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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8897809 No.8897809 [Reply] [Original]


Binance wallets down
Kucoin wallets down
Pretty much every exchange is down

>i-t's the exchanges fault!
This shit is broken, there's no way around it

>> No.8897842

it’s currently going for 69k sats on nanex, since it’s the only place people can sell, but it has no volume. this shit is gonna get delisted from binance, screenshot this

>> No.8897866

This shitcoin is as good as dead

>> No.8897870

Fucking redditors getting BTFO again and again lmao.

>> No.8897918

i thought the exchange breaking was exaggerated fud
but today i opened my desktop wallet and it was completely unsynced, and transactions had scrolled back to weeks ago. went to the official plebbit to sew wtf was going on and everyone was sucking up to the devs
>muh universal blocks

decided that i was done with that bullshit, imported my seed on nanowallet and sent it to nanex to sell at a loss
fucking buggy piece of shit

>> No.8897959

By the way, if Binance deposits does end up opening up again soon, expect the biggest dump you have ever seen since Bitconnect. Almost every big player is trying to sell, but is unable to because no exchange with significant volume is allowing deposits, so they can't send their Nano to sell yet.

>> No.8898030

kek where are the nanoshills today? Normally they are so quick to appear and defend their (((currency)))

>> No.8898042

Hopefully they are KYSs making the world a better place

>> No.8898073

Been telling those cunts for weeks NANO is a ticking time bomb with shit fundamentals
They told me to stay poor kek

>> No.8898115

67k now, and expect it to drop much further. Everyone is trying to sell, but no volume available.

>> No.8898204

why does every tiny bit of fud (that always turns out to be false news) make nano crash while xvg keeps climbing mount everest

>> No.8898239

>fake news
I’m the same as >>8897918 but people like you will call it FUD anyway. If I had too much nano, I would still be stuck with it against my will. Nano is simply not working properly, accept that fact.

>> No.8898244
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If you all aren't using this opportunity to buy more nano then you might as well get out of crypto

>> No.8898262

Lol, wait until it drops below 50k at least. Most people are trying to get out right now without many options. Also, it’s saturday. Americans are still waking up to see this. If you think this isn’t gonna drop much more you are retarded and should leave crypto altogether.

>> No.8898272

>typical nanocuck redditor

You retards losing your life savings warms my cold black heart. This shit had more red flags than any coin I've seen before, how I sane person could consider it an investment blows my mind.

>> No.8898315

You are not going to make it.

>> No.8898360
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>12 posters
>only 2 are shills
that’s unusual on a nano thread. are the nanoers to busy hanging themselves? hahahahahahaha

>> No.8898385


>> No.8898447

what’s the point of making us suffer from more price drops?? you know we can’t sell even if we want to

>> No.8898455

Because you were stupid enough to buy in the first place and it feels good to be right
Being right about nano means we are more likely to be right on our holds

>> No.8898461

so you can learn a lesson from your bad investment, buy a coin with less buggy fundamentals next time

>> No.8898505


>> No.8898515



>> No.8898539

I think there might be some substance to the lawsuit brought against them specifically? What if shit nugget Firano is correct and they are even slightly responsible for issues?

>> No.8898858
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I fucking hate plebbit
>s-stop saying mean things to the devs

>> No.8899074

We gonna get royally fucked.
Was thinking on selling in about two weeks but I think I gonna sell at 30 cents.

>> No.8899393

I can't believe I missed selling this shit (at a loss) yesterday when it was $7. FUUUUUUUCK YOU NANO DEVS!!!

>> No.8899400

Nigger always do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.8899608

why the fuck would I buy an even more broken version of IOTA?
Fuck off nucoiner. This shit is busted. Even in the original bitcointalk thread where the dev brings up the RaiBlocks protocol he gets blasted to shit.

>> No.8899637

and ESPECIALLY do the opposite of what redditors say.

>> No.8899648


>> No.8900518
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>ITT: triggered no-nannies

>> No.8900675

Nano "community" absolutely confuses me

Now this Kucoin debacle and they still defend it.

> hacker owns over hundred million and will continue to dump. will forever suppress price
> has a HUGE history of exchange issues
> fast. feeless.
This is annoying because they thing they're the first crypto to do this. That's not the hard part. The hard part is SCALING and preventing NETWORK attacks.
> Muh block lattice
Again, not attack proof

The worst part is the community is a complete hive mind that fails to address or realize what is going on.

AND, it's used for payment only. Why the fuck would it need to appreciate in value? We're here to make money, you can't make money off NANO unless it gets shilled or pumped and dumped.

