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File: 87 KB, 647x158, What the genuinely validated fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8895722 No.8895722 [Reply] [Original]

The fuck? Apparently, 51% of Australians alone don't save money at the end of the month; rather they live paycheck-to-paycheck or even SPEND MORE than their income.

I think this is a bullshit drive by banks to get people to deposit more money into their accounts. To validate this, answer the following:
After tax
>how much do you earn every month
>how much do you save every month

I'll start:


>> No.8895736

Blame rising living costs and stagnating wage growth.
Thanks Howard ;)

>> No.8895752


Data Mining thread - dont answer - sage

>> No.8895751

I used to save like half of my wage, I made a comfy wage, and I don't live in a cheap country..
but I lost my job for being a retard, and now I'm only spending
kids, listen to the adults when they warn you about doing something stupid.

>> No.8895771

Poor here.

I take in around $600-$800 a month. I aim to keep $250 a month. Very low month to month expenses.

Currently on the road to save up $1,000 between savings and checking (75% savings, 25% checking). Sadly, I'll be ahead of most Americans.

Currently $400 in bank account, ~$600 cash on hand, $450 in crypto. I alo have a friend who owes ~$300. He has paid me back in the past with interest.

I have $900 in outstanding money to pay my dad back for college that I dropped out of this semester. I will continue to pay him back once I hit my $1,000 goal.

I can't live like this forever. I'm 31 soon. Gotta get myself more income.

>> No.8895774

I solemnly swear on my mother's asshole that I'm not putting this shit into any database or mining data; merely trying to obtain a general consensus on whether 50% of people genuinely don't save anything. I can appreciate you being cautious, though.

>> No.8895784

Usually save 1/3-1/2 of my 4k mo salary

>> No.8895786



>> No.8895788

You're not gonna get any useful data mining information unless the people responding specify their country. Which in any case is unlikely to be Australians.

Judging from my coworkers, this is totally believable. Most of the unmarried ones blow all their money on rent, booze and partying.

I save about 300USD equivalent/month. It seems a bit pointless when I can make ten times that in a good day on crypto, but I know it's a good idea nonetheless.

>> No.8895797

people are dumb, don't even know basic math, and they "live their lives" by spending a lot of money on shit they don't need (entertainment, new expensive phones, etc)

hell, I'm saddened to say, but some people don't even have FOOD weeks or even days after being paid, yet you see them using the latest trendy phones/clothes/going to concerts/...

I mean, I don't know how it is in other countries, but that's what I've seen in mine (chile)

>> No.8895798

$300 USD is good to save. Slow money is better than no money and it's a predictable amount.

>> No.8895804

Congrats mate. You have low expenses. Try paying off a 700k mortgage and raising a family for 2k a month

>> No.8895809

Again, I'm not trying to data mine. Your point is entirely correct, why would you try to gain salary information off an anonymous image board with a maximum of 200 or so replies, of which maybe 10% will be useful but unusable. You're entirely correct, and I'm not trying to datamine. Just see whether this is legit, but it seems as if it is. (See >>8895774).

Unbelievable, like how do you guys survive? What happens if a powersurge burns out a fridge, or if your car breaks, or if you get a whole lotta bills at the one time? How do you actually manage to pay the kinda shit that life requires?

>> No.8895827

does investing into crypto count as saving
I'm 23, what do I need to save for right now

>> No.8895834


I work FIFO on a 2 week on 2 week off roster. Don't spend a time at work besides rent back at home when I'm away.

>> No.8895862

>earn approx $5k aud per month
>own my own house
>wedding coming up next month
>save $0 atm

>> No.8895876

~$4,000, maybe? Not sure.

>> No.8895880

Well in that case your savings should decrease and spending be restricted further to only necessary things, no?

I've got a $415k mortgage on a house, and a $25k student loan. That's my only debt and I'm paying them off steadily. I don't have kids, I'm only 22 and figure that saving NOW is the right thing to do so that when I do have kids, I've payed off a chunk of my mortgage, have enough to give them what they need and not survive on a fucking shoestring with dollars to spare at the end of every month.

Not berating you and am understanding of your position, but want to ask a question. If you had saved 35% of your income when you were younger, before you had kids, would your life be easier now?

>> No.8895892

>I'm 23, what do I need to save for right now
I mean, look at this dumbass. he needs a reason to save, he thinks things will always be good and happy

>> No.8895896

Hang out at a bar on a friday or saturday night and it will make sense. There's no shortage of people that actively try to get rid of their money as fast they can, no conspiracy necessary.

>> No.8895958

800-1200 (mostly put it into crypto)

I live in one of, if not the most, expensive country. 3600usd is a low-mid class sallery here (only mcdonalds people earn less) so saving up 1200 from that is a hard job.

>> No.8895967
File: 94 KB, 540x714, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 23, what do I need to save for right now

OP here, I'll be 23 in november. Though I already bought a house, here's what I've always saved for:
>a safety net (i.e. minimum of 12 months of mortgage / rent, and living, including extra expenses - assume you've been diagnosed with cancer or something and need to stop work for a year)
>future 'spotfire' costs, such as your car getting wrecked, your home getting burgled, a fridge or washing machine breaking, a fire or flood damaging your home or possessions etc.
>unexpected costs such as having to organise and pay for a funeral, or medical care for a loved one
That's the risks covered. Now for things that will appreciate the value of my investments.
>saving for home improvements
>saving for future investments, such as crypto
>saving for professional qualifications
Now for saving for things that I want.
>saving for a wedding
>saving for kids
>saving to have enough to pay off my mortgage and purchase an investment property
>saving to have enough to provide myself and future family with what they need and want
>saving to have enough for holidays for my family
>saving to have enough to pay for good education for my future children, and things like piano lessons / after-school care etc.
>saving to have enough to help my kids get a home, if they fuckin' deserve it
>saving to have enough for a reasonably comfortable retirement

I always grew up poor as fuck. Mum and dad both worked 2, sometimes even 3 low-wage jobs just to support us. I hated every second of knowing that I was eating dinner while dad was going without. I fucking despised knowing that my mother smiled and encouraged us to choose a toy that we liked, knowing it would sacrifice her getting something she deserved.
>saving up so that my parents can be looked after properly when they need it
>saving up to help my parents pay off their mortgages
>saving up to get my parents a holiday or two.

