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File: 132 KB, 800x450, taxes-for-bitcoin-how-cryptocurrency-us-tax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8896291 No.8896291 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, anons, I finally payed my crypto taxes.

Almost didn't do them due to the complexity and hassle, but I got it figured out after some trial and error and online resources, as I really don't want to get raped in the ass with no lube by the IRS.

Used bitcoin.tax, $30 plan, and did a free e-file on TaxAct. Was a huge pain in the ass trying to compile all data from about 7 exchanges, some ICOs, and having to do some manual entries (one exchange had no export function or working API!), but I finally got it done and after some further frustration I figured out how to do the actual filing for free on TaxAct. I can endorse the combo if you don't have like 50k trades/do margin trading/anything exceptionally complicated.

Who else is a good goyim that payed their taxes this year?

Reminder, the 17th is the due date for burgers.

>> No.8896309

Filed an extension so I could take more time to actually do it and paid what my estimated taxes were and a few hundred more.

Regardless though Taxation is theft and this is retarded bullshit.

>> No.8896449

>Taxation is theft and this is retarded bullshit
Yes, I agree, but the government/IRS has the potential to completely fuck your shit up if you don't comply with their demands. They are much more powerful than I ever will be, so fighting taxes is a futile effort.

I also plan to make some large trades that will be taxed at long-term rates and I wanted to accurately report now so everything goes through smoothly in the future.

>> No.8896463
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Man i lost all my money on some online pyramid sorry

>> No.8896592

Cucks and soyboys pay taxes on crypto

>> No.8896617

Yes, I feel like a cuck but I really had no other safe option.

What I'm really trying to say, is, I fucking hated doing taxes this year, but in the end it's worth just for the peace of mind. I was stressing out over all this bullshit, but now that I got it done I feel very relieved.

Anons, if you haven't done them already, start working on it ASAP. You will feel much better once you get this weight off your shoulders. Trust me.

>> No.8896618

I’m sitting down with my accountant in 2 days. I printed out my 8949 form from Bitcoin.tax, is this all i should need? Ontop of filling out the 1099. I figured I should report since I have ran 100k+USD through a few exchanges in December. Don’t want to be royally fucked if I don’t report.

>> No.8896632
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Good goyim Jamal and Tyrone needs dem gibs. Now pay your reperations goy.

>> No.8896658

IRS only knows what you tell them. Do you know how many SARS they get they don't give two shits about your piss ant gains they want the whales.

>> No.8896663

Form 8949 should cover all of your trading activities.

>> No.8896665
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>Be Good goy cuck faggot kike slaves.
>Get shit by a filthy nigger that is pay with your tax dollars to rape your wife while you masterbate.

People like you sicken me. You are literaly funding your own extinction. The jews are right Goyim are stupid and deserve to be fleeced.

>> No.8896678

Are you American, and do you evade all of your taxes?
Or are you just playing with lunch money for now?

>> No.8896718


I keep almost all my assets in crypto and only take out what I need. Thx to crypto I am no longer a wagecuck and am living a happy and financially independent life.

The satanic banking crime syndicate is responsible for some of the worst crimes against humanity and I refuse to give them another cent.

If the IRS niggers want to come after me I'll take my cryptos to the grave.

>> No.8896719

Did the same. I’m hoping that everything works out and I don’t get any letters. When crypto finally rallies, I don’t want to be on the wrong side of he irs. I want to cash out and be left alone. The only way I’d not pay is if I made enough that it was worth skipping out of the country.

>> No.8896762

How will you make any large purchases like a car or house while staying under the IRS's radar?

>> No.8896774


>> No.8896796

gl cashing out when everyone else has the same mindset of dumping their bags once they have "enough", in a market where early accumulators have giant hoards acquired at way lower cost than you.

>> No.8896816

Jamal and Tyrone don't get any gibs from the government. Maybe some food stamps, that's it. In many states right now, you are not eligible for even food stamps if you don't show that you are looking for work. In Wisconsin, you have to do volunteer work in order to stay on food stamps. Gibs go to single moms and refugees. Not black males. Black males who don't have a job have to sell drugs in order to make a living.

>> No.8896819


What is localbitcoins Faggot.

>> No.8896824

>wanting to cashout into an inflationary currency
Just wait till you can buy everything with crypto.

>> No.8896826


That's why they hook up with a sugamomma and pump out 6-8 Niglets.