You need to buy coins that are stores of value or platforms.

>> No.8900721

Fuck nano. Lost 50 percent on this utter shite coin. Fuck the shills

>> No.8900757

avoid redditors at all cost. Block lattice/RaiBlocks got torn to shreds by bitcoin OGs back in the day.

This thread should be mandatory reading.

>> No.8900990

>Breaks exchange after exchange for years
>Thought it was fud
Lmao biz never change

>> No.8901080

NANO is shit, i bought at 70k in december and didnt dump it all the way until now. I got reddited and i deserve it.

>> No.8901109

Feeless bruhhh

>> No.8901147


>> No.8901218

Those stupid faggots who I argued with about nano being fundamentally flawed are already down 60%. Can't wait for them to get totally dumpstered and flatline at sub $1 in a few weeks.

>> No.8901297

crypto leaving /g/ was a mistake. no-tech crypto investors are the fucking worst.

>> No.8901552

Torn to shreds? I read it all and the dev replied to all the points made with reasonable arguments. And towards the end of the thread, that "monsterer" kept making incorrect points.

>> No.8901568

Nano wallets down = nano killing exchanges????????

>> No.8901596

People think Nano is flawed because they view it from the perspective of a traditional crypto like Bitcoin.

Bitcoin provides a lot of structure that ultimately isn’t necessary for a currency. As a result, that structure limits tx throughput.

Nano makes design tradeoffs - partial ordering, gossip consensus, representative voting - that improve throughput at the expense of perfect historical ordering, benchmark consensus points, and perfect democracy, respectively.

Nano is big enough now that significant incentives for attacking it exist. That it hasn’t been successfully attacked throughout all the hype is a good indicator that it is in fact a robust system.

>inb4 triggered BTC maximalists say “nodes need a profit incentive instead of a preservation incentive”

>> No.8901602
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How do you think exchanges hold/trade nano you fucking cult member?

>> No.8901646

> That it hasn’t been successfully attacked throughout all the hype is a good indicator that it is in fact a robust system.

Not necessarily. In fact, all these issues demonstrate it is not robust. NANO hasn't reached a large enough demo yet to warrant attackers to attempt it.

Truthfully, you need maximalists to back a crypto for it to reach a larger scale. Otherwise, it serves a niche market and will never reach top 5

>> No.8901656

just because nano wallets are down doesnt mean the exchanges are down it just means that nano is a piece of shit

>> No.8901663

You absolute fags the nano devs asked exchanges to deactivate their wallets so they can make some updates

Btw lost 100 NANO on bitgrail so they are locked at 10$, get shreked noobs

>> No.8901706

topkek how about you are a fucking retard

>> No.8901778

Not one single protocol issue has arisen. Issues are entirely within implementations (and exchange implementations, at that).

Same is true of Bitcoin actually - the protocol is flawless. Implementations are the bottleneck on the wallet side (see Peter Rizun’s work on the gigablock testnet initiative for proof).

Obviously Bitcoin has existed longer, so the Lindy effect applies to it more strongly. But as the years go by and Nano continues to exist, the same will be true of it. Only question is whether the market wants to use a fast, free crypto as money. Time will tell.

>> No.8901780
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There are no incentives. I don't know how you could possibly think that's a good idea. You must have brain damage or something. Raitrash would work on a smaller scale, if maybe a few small towns in some shithole used it for buying groceries, and that's it. It won't replace VISA, it will not replace anything. It will not scale. You'd increasingly be relying on datacenters handling the throughput, and you'd expect them to do it FOR FREE.

Spam attacks absolutely would be a problem, you can pre-compute it then release to the altruistically ran network. The adversaries would have massive incentive to fuck your shit up and you'd be crying that you're not being protected FOR FREE. Oh and their team runs 6 of the 10 representatives. They pick them with naive coin-voting. Their consensus is terrible.

Terabyte-block Bitcoin is a better scalability "solution". Raiblocks is an absolute joke.

>Nano is big enough now that significant incentives for attacking it exist.
It's not really and I can't short it yet.

It's already had a load of issues and barely anyone even uses it.

>> No.8901866

lend my support to someone called "JayDubs"? I think not

>> No.8901878

They fucking love that word. Like they're so dominant shitting all over coins that have gone a triple digit number of days without a catastrophe. Fucking nano.

>> No.8901895

Nah bro. Game theory is a lie.

>> No.8901927
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>> No.8901935

>fast and feeless
>great tech

fucking lol stupid shitcoin.

Rumors are Binance will not open open until they find out what is causing double deposits. That is why withdrawals are fine and deposits are blocked. Been like this for a month now.

