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8899749 No.8899749 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8899776

I told everyone who asks irl that I sold the top and have been waiting to buy back in.

Really I fell for the hodl meme and have been DCAing every week with 5% of my wagecuck earnings. I'm currently down 30% on all the fiat I've put into crypto

>> No.8899785

I shorted at 6.5k and I know I will be in the money. Fuck you longfags.

>> No.8899797
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>> No.8899801

I'm George Soros employee and he told us he is gonna pump Numerai(NMR) on Bittrex.

>> No.8899810

I like traps

>> No.8899823

I converted all my alts to btc and now btc maximalist with just under $100k.

>> No.8899825

I held alts during bull market and my portfolio went down ~90%, going below my initial investment

>> No.8899831

bear market*

>> No.8899854

real talk though it doesn't sound like you're in too hard. What are we talking in terms of 0's? 100's? 1000's?

>> No.8899864

Don't worry sir, if you buy Numerai(NMR) on Bittrex your portfolio is gonna moon. Garanteed by George Soros.

>> No.8899875

4 digits, still significant for me though since I only make 30k

>> No.8899883

>I held alts during bull market and my portfolio went down ~90%, going below my initial investment

Same for me.

Also, these last few weeks with alts mooning, I have managed to lose sats by bad trades and not selling when high.

>> No.8899888

my first cryptocurrency investment was trumpcoin

>> No.8899894

At least it wasnt billary coin.

>> No.8899900

See >>8899875

>> No.8899905

lost a grand going full tilt on Bitmex

>> No.8899922

Vergedev here

We will exit you guys faster than you can log in and sell


>> No.8899944


Okay, look at it this way : You can lose 100% of the money you have in crypto, and make it back in under a year. At worst you are losing a little bit of time that you otherwise would have put towards something else on the off-chance that this goes even bigger than it's already gone. Effectively you're gambling a bit of time + earnings now for a potential huge payoff.

You've already made it man. Your 4 figs can become 5 figs. Keep up the DCA and you'll just increase your multipliers.

>> No.8899952

You fucking dirty negro bastard
I'm all-in on GET

>> No.8900024
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Thanks have a thot

>> No.8900071

I sold 100k ADA the first time it went up 75%, missing 20x returns to follow.

>> No.8900139
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tfw walks into mens warehouse
everyone has on louis vutton loafers
i have on sperrys

>> No.8900329


>> No.8900388

Maybe stop trading?

>> No.8900404


>> No.8900484

I sold QLC for a 50% loss 2 hours before it listed on binance and it went up 140%

>> No.8900754

i hold chainlink since november and i did not solt in january

>> No.8900783
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I bought into POWHCoin with absolutely no regrets. I made more than I put in and sold out when the contract started bleeding ether. Dividends are a meme and are only good when people are buying in, not selling out.

>> No.8900982
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>I sold the 6 month ATL
Good luck, anon.

>> No.8901339
File: 41 KB, 398x431, 3852F8B3-D307-4A9E-A633-4A2AB1FAD7FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I did buy bitcoin at 9k and sold at 15k I fell for a lot of shilled shitcoins inbetween so by the time I converted it back to fiat I was 10% under my initial investment. Everyone thinks I doubled my money but it’s not true. I thought my shitcoins were doing well but I had them compared to $ not bitcoin so while they were tanking bitcoin was skyrocketing so they looked stable. As soon as I hit the “compare to bitcoin” button I realized what I’d done and converted and GTFO. I am a senior software engineer who made money in the crash of 2008 and have never felt so stupid my entire life. I think it was XLM pump I fell for.

>> No.8901354

Oh also my investment was a 10k loan so at least I didnt lose that but now I get to pay the 20% interest on the loan.

>> No.8901510
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i sold at the atl of 6500 and lost 200$

>> No.8901528


>> No.8901561

i bought in beginning of march and thats when the bleed happened.

had no idea it would get rebuffed at 6500 4 times now. i was DCA'ing just fine too but im a dumbass

>> No.8901566

What African country are you from?

