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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8909542 No.8909542 [Reply] [Original]

Biz, what is the coin/token closest to any type of world adoption? Besides BTC.. Tbh, 97% is very speculative. So tell us? And dont just toss bs around cause og bagholding. Ive been lurking biz for some time and last couple of months quality of posts.... Im not even going to say. To me, honestly XMR is closest to any real use - adoption. Bring it?

>> No.8909560


>> No.8909574

The only cryptocurrency actually being adopted and used by financial institutions is ripple. All othe institutions treat them as a speculative thing, but ripple is being used actually as a technology.

>> No.8909575

And why is that, kind sir?

>> No.8909577
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>> No.8909580


>> No.8909593

Basically the answer is “whatever eventually replaces western union, or if they’re smart then whatever western union adopts before its too late”. And thats ripple.

>> No.8909623

VEN.. come on. Wine tracking and BMW logo.. Dont trust chinks, ever. Everything chinks toss out equals garbage, inflated, overhyped, fake and just not even worth a manfart

>> No.8909638

Vechain is few months away from Rolling out their business solutions. Takes few months to create dapp from scratch but 3days for a business to hop onboard existing one like the logistic chain tracking. - i hope the realworld usecase stands up for the hypevalue of cryptos for all of our sake. Two coin economics, dapps, fiat pairing. First mover advance network effect one chain to rule them all its the end to shitcoins and speculation im sorry to say its over and i didnt make it.

>> No.8909647


doesn't matter if it's all fake; VEN will be a huge winner in the upcoming bullrun

just remember to sell

>> No.8909660

Yes im sure dnv gl does their risk management the biz way

>> No.8909661
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Yeah i remember reading your same drivel regarding antshares

>> No.8909713

DNV GL says: "we have no exclusive deal with Vechain, but we would like to develop for the future with companies like this."

"how interested are you in the currency part?"

"crypto currencies are secondary for me, its interesting, but we are focusing on the technology behind".

"do you have faith in the companies behind crypto currencies?"

" i believe the companies and their knowledge is important. And i believe that there will be many different blochains in the future, not just one that controls everything."

"Director Eriksen feels that not all companies should use blokchain technology. "

"you need to have a buisness case if you want to use blockchain. For us it has always been confidence/security in our sertifications, especially in countries where the confidence is low. "

"but since you believe in blockchain, you must have bought some bitcoins?"

"I have not invested in crypto currencies. My son wanted me to invest, but after it's value fell like a rock, the interest has declined, he says laughing.

>> No.8909739

Unironically Stellar lumens

>> No.8909774
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>> No.8909776

They endorsed vechain, chink scam you say. whats your point? They assessed many companies and liked vechain for their customer oriented approach. In this here your post it says dnv gl is going to use blockchain for sertification can you not comprehend what you read?

>> No.8909794

To be honest, the only one closest is HST(horizon state), they're deploying in Indonesia this year, expected to reach tens of millions, they should be releasing the figures In the next month or so I think. As well as in IOWA this year(through mivote), which uses HST tokens. Either way, HST doesn't need regular token buyers to survive as a coin because its meant to be purchased by companies, countries, councils, charities, NGOs etc, which should start happening large scale this year.

>> No.8909985

NANO and XMR are pretty much the only ones.

>> No.8909991


>> No.8910186
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>Biz, what is the coin/token closest to any type of world adoption?
XRP, unironically.

>> No.8910205
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>implying it doesn't just behave like BTC and doesn't drop or go up when BTC drops or goes up. like every other coin in existence.

Pls drop dead.

>> No.8910207

Enjin is a coin likely to have real world adoption. People don't like it because it's aimed at gamers, but they're already a lot more familiar with meme currencies than the general public, so they're more likely to embrace it.

But the answer you're looking for is Monero. It's the ONLY coin that's used for its actual purpose and to buy stuff in the real world.

>> No.8910240

>only cryptocurrency actually being adopted and used by financial institutions is ripple

Utterbullshit its a PR scam based on lies about back deals and believed in by idiots


utter shit bullshit article. Ney York Times journalist investigated ripples 'bank deals' and they are all but non existent.

Its a centralised token. And your post is fucking typical of the cancer on this board a fucking moron bagholder who ignored good advise to avoid ripple, bought it and shitposts crap he knows is lies in order to get some other poor price to buy the bags that he is rightfully stuck with

>> No.8910248

>Basically the answer is “whatever eventually replaces western union, or if they’re smart then whatever western union adopts before its too late”. And thats ripple.

You nasty lying cunts are out in force today. So glad you pricks lost so much money

>> No.8910255


>> No.8911096

Nobody uses the token. The token is 100% useless