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8900107 No.8900107 [Reply] [Original]

i know theres bitdice.. what does funfair actually do?
Is there anywhere to play poker for crypto? i am a shark, but i'm always in the water with other sharks.. i need to find somewhere the shark/fish ratio isn't 5:1 so i can make a living off it.

if there isn't anywhere, i guess i'll go to the casino to play live poker for cash, and grind 5 days a week... even though i've never played a live game in my life.

>> No.8900127

think about it though even if there was would you really want to play against the type of autists who would use it? I'd have to think the competition would be much harder on such a platform compared to what you can find at casinos. depends where you are though. crypto is far easier money than poker even in a bear market. the easy money ended circa 2009

>> No.8900161

live play will always be soft because its mostly rich white people who have no idea what they are doing but just go to Vegas because 'hurr durr what happens here stays here'

online poker is dying for profitability but live NEVER will

>> No.8900268


Poker is dead. And what >>8900127
said, whoever finds an obscure site like that is not a fish.

>> No.8900322

I am in australia. How much softer are the games at casinos?
And yes i would play on a site full of autists, when it comes to poker i have almost rainman like skill.
Tonight, final table on a tourney.. a player called all in, i knew he had nothing, not even Ace high.. i had nothing also, called it with j high and took his chips.

>> No.8900400

hand replay or BS

>> No.8900448


I guarantee you are a fish.


OP, I used to play on swcpoker.eu, it only allows for playing in BTC but it was pretty soft back in the day. Not a ton of volume these days.

>> No.8900470

T. Retard LARPing as Gordon Gecko

>> No.8900488


You seem pretty mad friendo, I suggest you stay that way.

>> No.8900517

Speaking of which... could we implement e.g. a poker game as a smart contract on ETH?

Card dealing would need to be pseudorandom but deterministic yet unpredictable. Can the contract use e.g. the next block hash as pseudorandom seed?

>> No.8900527

CoinPoker. Tony G is one of the founders

>> No.8900657
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Tell me more about bit dice

>> No.8900659

Would you like a heads up bro? Got acr?
I worked out ABC poker myself when i was a kid, 25 years ago.. I've played 1 million cash game hands this year already, started with 1 minimum deposit of 50usd.
My ITM stats for tourneys is 23.3%.

What makes you think im a fish bro?

>> No.8900665
File: 29 KB, 521x533, eggman4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional pokerplayer here, all crypto poker starups are going to fail, because you need centralization in order to combat bots and collusion. Also fish don't want to jump through a few exchanges in order to play.

@OP if you can't beat the sites that still offer poker in Australia you are not good enough.

>> No.8900680
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I'm down for some HU at ACR, just don't know if it's possible to get a table there without battling for it for a few hours.

>> No.8901103

i can beat the players, however its frustrating people try to avoid getting in a pot with me, and clearing out tables/no one joining when i wait at a new table. Another shark who plays allday everyday confirmed with his comments that im not just imagining things. Im not a pro, but i do well at micro stakes and would gladly play you just to measure my skill and maybe get some feedback on where i can improve. I cant play right now, im on mobile coz my gf turned off my pc. My telegram is scraps360 if you want to hit me up sometime, im usually on 6 - 12hrs a day.

>> No.8901152

you lost me at you being a man when you posted my gf turned off my pc. KEK what a sad pathetic unman you are. all those skills but you cant go make money cuz the gf turned off your pc... HAHAAHAHAHAHAH god damn am I glad I was raised on the art of being manly and not letting some vagina dictate how I live or what I do.

makes me laugh and sad at how so many males get turned into sad sacks of unman the moment they get a gf.

go be a man and turn your pc back on and go play some games and if she doesnt like it she can crawl under your desk and suck your cock til she likes it or she likes it

>> No.8901197

Virtue Poker
Not FunFair

>> No.8901236

>what does funfair actually do?
It's a casino platform vendor, they license casino games to operators (casinos)

>> No.8901527

She is actually genuinely autistic, and its 4am here and i played 13hrs of poker today.. she literally gets jealous of my computer, so i have to keep her happy.
If i dont she will have a meltdown about how she cant sleep with me clicking away and should be sleeping beside her, even though i cant sleep because of some serious pain due to being hit by a car last week.. she has lost me money in the past doing this stuff.. about 60k in lost profit from crypto. She cant comprehend money or its value... then complains that we have nothing and never get anywhere... then again, fails to comprehend that i could have had 60k instead of a couple of k if she just left me trade.

>> No.8901548

handle her. I mean lead her, be strong and guide her even if it means sacrifice

maybe get her a comfy chair next to yours or get yourself a nice bedstation

>> No.8901549


>> No.8901580

fukin suk at poker. NL specifically. ive taken the upswing poker lab etc etc. IQ just not high enough. impulsive control not low enough etc etc.

>> No.8901819

Work on your discipline then, also a hud might help you. You dont need a high iq to play poker, although it helps, just know your odds and outs. I came across a poker trainer i wont mention the name of other day, and it tried to teach me bad moves that some might see as correct but its all situational and playing like this program was trying to tell me would just get me rolled every 2nd pot.

Virtue poker is just an ico and coinpoker you need to convert eth to chp, and chp seems like a dead coin.. i want to make money not lose it. Checking out fortunejack now.

>> No.8901882

Fortunejack is just a casino with house only games, no poker:(

>> No.8902040

Try jerking off into ur mouth then faggit

>> No.8902077

i use to play but too value bet heavy and too nervous to bluff or bluffcatch whats your strategy

scared to lose the money basically

>> No.8902190
File: 578 KB, 1029x583, ermmOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure OP?

>> No.8902216


Look into Cardano's Kaleidoscope

>> No.8903078
