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File: 4 KB, 719x385, Zcoin-XZC-Cryptocurrency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8899536 No.8899536 [Reply] [Original]

Biz fags what's the better privacy coin and why? Is Zen cash just a meme?

>> No.8899541

Monero is the one and only privacy coin that matters

>> No.8899561

All Z based coins use trusted setup and could have backdoors. They all suck as a matter of course.

>> No.8899567


Nah Zen is pretty real. First privacy centered platform. While ZCoin like many others is really just a currency. We have Monero for that. However, Monero can't just become a platform.

>> No.8899595
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If you really look into, there's no question that the Zcoin solution will be the one to scale.

Here's a good article pretty much summarizing all different privacy protocols used.

XMR users are like "XMR is the true privacy concerns because it's the best". Haven't seen 1 actual tech argument why it should be THE currency, just politics (kinda like BTC and BCH)

>> No.8899630
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But it will still be Blockchain scaling, which doesn't really match up to a anonymous DAG in terms of scaling (imagine NANO / IOTA with privacy features):


>> No.8899636

buying any coin that start with Z is just asking to get JUST'D

>> No.8899644

This. ZEN is the one I have the most faith in, though I also like XZC. Just not as much as ZEN.

>> No.8899659

Zcoin does not
Zcoin also has smart contracts in it's roadmap. One of the most important advantages is that it's auditable exactly how many coins are in circulation so "printing money" through a big is obvious. It's not auditable with Zcash, Zen and soon xmr

>> No.8899701

>Zcoin does not
Have a trusted setup? Yes, it does. It's right there on the page you linked. The devs even address how they are discussing methods of "undoing" the trusted setup in the future but that it is, not surprisingly, mathematically challenging.

>> No.8899747

Oy I'm just in it for the top dollar, what do?

Lol any partnership with ada/iohk means zero
Zencash has dag? Is it as fast as nano tho?
Zcoin as any backdoor?

>> No.8899772
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ZCoin's base code is also not without issues:

> https://www.chaac.tf.fau.eu/2018/04/12/zerocoinzcoinpivxzoinsmartcashhexxcoin-attack/

Also the project suffered a serious bug LAST YEAR:


> A total of 388450 XZC were created from this bug.

The issue of non audit-ability or possible issues with privacy coins all are a little nonsensical, because every privacy project has its issues. It pretty much comes down to who you'd like to trust developing privacy for you. My bet definitely is on ZEN since with it beeing a ZCash/ZClassic fork has the largest network effect here (along with 9000+ TLS/SSL certificated nodes; which is more than Bitcoin)

>> No.8899774

Can you elaborate or bring a quote? I can't really find who or what you would have to trust using zerocoin protocol

>> No.8899803


>> No.8899843


>> No.8899891

It's right in the FAQ under Setup.
>Zcoin uses the RSA-2048 number from the RSA factoring challenge. The computer’s hard drive which generated the factors were destroyed over 25 years ago. No factoring solution to the RSA-2048 number has been found for the past 25 years, and it is unlikely to be factored in the next several decades. In the long term, Zcoin would eventually shift to a different cryptographic scheme for its setup parameters or move to a trustless setup entirely.
Was the hard drive really destroyed and is the solution probably pretty much impossible to find? Probably. If that solution is found (or if it's just secretly known) then their entire cryptographic setup is broken.

Zk-snarks are cool but until recently it was thought a trusted setup is required. They are also computationally huge, which is a problem affecting both ZCash and ZenCash. zk-starks may solve this but nobody really knows because so much more research needs to be done. In the meantime, Monero just werx.

>> No.8899999
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Well I am no expert on Snarks (yet). But I believe that the computation is delegated to Securenodes or Supernodes which require quite a high amount of ram for the computation. And a Instant payment system (DAG) in between them is being established/researched.

> In the meantime, Monero just werx.

There is a recent issue with Monero though, which might degrade its privacy. With the recent chain forks (Monero Classic and Monero-V); anyone claiming them will reveal part of the network. That is not debatable, it is an attack the Monero research lab wrote about in their first paper. If a single person claiming the fork impacts the privacy of all on the network, then how does an entire exchange like Binance/Bittrex/Poloniex with their large holdings impact privacy after claiming their forked coins? Monero works yes, but when it comes to privacy there will be constant improvements and also attacks.

> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/82qdf3/is_monerov_a_ploy_to_weaken_moneros_privacy/

>> No.8900028
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>> No.8900093

Nice get.

The forks are definitely a problem. The only way to "solve" it right now is to increase the default minimum ring size to get more mixins (up from 5 to 7 on the latest chain) and to just generally discourage users and exchanges from even supporting these scam forks in general. If people can't sell the shitcoins, they won't bother compromising their privacy. There is no market for these coins because there's no real demand for them to exist. Nobody seriously thinks we "need" a version of Monero with a capped supply, it's just a stupid excuse to try to scam people out of their private keys and/or attack Monero.

Most Monero users are pretty smart and understand how stupid it is to plug your private keys into a closed source wallet (in the case of MoneroV) or to possibly compromise the network (in the case of the "classic" forks). Monero will survive it because very few people will try to claim these coins.