What are you guys saving for?

>> No.8896066

>Apparently, 51% of Australians alone don't save money at the end of the month
It's a media meme trying to normalise living above your means and get them filthy goyim into debts by suggesting that it's normal and everyone does that. The actual number is lower, however I don't deny that there's a lot of retards out there.

>but I lost my job for being a retard

>> No.8896086

I live in sydney. I make 135K per year and i only save approx 30K a year.
It is easy to spend money here.

>> No.8896103

anyone under around 45 is saddled with a mortgage they have no chance of ever paying off by conventional means

>> No.8896135
File: 49 KB, 400x297, nice-try-fbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8896174

How does it feel to buy a house with your parents money?

>> No.8896213

They didn't pay a cent, it felt fucking good buying a house with my own hard-earned and well-planned money though. In the next 4 years, I'll do the same with an investment property. How does it feel to be trapped in the rent cycle?

>> No.8896243

>>but I lost my job for being a retard
tried hitting on a coworker, someone told the boss about it, dumb drama ensued. I had been told not to shit where I eat, but I tried anyway...
it was 1st non-shit job in my life (I had not worked much at all, only summers as a kid).

>> No.8896269

How is it possible to regularly spend more than you earn a month? How does anybody sustain that lifestyle and who gives them money?

>> No.8896285

Getting a credit card is as simple as lying on an online application

>> No.8896337

Why do you think an informal survey on fucking persian glassblowing web site is going to give you more accurate information?
Normies are dumb and shortsighted; they overspend, they don't save, they waste resources competing in dumb status games. Don't be a fucking normie OP.
>banks are trying to trick us into saving money
This is very silly. Banks want you to borrow more, not spend less

>> No.8896423


>saving money
>in the age of QE and 0% interest rates, when central banks create trillions of dollars out of thin air

why would they do that?
>inb4 investing

Look, there are just two options, you can spend your money now and get the most value, or you can """""save""""" and get fucked by the inflation / inevitable stock market crash

>b-but muh gold...

You need the price of gold/silver to x2 in order to cover the spread, taxes and earn anything.

So people are choosing the best option - spending the money immediately, rather that waiting for it to devalue.

Just like the Germans after WW1 during hyperinflation. You better get your wheel barrow of cash to the shop ASAP, because next morning it will be worth less.

>> No.8896470

Someday very soon we are going to start splattering your brains all over the sides of buildings, you fucking faggot kikes.

Shut the fuck up and behave if you know what is good for you. Stop fucking pushing us unless you want to fucking die.

>> No.8896499

can confirm australian wagies are dumb as fuck. when i use to have to work i knew several 30+ year olds who didnt have a single cent to their names. only knew one guy who was paying off his house and saving money on top of that.

read this massive red pill on the absolute state of australia


>> No.8896660


>warn people about the fact that their money loses value over time and the people are finally waking up to see the concept of fiat money
>y-you're a joo! muh day of ze rope!

nazitards are really adorable, aren't they?

>> No.8896668

Thanks for the informative article, reading it now and some things have stuck out to me and hit home:

>As a whole, the Australian economy has grown through a property bubble inflating on top of a mining bubble, built on top of a commodities bubble, driven by a China bubble.

>In literally a “WTF Chart of the Day” on September 11, 2017, it was reported that the central bank of Japan now holds 75% of all ETFs. No, not ‘owns units in three out of four ETFs’—the Bank of Japan now owns three quarters of all assets by market value in all Japanese exchange traded funds.


>> No.8896773

0, I throw everything I have to spare into crypto. I've stopped eating out, eliminated my entertainment budget etc.

>> No.8896995

>im not data mining
>defines data mining

>> No.8897087
File: 70 KB, 641x428, 1523394464203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based Australia.

>> No.8897144
File: 492 KB, 702x417, good lord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, you got me. I'm actually compiling a database full of you anon's, I'm piling up data to track how you progress in your careers. I'm uniquely identifying you based on your posting habits defined by time, frequency and language / grammar / spelling (it's called stylometry). As you guys earn more, and based on the information you provide around how astute you are to your bank details, you raise higher on my targeting list. After I've identified you personally, know where you live, your interests, hobbies and demographics, I'll sell that to massive datamining conglomerates for millions. Then, I'll individually pick off the highest-earners with lowest-risk-visibility and steal all your money. After then, I'll track how you respond and sell it to fraud prevention companies. I'll track your emotions and sell it to psychology organisations, and I'll track how often you consider suicide and sell it to suicide prevention manufacturers.

At the end of it all, I'll determine which type of coin you're most likely to buy, and sell that to the most appropriate ICO.

Forgot to mention that I'll also track your porn habits, and use it to blackmail you before selling it to pornhub.

I calculate that I'll have absolutely made it to lamboland at the end of this exercise, so why are you trying to fuck it up for me? What are you, some kind of jew?

>> No.8897209

What do you do for work mate?