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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 87 KB, 600x450, 50-cent-net-worth1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
889701 No.889701 [Reply] [Original]

Any inspirational stories about people who started late in their education and then came out successful?

I'm 25 starting college for the first time and I'm scared :(

>> No.889709

What are you going to study?

>> No.889711

Applied mathematics

>> No.889712

Nobody needs college to be successful, unless you're goal is to become a doctor, pharmacist, or some other profession that requires Grad school training. An Undergrad is useless. Millions get one every year. It doesn't give you a better shot at anything. It just makes you normal.

If you want to be successful, then suck a lot dick for $1 and invest that money into alt energy and autonomous technology. Invest in houses for rental income until you get mega rich

>> No.889716
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I always found this pic helpful, and do not listen to the half squat over here >>889712 he accidentally broke free from the basement again. Much apologies.

Unless you have a concrete skill to offer a company you will need to attend college so that you may get a degree so that it is known that you are worth what they pay you. You are doing the right thing OP, good luck.

>> No.889717

I don't think 25 is too late to start an education, although you are pushing it.

I'm not sure about your subject though. If you goal is to make a lot of money, I don't think it is applied enough despite the name.

>> No.889723

ignore this

Learn how to apply your applied mathematics. How late your education takes place is of little importance to you at this point. What is done; is done. Focus on how you are going to monetize your education. This is, as always, the key. What are you going to do?

>> No.889739
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>be 50 cent
>file for bankruptcy
>show off new African mansion, only two months after filing for bankruptcy.

lol niggers cant into money

>> No.889743

at 24 Mao was a library assistant
at 25 Hitler was a soldier in WW1
at 26 Mussolini was a socialist
Stalin was almost 40 during the Russian Revolution

you can still do great things

>> No.889744


>thinks bankruptcy implies you're broke
>owns multiple businesses
>CEO of multiple businesses
>calling a multi hundred million dollar investor a nigger
Look at this stupid nigger

>> No.889787


>at 26 Mussolini was a socialist

LMAO I love that socialists are instantly labelled as trash from the get go.

>> No.889794

I don't get it op. You graduate at 25 or at 30, who gives a fuck? Does a 23 year old somehow get better jobs than you for some reason?
Stop comparing yourself to others; if you have the potential to be successful, you have it. If you don't, you don't. It's not about age.

>> No.889797

Hes rich because he became a viral hip hop meme

OP or anyone isn't going to achieve shit unless you appeal to a lot of people.

Being rich = being famous, period.

>> No.889799

because they are

>> No.889808


>has no idea how he earned his wealth

>> No.889812

50cent would be worth <10mil if all he did was ride his fame and music/acting career, he made most of his wealth though his non-related businesses and investments

>> No.889816

You should be scared!
Show me one successful "applied fag" then you might stand a chance.

>> No.889818

>young black woman wins lotto makes great decisions with it
>imagine that


>> No.889827

>Assests and his liabilities in the $10 milion to $50 million.
>$135 million from the sale of Vitamin Water to Coca-Cola in 2007
>The 40-year-old filed for bankruptcy in the US in July after being ordered to pay $7.1 million in damages for posting a sex tape online to embarrass rap rival Rick Ross.

Yea. ok...

>> No.890020

I went back at 24, graduated at 27. No one knew how old I was actually, I look young. Besides, there were a ton of older people in my classes, in the like 40's and 50's.

>> No.890028
File: 82 KB, 716x540, 1434239682272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

combine college with setting up you own business in the mean time..

Also my experience is that it's better to start a bit late with college.. trust me it doesn't work out that well when you are 18..

Most 18 year olds are still on the level of alcohol/pussy/rk9/weed whatever all day long

>> No.890038


I went to uni at 18, ditched it, spent my twenties working in bars, getting shitfaced and partying before finally getting my head out of my ass and going back and getting a physics degree.

Age should be no bar to anything you want to do and if you market it well (i.e. you can demonstrate you're mature, have life experience, can see the bigger picture and priorities in life because of your experience and demonstrate real ambition on top of that), then it's often a benefit. You might be coming into the game a little latter than others but it's precisely because you're a little late that you're even more determined to succeed.

>> No.890042

My friend went at your age and did great.

I think most people would do alot better actually. I had alot more disipline at 25 than I did at 18

>> No.890393

>trust me it doesn't work out that well when you are 18..
Yeah it doesn't work if you're a fucking retard. Based on your atrocious writing skills and use of ellipses you fall into the category of being a fucking idiot.

College is piss easy. Fourth year electrical engineering student with a 3.6 here, very little effort and I'm considering dropping out to pursue a business idea with my brother because it's so easy.

Face it, people like you will never make it. Ever.

>> No.890400

Were you raped by a nigger and his pic triggered you or something? You're too emotionally charged to ever make it.

