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8887326 No.8887326 [Reply] [Original]

How do you know if a girl likes you for your character and not your looks and money?

>> No.8887335

be poor and ugly and still get it in obv

>> No.8887340

She likes you before you let her know about the money.

>> No.8887343

all women are whores except our mothers. sage and fuck off faggot

>> No.8887345

Looks and money tend to correlate with character. You have none.

>> No.8887490


just like me, except I'm not ugly

>> No.8887543

What character?

>> No.8887557

She never does

>> No.8887588

roasts are literally the worst investment you can make. we are trying to make money here

>> No.8887665

Not that hard. You pretend that you have no money, once things start getting a little more serious you slowly reveal it, but obviously not all. Don't give her a reason to stay with you for the money when she'd rather leave you. Bitches like security and alimony when they know daddy is rich. The last thing you want is a thot on your side.

>> No.8888103


>> No.8888116


>> No.8888134


>> No.8888404

Damn, source?

>> No.8888457

also what's wrong with her liking your looks, you do the same

>> No.8888756

NEVER EVER let a bitch know about your financial situation until or even if you decide to get serious with her. Even then if your hard-headed ass decides to talk, choose to disclose it vaguely as "I have some money aside in investments, somewhere in the x range"...but nothing too specific and definitely no number dropping.

It'll skew the entire dynamic very quickly and if you're holding a sizable amount...she WILL use her pussy as leverage to get you to spend it on her.

In a woman's mind, your money is "our" money, but her money is her money. Total bullshit, but it's on you to put the foot down and not fall for it.

You'll never lose women chasing money, but you'll always lose money chasing women.

>> No.8889358

if shes hot, she an have my money

>> No.8889443

Anybody that licks your gooch

>> No.8889506

Just don't be a flashy faggot with money. I grew up with tonnes of money. Nobody would ever notice until they came to my house and went "holy shit." Cause my parents were tightwads and also spent lots of it on trabel. I live the same way now. As for looks, it will help you get in the door. But no women will actually date you for looks, they don't respond to visual stimuli quite as much as men.

>> No.8889544

This isn't even true. Women always try to pay for shit when I date them. I usually let them pay for half the shit after the first month. I feel like this sites entire knowledge base of women runs on stereotypes.

>> No.8889578

By being ugly and poor

>> No.8889579

You want a girl to like you for your looks. Physical attraction must be mutual for a relationship to work. If she's not physically attracted to you then she'll cheat on you regardless of how much money you have.

>> No.8889584

that's true with some women. I was dating one and she was insisting on paying on some occasions. Some of them like to feel 'empowered' by their post-industrial independence.

>> No.8889605

my gf knows about my crypto and i rarely pay for her icecream and shit i also make her pay for my shit sometimes

she said it was strange at first but she likes it better now coz she feels like she is equal to me

>> No.8889634

I think people just feel weird having others pay for things as an adult. And then they feel a pressure to "earn the money" or make you not feel like it is wasted. Like talking to female friends a lot hate expensive dates early cause they feel bad if they curb the guy and he wasted money, or loser guys complain.

>> No.8889652

The three things are one and the same in a female mind. This is why they love criminals, drug dealers, drug addicts, etc. while hating genuinely nice men who aren't attractive or rich/powerful, so much that "nice guy" is a meme.

>> No.8889729

They don't,

>> No.8890004

Celeste star and malena morgan

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.8890038

Since you post on 4chan it's literally impossible for anyone to like you for your character.

>> No.8890058


Damn you fucking youngfags need to watch Coming To America with Eddie Murphy

>> No.8890079

Your looks, money and status *are* your character. No woman would love a guy based on his personality. If you can call it "love".

>> No.8890090

the only woman that genuinely loves you is your mom. The rest is 'being attracted to'' at best

>> No.8890150

Stop telling girls how rich you are and you will attract fewer thots. Also, it's rare that a girl actually is willing to date a guy just for his looks (again, unless she's a thot).

>> No.8890157

nice guy is a meme because men who never enjoyed much female attraction tend to portray themselves as victims and as better men than chads even thought they have much of the same prejudices against women (sometimes even worse) and none of the looks or confidence to at least warrant giving them a second chance

>> No.8890165

Stereotypes are usually based on reality.

>> No.8890211

But what about granny?

>> No.8890237

> Girls don't want to date me because I'm too nice.
It's a meme because this is a lie guys tell themselves to feel better. In reality, the real reason why girls won't date them is something else e.g. they are really awkward to be around, bad at socializing, weigh 200 kg and never shower, act beta as fuck (no, this is not the same as being a nice) etc.

>> No.8890251

Are you all literally male feminists? There's nothing wrong with women going for money, it's the best predictor of competence

Do you want humanity to advance, or do you want it to degenerate through women dating beta faggots like you out of pity?