>> No.8896835

So you cash out to fiat on localbitcoins, and then what? Just buy a house with $300k cash and hope the IRS doesn't notice?

>> No.8896847


I keep telling people on facebook You need to be in Cryptos before It's to late. But none of them listen. Most of the people I talk to are 2 stupid to save up and spend all their money as soon as they get it

>> No.8896861
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>Buying a house in this market.

>> No.8896866

Exactly. If you want welfare, you need to get Shaniqua or mudshark Stacy pregnant and then mooch off the gibs that the government gives her. The gibs are supposed to be for financially supporting the mother and child. But these niggers take advantage.

At the welfare office here in Canada (I'm not American so we don't have food stamps, we just have welfare) I saw this hot skanky thot with her low-inhibition Chad boyfriend. No doubt the thot is reporting to the welfare office that she is single. Meanwhile the baby daddy is there with her at the welfare office. Ready to go cash the welfare cheque they give her and mooch off her.

I used to work near a welfare office here. I have noticed lots of situations in which a white woman was pushing a half-black baby in a stroller. One time the white woman was actually walking with the black baby daddy. Most times you see a white woman pushing a half-black baby alone in a stroller. Haha

>> No.8896874

Why don't you just rent? If you buy a house, you're gonna have to pay taxes on that shit. It's cheaper to just rent and not pay taxes than to buy a house and pay taxes. lmao

>> No.8896883

How do you deal with GAS and airdrops on bitcoin.tax?

>> No.8896884

They’re fucking memeing or they’re retarded. No one is getting away with not having a job or investment income (reported) and buying a house cash. Not going to fly.

>> No.8896895

Oh, so don't make any large purchases ever and the IRS won't hunt you down?
What a sustainable strategy. Works for everyone 100% guaranteed.

That could work, but not it's not for everyone. Do you propose leasing vehicles or driving shitboxes as well?

>> No.8896905

mass adoption will never happen as long as you'd rather hold (because mass adoption is going to happen and these database entries are going to the moon!!) instead of spend, and using crypto to spend is dumb because established methods are way more user-friendly, cost-effective and can actually handle the total transactions of multiple nations since they're not using inefficient-by-design distributed ledgers.

>> No.8896908

My car cost about $20k when I bought it. I paid by cheque not cash though. If you cash out $20k via an exchange (do not use GDAX/Coinbase since they issue 1099s) and then write a $20k cheque for a decent new car, do you really think the IRS is going to bother auditing you? For such a small amount? I wouldn't buy a house without reporting gains.

And you could always buy a used car for a few grand if you don't want to buy a brand new car. Some dealers accept cash money. You don't have to drive a shitbox. You can buy a reliable used car for a few thousand I'm sure.

>> No.8896912


I'm the most frugal motherfucker I can be. I'm just waiting till the fiat monetary system implodes and blockchain becomes mass adopted then I'll seek to buy my own house once all you niggers FOMO in and the price of bitcoin skyrockets past 1 Million

>> No.8896936

Do you think they will care if I just say I did US > BTC > (One random trade to make up for my actual gains ) > US?
I have thousands of trades, if I just pay my Capital Gains are they really going to get up me for not showing all trades if it = same gains anyway?

>> No.8896937


Exactly this I roommate with a fellow /biz/reali who is also into crypto I brought a used vehicle and don't keep no more than $1000 in my checking account at any 1 time.

If the IRS niggers want to come after me I'll gladly turn myself in and just laugh because they ain't getting fucking shit.

>> No.8896968
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>payed my crypto taxes.

>> No.8896973


Ask yourself this niggerfaggot what can the IRS really do to yah. It's not like they can really force you to give up your cryptos they can't keep a lean on your crypto wallet and they can't really do any kinda wage garnishment.. The worst they can do is throw me in prison for refusing to pay the tax kikes but what good does that do. This stuff becomes more valuable over time. So in the end the Kikes can go pound sand and eat a bag full of my jizz. I ain't paying shit and if they wanna take it they'd better take it by force.

Cryptos will be what kills the kikes,.

>> No.8897009

Well, good luck.

Your strategy is not for everyone, though, as most don't want to risk prison time. In the end, people just pay the protection money to be left the fuck alone and live their life in peace.