>> No.890406

>almost finished on a working prototype after ~2 weeks of work
>a product that has literally never been created before
>no competition, completely blue water market
>genius-level IQ engineer and silver tongued mother fucker brother who could literally fuck your mother whenever he wants because he knows how to talk

Get fucked, cuck. Let me guess, you work a desk job for <$20 an hour. How right am I?

>> No.890408
File: 17 KB, 615x374, income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working from home at moment, considering uni to further my goals.

Try to calm down, no matter how bad it seems it will get better if you remain a relaxed demeanor.

>> No.890411

an hero faggot

>> No.890416

same boat here, wanna go to college now at 21 after years of slacking. thing is, i dont even have enough cash to pay for my standarized tests and toefl

>> No.891638


You aren't starting late. You have plenty of time. It took me 12 fucking years to obtain a four year degree. The early years I screwed up, but then since I worked more than full time already, I just took a class a semester and finally finished it up.

>> No.891644


>socialism = rape

Way to push the rape culture anon.

>> No.891646

>level of alcohol/pussy/rk9/weed whatever all day long

You described my life 17-20.

>> No.891726
File: 2.57 MB, 512x288, drunk orang utang.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are such a genius why are you posting on 4chan?

>> No.891731

Well I'm 24 and I'm already worth 10 million dollars

I have fucked pornstars and have partied like crazy every weekend for the past 2 months

I can go anywhere in the world right now

I got some lines of coke next to me as I type this

I also have a genius level IQ I could literally fuck you in the ass at everything whether its the bench press or golf

I earn about 100k in passive income every fucking month

Basically you are fucking nothing. So humble yourself buddy

I bet you are probably lying but just know I live this life

>> No.891735

timestamped photo or it didn't happen.

>> No.891742

>Hey guise I have 3.6 GPA and I'm an EE major.
>college is easy
>I know going to make money because my brother has an idea for a business
>its easy
Jesus Fucking Christ the amount cheese in this post is too much. You're a sperglord who get triggered to easily by someone post. You're not going to make it. That emotional post shows me that you have no leadership quality, nor self-control over your autism and anger. I can see you being the asshole in the meeting who thinks he knows everything but comes off as a retard who pisses off the boss.

>> No.891759

If you pay me $10m, I'll tell you how to be successful in life.

>> No.891804

>Hey everyone! I'm a hedonist! Validate my existence!

>> No.891843

>hey everyone! I'm a shitposter on a cartoon board. Validate my existence !

>> No.891861
File: 1.83 MB, 500x500, 1425599102146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this post

>> No.891915


nah its never late. im 22 and its my second year of college.
you are not young if you are poor and you are forever young if you are rich.
A person I know is currently 76 years old sitting at $40 million and always fucking at least 6 women a day ranged 22-45 years old. no lies.

>> No.891933

If you're going to lie on a Mongolian photocopying board, you might as well try to make it believable.

Why did you even reply? Were you bored?

>> No.891936

>getting this upset over someone with ambition
Typical /biz/. You morons will never be successful.

>> No.891943

You know Hugh Hefner?

>> No.891950

Dude what do you do, great stats!

>> No.891981

he is good at using photoshop.

>> No.891983
File: 75 KB, 680x438, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing too fancy, I run a couple of ebay businesses in niche markets. I did have some luck on my side with finding the right product and supply.

Does it make you feel better if you think someone is lying about their decent income?

>> No.891998

Needs some trimming, but I like were the pasta is going.

>> No.891999

how do you find a product that actually sells on ebay

>> No.892028

finding a hot product is easy, finding the supplier is the hard part

a lot of footwork required

>> No.892051

>Mark Zuckerberg even being on a list like that
That fucking leech stole it from other people, outright. He even lost in court over it, so it's a fact as hard as they come.

Never trust a jew.

>> No.892069


Please take this picture down

>> No.892084


>> No.892096

I went back at college at 25 as a Neet with no exp before then I made my own business and now a year later I make quite a lot of money and have stocks, bonds, and rental properties.

>> No.892101

Tell us the entire story if you have the time, please

>> No.892102

>I did have some luck
Pfft, lol. It was entirely luck that you found anything successful in a market that's been saturated for years. Good job being lucky dude, here's your gold star.

>> No.892104


>> No.892110
File: 45 KB, 360x450, F1BWG00Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any inspirational stories about people who started late in their education
>I'm 25 starting college for the first time and I'm scared :

mfw 25 year olds are worrying about "starting college" late at fucking 25 years old. God damnit, have you started to shave yet? I'm not talking about your tiny dick and balls, I'm talking about your face! Jesus Christ....25 years old.....It's not like you're starting fucking high school at 18, dumbass. It's college!! It's elective!! The law says you have to be fucking educated through highschool but the law doesn't say when you have to go to college! If you'd take the fucking "Livestrong" cockring off your dick you'd get more blood to your taper-fade haircutted head and you'd think clearer despite the fucking 3 inch gauges that have turnedyour earlobes into larger danglers than your tiny shaved nuts!

Goddamit you little shitbird, get your ass to college and don't ever bring this subject up again.

