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8900649 No.8900649 [Reply] [Original]

I frequently see blockchain technology compared to the internet in 1995. Why do people say that the blockchain will change the world? What will a mass-adopted crypto society even look like? Just trying to wrap my head around what the future holds.

>> No.8900738


>> No.8900831

Decentralized autonomous organizations instead of corporations, smart contracts instead of business operations, decentralized exchanges instead of stock markets, censorship resistant websites with users and developers both making money out of usage instead of business middlemen... a lot more but honestly those are the biggest ones in my opinion.

>> No.8900848

Oh, also, duh, the biggest one: independent cryptocurrency not central bank notes.

>> No.8900861

its the internet in the 80s, thats right you are this early

>> No.8900866


elections on the blockchain etc...

>> No.8900923

>Decentralized autonomous organizations
this meme again

> smart contracts instead of business operations
contract cannot be enforced out of thin air.

> decentralized exchanges
LOLOLOL crypto has the most centralized exchange and price are heavily speculated inflated.

>censorship resistant
kekkekek the whole thing is in INTERNET.

>business middlemen
but the coin with real cash from centralized exchange, using their waller.

Nice meme. Too late for 2018,

Blockchain is just a word for decentralized database and colocation. Which most companies has been doing since quote a long time.

>> No.8900974
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How does it feel being a brainlet?

>> No.8901033

No, he's right. Blockchain is not as revolutionary as many here want to believe. For the last 10 years, it has been a solution in search of a problem. There are a few applications where is absolutely makes sense and it will disrupt those industries in a big way...but most of the projects out there are just reaching...trying to cash in on the big hype money grab.

>> No.8901107

>Decentralized autonomous organizations instead of corporations
Sounds like communist/socialist pipe dreams about successful, productive companies without any sort of hierarchy. It's bullshit.

>Smart contracts instead of business operations
What does that even mean?

>Decentralized exchanges instead of stock markets
Show me how to trade crypto in a decentralized way

>Censorship resistant websites with users and developers both making money out of usage
Where does the money come from?

>> No.8901313

Open source self-replicating and self-validating database shared by regular people with computers around the world with no possibility to delete, change or fake data on the network pretty much is revolutionary. You cannot trust a regular private server managers to keep valuable information such as bitcoin. This is basically an end to corruption on the internet.

>> No.8901340

Block chain is nonsense op it's a scam, it will die off soon. Nothing more than glorified excel spreadsheets stored piece by piece on a bunch of data bases, it's literally pure novelty purpose.

>> No.8901394

fortune 500 executives are fleeing in droves to join blockchain companies. banks are fudding the shit out of blockchain while simultaneously scrambling to try to catch up. blockchain will revolutionize banking and securities, health care, supply chain, data management and storage, power allocation and usage, insurance, gambling, the sharing economy and more

>> No.8901417
File: 162 KB, 1200x683, smart_contracts sceptic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8901430

Wow, I didn’t know absolute retards still browse this board. Get out and DYOR brainlet

>> No.8901433

On the flip side, it means the database will be rife with nonsense, thus making it harder to find signal in the noise.

Proof needed.

>> No.8901479

how do i prove something that hasn't happened? a lot of people said the same thing about the internet before the tech boom

>> No.8901480

You know spreadsheets changed the world

and databases changed the world

no reason that a "glorified" distributed database couldn't change the world

>> No.8901524
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all of these things should have never been outlawed. the free market (tm) would have found a solution.

>> No.8901855
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Interesting. So in other words, less gatekeeping from banks and other institutions?