>> No.8897027

If you really want cash in your banking account, you can also sell your BTC for Zelle (we have e-transfer in Canada) to a reputable trader on localbitcoins (to ensure you don't get scammed). I would only do this sparingly. Because you don't want your bank to notice a pattern and then rat you out to the feds.

Like if you're gonna buy a $20k car, I would spread out like 7 different Zelle cashouts across 7 weeks. Your bank isn't gonna notice.

Other than that, you can use cash for almost everything else. And there are bill pay services that accepts btc (bylls). But you have to give bylls a percentage. Just like you would a localbitcoins trader though.

>> No.8897045

The bank is going to notice, you'd have to spread it out in years, they look at years first if they see you got 20k from thin air they are going after you.

>> No.8897051

>Like if you're gonna buy a $20k car, I would spread out like 7 different Zelle cashouts across 7 weeks. Your bank isn't gonna notice.
This is called structuring, and they do look out for this.

>> No.8897072


And that is why the kikes have won because you cuck faggots are to fearful to stand up for yourselves.

Crypto has made me a real radical I'm fully willing to die to see every last kike traitor in the financial institution hung from lamppost this isn't a meme Either I have a fiery hate to all kikes and the satanic pedovores that run the central banks will face the sword of god in my lifetime.

The world will know of their crimes and will put them to justice.

>> No.8897081

I have literally cashed out tens of thousands across a year and haven't had an issue. lmao.

In 2016 I cashed out like $9k across multiple payments within a month and I never got audited. Just LOL @ thinking they are going after you for $20k

>> No.8897086


You aren;t the land of the free and the brave your the land of cowards and slaves stand up for yourself Faggots. The kikes are literally killing your their poisoning your air your water your mind and raping your daughters. and you happily give them your hard earned sheckles to fund your own extinction like some good goy cuck faggot kike slave. You people make me sick.

>> No.8897095

> mass adoption will never happen as long as you'd rather hold instead of spend

As soon as I stuff with crypto, I have to pay capital gain tax if I hodl under 1 year

Buy 1 BTC at 100€
Buy stuff worth 1000€/0.1BTC when BTC is worth 10k€
And I have to add 990€ on my income tax end of the year

>> No.8897099

>I did this thing and didn't get caught
>this means no one else will get caught either

>> No.8897115

good goy. Be fearful and pay your taxes to support Stacy and Tyrone Jr, overpaid government bureaucrats and wars for Israel

>> No.8897124

Are you trying to look like two different anons? Because we have IDs.

>> No.8897130

Okay. I will for the time being.

>> No.8897149

The US government has much bigger fish to fry. So as long as you don't sell on Cuckbase/GDAX (because they issue 1099s and I believe 1099 Forms are sent to the IRS by them?) and so as long as you don't go buying Lambos or a house with crypto gains, I think you're good.

If you actually report your crypto gains, you're just asking for an audit. Don't make it easy on those kikes. Make them find out about your crypto gains the hard way. The way that is going to cost them a lot of man-hours and therefore resources.

When it comes to tax evasion, the government is mostly interested in the whales. They don't care about the fish.

>> No.8897203

They are working on technologies to track mass amounts of people using public blockchain records, though. With time they will get more and more efficient.

>> No.8897266

That's the disadvantage of using public blockchains. The whole point of a public blockchain is to verify that a payment was made. If you sent 0.01BTC to a vendor and then the vendor claims they never got it, you have publicly verifiable proof that shows otherwise. And then if the vendor doesn't follow through on the deal, you can then take it to bitcointalk, r/bitcoin, etc. and expose that vendor for being a fraud because you have public proof.

The downside of public blockchains is that they are not anonymous. It's pseudoymity. If there is a way to tie your identity to your pseudonymous bitcoin wallet, you are fucked. Fiat exchanges and even some crypto-to-crypto exchanges are requiring KYC/AML identity verification. Which is what is fucking everything.

You basically have to trade your BTC for XMR, ZCL or Bitcoin Private in order to have privacy.

>> No.8897270


No I'm just Really Autistic ok and Really really hate kikes.

>> No.8897296


I could care less I ain't paying shit to the kikes

>> No.8897300

IRS has 4 years to come after you. I hope you enjoy your ass being brutally raped in prison by Tyrone and Jamal.