>> No.892124


Awesome man! Any advice for finding a good product? I've literally been trying for about a year solid to find something that will sell that has good margins and that I can scale to that point.

>> No.892159

try selling heroin

>> No.892345

in Kentucky...


>> No.892509
File: 479 KB, 1712x1744, 1441499551350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying being an angry edgelord=being successful

you never gonna make it anon.

>> No.892537


it scares me sometimes how bad people are at detecting jokes here

>> No.892546

this is fucking retarded. college is pretty much mandatory for any job that isn't minimum wage fuckaround jobs

>> No.892635


>> No.892690
File: 97 KB, 600x656, 1441988538313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saved, NICE

>> No.892699

I have an associates and I'm 25 and I feel weird about going back to finish a bachelors. I have no clue what I would even major in, shit it driving me nuts.

>> No.892715

I just got kicked out my house by my parents and all I have is 2 dollars in my wallet and my car. Can someone please send me $100 to my paypal yellowbot@safe-mail.net so I can get some gas some food and a room for the night. I am going to labor ready tomorrow morning and getting to work.

>> No.892774
File: 26 KB, 473x262, 1392736642144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But then I won't be able to buy all those dank eBay memes

>> No.893480

went to labor ready and they need a social security card which I don't have, called home and they don't have it. im so fucked anon's RIP me

>> No.893493

I suck a lot of dicks and take it up the ass. This job is rough but someone has to do it. Now would you need a blowjob ? I need to make payments for my properties

>> No.893575

just go kill yourself with that pussy attitude.

>> No.893596

I'm 26 and I just started a semester in college majoring in Accounting, which I'll have to change over to Business Administration so I can go to a four year college for Acccounting. I don't know why it works that way but that's what they told me. All online courses so far.

I went to college before and got an Associate's Degree in Engineering, but I've been working labor jobs and retained so little of the sparse stuff I learned that it's not worth it to continue. My first go at college was a shit experience with an hour of travel time to get to the campus, high costs, and lots of stress. I was a smart kid in high school who never needed to study so that bit me in the ass in college, and my teachers weren't all that great either. It was a perfect storm of a shitty college experience. I haven't had a girlfriend in years because I'm ashamed to still be living with my parents working a crummy job.

I'm giving it a second shot now because I don't want to sit around pitying myself and working warehouse jobs for the rest of my life. That's my blog post so call me a faggot for it, but if you take a lesson from it just know not to give up.

>> No.893599

>I was a smart kid in high school who never needed to study so that bit me in the ass in college
that's because you didn't take AP classes. i did the same thing. i was lazy, and didn't plan on going to college, so i took regular classes and would get the highest grades without studying for exams. the problem is that the regular classes are designed such that even the biggest retards pass them.

my first semester was rough, but i ended up getting my engineering undergrad degree which was a waste because i couldn't find a job after i graduated anyway. i should have went into the military or trucking like i originally wanted to.

>> No.893600

I took a few AP classes, but didn't need to study for them. I had no work ethic and deservedly got my ass kicked for it. And yeah, lack of jobs for engineering didn't really help either.

If I could go back in time I'd beat the shit out of my younger self for being such a selfish little shithead.

>> No.893602

>just know not to give up
I wasted 5 years of my life smoking weed, playing vidya, and working dead end min wage jobs.
Went to college at 23 and graduated at 27 with a BS in CS. Got a well paying gig at HP.
Finally moved out of my parents house.

College isn't hard. Just show up, take notes, do the homework, study, and ask for help if needed.

>> No.893683


you should buy some monero

>> No.893702



>> No.893765

>took 12 AP exams in HS
>all 4s and 5s (one 3 because i was on antidepressants that year)
>became national AP scholar
>started college with 49 credits towards MechE
>graduated in 2.5 semesters while working/taking classes over the summer

ya'll aint even trying.

>> No.893789

How good is 72k right out of college?

>> No.893880

Shit nigga, if that's true then I guess I wasn't.

>> No.894496

I went back to school when I was 27. I was missing a hs class to get my degree so I took care of that via online/distance learning. After that I enrolled in community college and got my associate in about 2 years. I did great time on that one since I had quit my job and was living off savings and loans. My university degree took me four years to complete since I could only attend half-time at night while working full time. Got out at 35 with my Bachelors.

The upside to all this is that you don't have to put your graduation date on applications, so as far as they know, you've had it a long time. Another big plus is that you can get your entry level shit out of the way while you study. Employers look favorably on candidates that are actively trying to improve themselves and many offer education reimbursements.

All in all, you can make this work.

>> No.894510

my high school didn't even offer 12 AP classes. the choices were calc, english, and chemistry.

>> No.894800

Accounting is literally the most likely to be automated within the next decade. Probably less.

>> No.895182

I started Engineering at 24, and I was fine. you can be too. You'll probably have higher work ethic and confidence than the others there (quarter life crisis notwithstanding). Sit in the front row, go to office hours, hire a tutor if you have to, and for fuck's sake, enjoy it.