Shit tier tech. It'll bitgrail every exchange it lists on.

>> No.8902142

this guy fucks

>> No.8902151
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>> No.8902163

this guy reddits

>> No.8902203

Ok now we’re just literally making stuff up and calling them “rumors” lmao.

>> No.8902245
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Should I sell

>> No.8902280

Thanks, I do this for the (You)s.

Fun game theory fact - did you know that humans are psychologically wired to favor loss aversion over equivalent gains? Since running a Nano node is fundamental to the health of the network (and thus directly impacts the safety of your coins), it could be argued that the incentive to run a node in Nano is STRONGER than the incentive to mine in Bitcoin, because (assuming equal value in both systems) human actors would gravitate toward the loss-averting behavior over the gaining one. Of course, BTC’s network value is much higher now, so that’s not relevant yet, but it makes an interesting point about Nano’s “stickiness” and perhaps indicates that it will gain traction at a quicker organic rate than Bitcoin.

>> No.8902367

There are block and hash numbers of the transactions and constant talk of the verified double deposits on their (nano) discord, how is it a rumor?

You can go look it up in the nano chat history yourself one of the core devs was part of the conversations from memory.

Go kys you dumb pajeet
>fast and feeless
>great tech

>> No.8902402

i sold all my nano on nanex when binance suspended deposits a few weeks ago, and unironically went all in on chainlink instead because of memes, i'm 33% up now

>> No.8902408

Unironically yes. The problem is, depending on how much you have, you might not even be able to.

>> No.8902729

i imagine a solution will be created. the underlying problem is solvable, it just hasn't been treated seriously enough to devote manpower to it. i hope that changes.
i'm holding for months to years, so I don't mind a few speed bumps.

>> No.8902879

> hacker owns over hundred million
>Circulating supply: 133 million
Nigga' please

>> No.8902968

Hi, everyone. OP here. Just finished accumulating. Thanks for helping me with the FUD, even though half of the posters here are myself. Managed to take advantage of this development and Increased my stack
Expect Nano to moon next week. Thank you for your time. Every new technology comes with a few bumps on the road. Bitcoin and Ethereum was no different in the beginning. Nano is a very solid investment in the long term.

>> No.8903049

I sold based on this thread AAAAAAA

>> No.8903085


>> No.8903123
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It literally CANNOT fucking work, you still need some incentives (in the form of fees or mining rewards or whatever) for running nodes and for security, there's none of that in NANO, so it's de facto centralized, the network's gonna get fucking compromised before the eoy, lmao, but whatever fagit it's your money not mine

>> No.8903129

lmao. gg
Surprised so many /biz/tards still fall for shit like this without bothering to do a simple google.

>> No.8903152


>> No.8903156

Nano is the official communist coin. It won't pay any compensation but people will still run nodes because of altruism.

>> No.8903164

>Torrents literally CANNOT fucking work, you still need some incentives (in the form of charging money) for seeding torrents and for security, there's none of that in bittorrent, so it's de facto centralized, the network's gonna get fucking compromised before the eoy 2006, lmao, but whatever fagit it's your files not mine

>> No.8903242

the difference is there's no futures market where people can make millions of dollars by taking down torrents. if Nano gets that and still survives then it will have officially proved itself in my mind, but not until then.

>> No.8903252
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>> No.8903272

torrent trackers incentivize good uploads with reputation (green/pink name on TPB for example) and on private trackers, uploading/seeding will give you access to better/exclusive materials (given your upload ratio remains above a certain threshold)

>> No.8903316

NANO is gonna get delisted from Binance like Centra pretty soon. Sell now or be fucked permanently.

>> No.8903447

If you wait for it to be fully proven there will be minimal money to be made. The core code for this coin is still being updated regularly. It has a working product but is not finished. Buying now is gambling but with the security audit happening, the mobile wallets in beta, and the ambitious roadmap (after delivering on the previous one), its a solid bet. If you are risk averse, stay out until everything is proven and finished.

>torrent trackers incentivize good uploads with reputation (green/pink name on TPB for example)
True but not a direct parallel in the analogy.
>and on private trackers, uploading/seeding will give you access to better/exclusive materials (given your upload ratio remains above a certain threshold)
Also true but the vast majority of seeders are not participating for rewards on private trackers. The nano network currently has far more nodes than it needs to run it's current network load and the desktop wallets function as nodes so this will only increase. Distribution of 24/7 nodes is viewable at http://xrb.network/

>> No.8904495

I actually got banned for this kek. But only for a short while