>> No.8901588

>20% interest
Who the fuck did you get the loan from?

>> No.8901594

I bought in early January.

I am still down 40% from initial investment.

I lie to my family and say I'm doing fine in crypto.

I'm not doing fine at all.

>> No.8901605


>> No.8901619

May be 10% idk I’m not sure I’m too ashamed to check

>> No.8901658

I was a biggest bear fag since december.
>ponzi scheme
>tulip mania 2.0

now i'm a bulltard.
>new paradigm
>100k in 2021
>Internet 2.0

>> No.8901675

Yeah but why did you need to sell? I see these sold the bottom posts all the time and the only thing that makes sense is the money used was actually money needed elsewhere

>> No.8901685

i was retarded enough to invest in a pyramid sceme called powm. i luckily got out with 3x gains and right after that the whole fucking thing collapsed. i know one guy who had $80k in that shit and he went to sleep right before the shit collapsed he must have some feels

>> No.8901692

I FUD a lot. I FUD on /r/cryptocurrency, I FUD on /biz/, I FUD on Twitter. I make arguments and then argue against them myself. I gain information and spread credible FUD. I got messages on Reddit with insider information to spread FUD. I do this a lot for both my coins and other coins. I do it for my coins to accumulate and for other coins to reduce trust in competition. I know my coins will do very well because they have fundamentals, and I know the other coins are bad so I do FUD. I do a lot of this even if I probably gain nothing because it's just shitposting and I've been shitposting all my life

>> No.8901734

the way you make it sound i am even more of a dumbass. i have no use for the money i invested.

the fud got to me. like i could live without the 2k i invested but it would still suck to lose it all

>> No.8901748

>the only thing that makes sense is the money used was actually money needed elsewhere
or you want to buy more cheaper if you think the downtrend continues..

>> No.8901786

Same here. Probably not as much as you but I've been shitposting and fudding a lot these past couple of months on biz and reddit. I guess it cures the boredom.

>> No.8901888

I suppose but if you expect it to go lower wouldn't have laddering in been the best approach? Assuming of course you hadn't been holding a while

>> No.8901912


>> No.8901936

I was a SIGTmarine.

>> No.8902009

you can ladder in and ladder out. selling is normal

>> No.8902111
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Most of my current portfolio is a result of me going to coinmarketcap and buying 8 of top 10 biggest coins by market cap. I also have some shitcoins I got either because I like their projects or because someone shilled those successfully enough.

I also unironically didn't pay attention to cryptos in december and january as I was on holidays from wagecucking. Next time I checked in was in early Feb, so now I'm hodling and waiting for better days.

>> No.8902467

my friends and colleagues think i'm some sort of a crypto expert who secretly made millions off of crypto and ask me for investing advice ever single fucking day, but in reality I never really bothered investing in anything even though I knew about it all since 2010

>> No.8902510

Nobody irl knows my interest in crypto and nobody will unless I make it.

>> No.8902854

Same, I lost a lot of money already but still I feel very confident about my position.
Sometimes I shill people into altcoins to make them lose 99% in the next few years. They think they've made a great investment and have to "hodl", but don't realize that almost all altcoins/ico scams are worthless and will be abandoned by the devs.

>> No.8902904

still shouldnt let anyone know even after you make it. except maybe your parents and siblings if they can be trusted, and best friends at the most.

people become fucking gorillas and incredibly fake if they learn you have money

>> No.8902933

You're gonna be alright man. I've had a lot of success and I told a few people because I quit my job and didn't want to look like a useless NEET(started before it went mainstream and everyone looked down on crypto traders) so it seemed like a cool thing to tell people. Wish I never had. Still doing really well but fucking christ it's annoying to have people ask abt it constantly.

>> No.8903202

I believe in the projects I invest in.

>> No.8903338

You will unironically make it.

>> No.8903501


Epic bro

>> No.8903575

I FUD Nano constantly even though I truly believe in it. I invented the "worst ERC20 ever" meme.