>> No.8897402

Prison is a nuclear option. The cost of housing an inmate is actually a large expense to the taxpayer. It would have to be worthwhile to throw a tax cheat in prison. If you don't co-operate, they will freeze your bank accounts and take away your house if you have one. Maybe your car. Maybe they will raid your home trying to get your crypto. If you ever get a letter that you are being audited by the feds, make sure that the feds can't find your mnemomic phrase/private keys. If I knew the feds were coming for me, I'd rather store that shit in the cloud somewhere and risk getting hacked (there are precautions you can take to avoid getting hacked anyways) than take my chances with the feds finding my seed and stealing my crypto.

>> No.8897430


>> No.8897437
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>tfw made 80k profit in 2017
>tfw took 50k home
>tfw never reported anything
>tfw actually got some tax money refunded instead

incompetent underemployed tax offices are my godsend lmao

>> No.8897470
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>paying tax

>> No.8897532

>prison for tax evasion
anon you do know youre going to prison amd have to pay the taxes plus fines you owe

lel, people are going to be ruined and they dont even know about it

>> No.8897542

My profits in 2017 were almost $200k at one point. My realized profit was like $15-20k. My unrealized profit went to fucking shit in 2018. rofl. There is no fucking way I'm paying tax on profits that no longer exist. Fuck that shit. I don't even plan on claiming the $15-20k on my return because I'm just making it easier for the kikes to audit me that way. If they know you trade crypto at all, they can just call bullshit and make you prove everything. With tax law you are guilty until proven innocent. You have to prove that you didn't profit more than you actually did. And with the way capital gains tax is structured (between the crypto to crypto trades. I also did active day trading with fiat trading pairs even though I kept my profit in crypto) they really fuck you beyond a level that is fair.

Fuck these god damn kikes in the government. The government taxes and spends like crazy. Racking up huge deficits. And passing on this deficit to us (millennials + Gen Z) and our children (luckily I'm not having kids, I've went MGTOW). I'm fucking sick of this shit.

With all the deficit spending right now, there are only two things that can happen
1) We will get tax-cucked to prevent inflation from spiraling even more out of control
2) We will get inflation-cucked even more to the point where our fiat savings from all those years of wage cucking will be worthless

>> No.8897546

>hear people complain about taxes
>ask of they still pay it
>they do
kek, just pay some taxes and be done with it

>> No.8897590

Not to mention that we are basically China's bitch. Because of our huge trade deficit with China, the chinks have trillions of dollars in their possession. Each dollar is a IOU backed by your nation's economy. We owe China for all the shit we imported from them. You may think "we paid China dollars, they already received payment." Nope. Dollars are IOUs. China gets to redeem those dollars for assets, goods and services. And China has been redeeming those dollars for our real estate. They are raping us of our land. All because we bought a bunch of chink shit from them. Soon the chinks and Arabs will own all the real estate and we will be their bitch. This high taxation, even higher spending, deficit spending and trade deficit shit has to end.

>> No.8897597

I paid them too OP


>> No.8897614

i will pay tax
but i need to gamble more to make it first
they can have their share if i have millions

>> No.8897619
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Arabs are already cuckolding us thanks to our trade deficit spending by hiring western Instagram thots to be used as porta potties. These Arab degenerates are shitting in the mouthes of western thots everywhere.

>> No.8897660

surely that kid can do better than hiring some demented looking whore bag

atleast hire something white next time

>> No.8897757


the jews literally do it everyday

>> No.8897937

Exactly. The kikes are the ultimate NEETs. They make money off the back of their workers. The Jewish employers aren't doing jack shit. Their worker ants are doing all the work for them. The Jewish employer collects the income and gives scraps to the workers. The alt-right has embraced capitalism. Because we don't want to give gibsmedats to Shaniqua, Stacy and Tyrone Jr. But the Jew kikes are making way more money than Shaniqua is for little to no work. Shaniqua is sitting on her ass eating bon-bons but she's getting paid a poverty income on welfare. She is still poor. The Jew kikes who profit off the backs of labour are rich.

>> No.8897965

If every Muhammad refugee killed a Jewish banker, Muhammad's welfare would pay for itself. lmao. We shouldn't be screening out ISIS terrorists. The only Muslims we should let in should be ISIS terrorists. Less than a dozen Muslims took out like 3,000 people in Jew York City on Wall Street. A large percentage had to be kikes. Think about how much money those kikes were stealing from hard working Americans before they died.