Stop shaming women for dating rich guys, there's nothing inherently immoral about that, unless you're a fucking commie

>> No.8890259

they may, but they're guaranteed to be less attractive than you, and that's not what you want.
can't really blame them for it. character is great, but it won't pay the bills. everyone is looking for something, fortunately for guys, girls are looking for something you can achieve [money, power] through hard work or just being a big baller.
If you're a chick, you'd better be charming as hell if you're not a hottie because just like how chicks want money, guys want a model face, and you either have it or you don't.

>> No.8890260

Because women are incapable of that.

The only way they care about this is if they truly believe “who you are” will make them financially secure.

>> No.8890290

You've either had really terrible experiences with women in you life or no experience at all.

>> No.8890303

I like this!

>> No.8890315

Don't kid yourself, having money is not correlated with being a decent human specimen. A lot of rich people today are the absolute worst, most degenerate and dumbest dregs of humanity.

>> No.8890419

You can actually just avoid this by finding an intelligent and responsible woman. Seeing that you have such a negative view on women though, you’ll never be with some one like that

>> No.8890529

Abigail Mac and Vanessa veracruz

>> No.8890696

It's impossible to know. There's a good chance the girl doesn't even know why she likes you. She may like you because of your money but tell herself that it's because of other things.

It doesn't matter why she likes you anyway. The only thing that matters is that you get to fuck her and it feels good.

>> No.8890713

What is wrong with a girl liking your looks?

>> No.8890796

>finding an intelligent and responsible woman
Good luck, old man (because by the time you'll actually find one like that, your dick won't work no more).

>> No.8891091

I’m married
Fully aware if my life were to turn to shit she’d leave.

>> No.8891192

women dont love like men do.

>> No.8891219

I'm waiting for the Kevin Hart remake oldfag. Brb protesting guns

>> No.8891239

Why are fags so promiscuous if men's love is stronger?

>> No.8891247

Your mother is definitely a whore though

>> No.8891252

does her vag eject fluids?

if so then youre good
if not, youre a beta bucks

>> No.8891261

>people aren't allowed to fuck someone they find attractive
>hot girls should date guys that can treat them to nice meals, new clothes and fun vacations

why don't you just fuck your best bro then faggot

>> No.8891283

get fat and pour acid on your face

>> No.8891298


>> No.8891628

while I agree to some point, there's divorce court which is a joke, some females know that and take advantage of it, especially some russian thots.

>> No.8891960

Or you can just find a decent girl. Never once has mine tried to get me to spend any money on her.

>> No.8891966

>How do you know if a girl likes you for your character and not your looks and money?

They don't.

Tbh, women will always care about you for:

>how you look and act

>and how financially secure you are.

That's it.


Honestly OP, I use to think about this the exact same way you do.

You seriously need to grow up.

>> No.8891979

this and go all in on link

>> No.8891985


Men want to fuck women
Woman want a man to provide for them

That's it. Now, you can get a fucktoy that is ALSO your friend, but don't think that it needs to be that way. The odds that this will happen is extremely low anyway.

>> No.8891987

Why can’t a girl like you for your looks?

You only care about girls liking men for your looks if you’re ugly. You wouldn’t date a woman if you didn’t like her for her looks lol.

>> No.8892009

>>how you look and act
>>and how financially secure you are.

Yeah there's practically nothing else to someone besides those things, what the fuck? maybe there's thoughts too but they don't matter unless you act on them.

>> No.8892037
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>How do you know if a girl likes you for your character and not your looks and money?
It's like a woman asking "How do I know if a guy likes me for my character and doesn't care about my looks"... You realize you're being ridiculous, right?
>Men's priorities:
1. A pretty enough woman
2. With a nice personality
>Women's priorities
1. Nice sex (looks help)
2. Security (finances go in here)
3. Control over your life
And #3 is why men and women always argue.

>> No.8892118

if she lets you fuck her hot gfs. this is the only way to know tbqfh

>> No.8892595

ok jordan you've said enough

>> No.8892614

This begs the question:
Is there ever a time when it would be ok to reveal all of your money to her?
Better yet, anytime before you've been married for a while?

I've read before that the more assets brought to the table by both parties before a marriage, the more sound and long lasting the marriage is.
Maybe you will have to wed within your new social class.

>> No.8892695
File: 10 KB, 300x400, Christinicole-Aguilerzinger--Scarlett-Johanssonslet--ppr-jpg--Christina-Aguilera--ppr-jpg--1487418685594-jpg--Scarlett-Johanssonslet--ppr-jpg--Christina-Aguilera--Brooke-Shields--Scarlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there ever a time when it would be ok to reveal all of your money to her?
On your dead-bed.

