
>le fuck the rich
get the fuck off normal fag you have no understanding of basic reality

>> No.8914222

I have a basic understanding of ripping off corps since i was a tween in the early oughts. This is the era of the scam where the smart don't have to stay poor for lack of tools. The internet will bring down the old system you think is working so well. In California we've been growing weed and breaking the law as white poeple too. It's not a race think POL tards it's a class thing and the poor outnumber the rich. Bunch of inbreds from bama how's your backwords red states doing sucking off Cali and two coasts' tit?

>> No.8914282

Cracks me up how people get upset that I teach everyone how to steal from wally-mart. Fuck them, they don't give a fuck about anyone outside of the Waltons. Born poor, always looked upper class, makes stealing easy as fuck. My test scores were higher than yours too. I was drunk through High school too.

>> No.8914307

tfw know someone who got studio monitors and a 1080 from doing this, and another guy who got speakers/a laptop

amazon is the only company i wouldnt feel bad about doing something like this to.

>> No.8914378

dumb stuff that worked years ago, ie
>"empty box"
>"dry ice"
>"brick in the box"
are out of the window now, you can only do advanced replacements and/or swapping new for used.. still very doable

>> No.8914382

My buddy used to put on home depot vests on and walk out the back door with gas generators. Shit was easy in socal