>Better yet, anytime before you've been married for a while?
What advantage should that bring?
Maybe when she is from a wealthy family and they give her a hard time because you seem to be a poor-fag trying to get her money.

>> No.8892700

>That list
My ass.

While it's true that women overwhelmingly tend to marry even with it higher than their level on the socioeconomic hierarchy, sex is pretty unimportant to many women, and usually not enough to make them leave a marriage whereas it can be for some men.
Furthermore you've likely never been married (or in a successful marriage) that you would think that personality is not of utmost importance in the person you're going to live with day in and day out.
Go 'Your Own Way" you beta fag

>> No.8892701
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>she loves a good slaves that owns lots of debt instruments in the simulation

>hate the bankers
>fixed amount
>denominated in fiat
>unlimited supply
>hope the bankers save you


Looks like you opted for rage quit


Be the trend...



>> No.8892702

>I've read before that the more assets brought to the table by both parties before a marriage,

I'm a brainlet, what does this mean, assets they confirm they have or money they bring in together?

>> No.8892743

Who cares?

>> No.8892754
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Literally just says that people who have more wealth (maybe because they are smarter or just take better economic decisions) have longer marriages on average.

>> No.8892806

Essentially all assets liquid and illiquid, that each partner has before marrying and comingling it all.
And it makes sense, because each person having assets when they enter into being wed creates not only respect between them, but also a sound financial situation.

However I wish I could get into this here but no time, basically there has been a phenomenon happening since about the 60s, the idea that "marriage is for the rich" wherein divorce rates soared in the 70s for both rich and poor, and after the little 'experiment' with free love in the 70s, the rich decided to go back to what works and have extremely low rates of divorce when likened to the rest of the lower 80% of the population.
This thing was obviously not caused by the whole hippie dippie free love movement, but something more economic in nature.
This is partly why suicide rates for middle aged middle class men are so high.

>> No.8892829


>> No.8892853

Damn that's real interesting shit. So is the key to marry someone in your economic strata or correctly intertwine assets before marriage?

>> No.8892876



>> No.8893075 [DELETED] 

Essentially yes, you need to marry a girl with her own drive and don't take that away from her.

It may be anecdotal, but I know a guy whose wife quit her job to raise the kids; she had no parttime job or neighborhood mom thing to do. And she went on to become the most disgusting dumb and pitiful la creatura that I have ever seen.
She got into $44,000 of debt mostly buying worthless crap and paying for false "quality" in everything she bought.
Bear in mind, this is after spending the weekly allowance that he'd give her.
She became essentially stir crazy having really nothing to do but raise the child the whole day (I know people say it's a full time job.. it's not).
Now she's divorcing him, still has all of the debt, on top I'm having spent all the money that her elderly mom ever lent her, and has no idea about the world as it is.

This shit gets me a little fired up.
We live in a socially inferior and sad time, in which the neighborly frameworks that allowed a partner to stay home and be a homemaker and still have a productive life have been eroded away because we thought they were relics of the past.
And I'm not even making a gender argument here, I think it's stupid as well that women were relegated to that role only before, I really think we've thrown the baby out with the bathwater in unwittingly destroying neighborhood and community and the social frameworks that facilitated them.
It's also why people have fewer friends than 70 years ago, but man I've gone on enough.

>> No.8893105

Essentially yes, you need to marry a girl with her own drive and don't take that away from her.

It may be anecdotal, but I know a guy whose wife quit her job to raise the kids; she had no parttime job or neighborhood mom thing to do. And she went on to become the most disgusting dumb and pitiful la creatura that I have ever seen.
She got into $44,000 of debt mostly buying worthless crap and paying for false "quality" in everything she bought.
Bear in mind, this is after spending the weekly allowance that he'd give her.
She became essentially stir crazy having really nothing to do but raise the child the whole day (I know people say it's a full time job.. it's not).
Now she's divorcing him, still has all of the debt, on top of having spent all the money that her elderly mom ever lent her, and has no idea about the world as it is.

This shit gets me a little fired up.
We live in a socially inferior and sad time, in which the neighborly frameworks that allowed a partner to stay home and be a homemaker and still have a productive life have been eroded away because we thought they were relics of the past.
And I'm not even making a gender argument here, I think it's stupid as well that women were relegated to that role only before, but I really think we've thrown the baby out with the bathwater in unwittingly destroying neighborhood and community and the social frameworks that facilitated them.
It's also why people have fewer friends than 70 years ago, but man I've gone on enough.

>> No.8893199

Knew this was going to be interesting back when you proposed coming clean about assets before a marriage shows higher success rates.
Fascinating stuff anon, mind pointing me to where you read some of this?

>> No.8893232
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