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8886117 No.8886117 [Reply] [Original]

if you are not tall, handsome, and confident, you will lose women to men who are, regardless of how much money you make

>> No.8886155

It’s true. They will fuck the tall handsome Chad behind your back.

>made 400k last year

>> No.8886228

>be me
>actual chad
>elite height and face, genuinely a beautiful man no larp
>in top law school
>some richfag from cornell undergrad is in my class
>drives a G wagon
>dresses better than anyone
>decent-looking dude in a smarmy waspy kind of way
>intelligent, not autistic
>meanwhile i'm driving a 2002 honda odyssey
>dress like a disheveled hipster because i don't give a fuck
>live in shitty apartment
>not a good student
>still CRUSHING girls because of height, looks, charming personality
>every single hot roastie in this law school wants to fuck me, all the groups of hot chicks flock together and if you fuck one of them they all want your dick
>tfw richfag cannot compete, has to settle for my seconds or else dating some 6/10 i wouldn't touch
why? WHY? why isn't this kid slaying? he's so much richer than i am. he's not ugly. he's not a genuine manlet. he's not an autist. he's social and hangs out with the popular rich faggots at this school. so why am i getting all the pussy? because i'm better looking and taller. simple as that. i am more attractive. fuck you and fuck your muh money meme kiddo

>> No.8886275

i don't get off on women anymore.

i get off on hiring 3rd world workers on Fiverr and knowing that their entire lives, as well as the lives of their families, depend on me and me alone.

>> No.8886306

>be 5'4"
>watch anime all day
>poor as fuck
>virgin 25 y/o, 26 in a month


>> No.8886330

what kind of shit do you hire them for anon?

>> No.8886347

unironically go fuck a prostitute with some of your gains in a couple years anon. don't be a 30 year old virgin.

>> No.8886352
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>investing in depreciating assets

>> No.8886354


I "make" websites for local businesses and outsource the labor. pretty good gig, but you need to be good at talking with people

>> No.8886371

I have a hard time caring about shit like this

>> No.8886431

i think i read about this a week or two ago on biz, are you the same anon? basically contact a business and get a gig then outsource all the aspects of the site and then take most of the money? what do you tell the fiver people? how do you cover it up?

>> No.8886499


there's literally nothing to cover it up if you deliver a good final product.

There are tons of people who do this, so wouldn't be surprised if other anons are doing it

>> No.8886520

checked. do you have any experience building sites on your own? how many projects do you do at once?

>> No.8886558


currently overseeing 3 projects being built, but you'll always need to go back to older clients because they'll need changes

yeah you definitely need experience to build sites on your own as well as coding experience since code quality is usually shit and you may have to fix stuff on your own

>> No.8886583

Don't get hung up on women liking you. The brief ego boost it brings you will wear off. I have discovered it more fulfilling to pursue my own goals. You also get the satisfaction of being able to relax afterwards knowing you accomplished something.

>> No.8886610

Friendly reminder that Nujack posting should be punishable by death.

>> No.8886630
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thats me on the left age 19

>im now 26
>10+ tinder matches a day
>I always get mires from qt's
>I can get a date when i want
>having sex later on tonight
>im going to cuck someone this weekend

$50 in bank acc, 4k in crypto

>> No.8887276

if your cheekbones were higher you might be on my level anon. no white under pupils allowed in the giga chad realm. keep getting bitches though buddy

>> No.8887439

> 5'9
> he's not a genuine manlet

>> No.8887598

I’ve btfo better looking and richer men and scored with major qt’s just by being a bartender. I am tall enough (6’1) and I lift and have a full beard and am plenty confident. But I’m neither rich nor am I exceptionally handsome. Just average looking. It’s all about whoever has the most social proof in the room. Women go for the high status guy in whatever environment they’re in. That being said, that only works to get laid. In terms of long term relationships, girls are looking for other things and finding a suitable match has a lot more to do with their psychology.

>> No.8887661

You dont understand shit about woman If you think it is all about looks and Money. Robot tier fgts.
And if you think you are ugly remember
>Only a lazy man is an ugly man
It is so easy

>> No.8887671
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women look for o$t$h$e$r t$h£i€n¥g¢a you say?

>> No.8887861


>> No.8887864
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No pic related are the true chads. Being tall, handsome is useless when you cant control billions of people.

>> No.8887872


Having a lot of money makes you confident and superior, anon. A poor chad will always feel inferior to a filthy rich guy irl.

>> No.8887875

6’2” handsome Chad checking in. Daily reminder that I’m dirt fucking poor and relying on crypto to make me wealthy and yet I get pussy on the daily because I’m a musician, charismatic, and good looking. All you shekel chasing losers make me kek.

>> No.8887917

itt: autistic nerds who have had sex with 4 women and think they're hot shit

>> No.8888036

>caring about what women want instead of accumulating money and power

>> No.8888622

At the end of the day anon you're still in a top law school, one day you might have your own g wagon and make a well rounded chad. But let me red pill you friendo because your perspective is all fucked up, this goy only seems rich to you because you're so poor right now, he obviously does not carry the wretched stench. As a fine lawyer you might meet people who do and when you do, no matter how little of fucks you think you give, you are going to feel the weight of hopelessness, the feeling that no matter how many 9/10 subhuman local toasties you CRUSHED the most that you can even dream of is access to seconds on a bogged 10/10. You believe muh money is a meme because you only get to exist in a lower tier of life, sport.

>> No.8888646

zucc did 9/11

>> No.8888672

There is only three chads in this photo, and I'll never tell you which is which.

>> No.8888745

daily reminder if you worry about losing women, plural, you will never truly make it
sleeping around is babby tier male strategy, and will never give you the unyielding bliss experienced loving the perfect woman who loves you back
while sad dudes brag about their lays on taiwanese shitposting message boards, happy men live their life quietly

>> No.8888752

>Disregard bitches
>Acquire wealth
when did this site go to cuck hell?

>> No.8888785

when you started posting

>> No.8889125

so back when you were sucking on mommy's teets?

>> No.8889193


>> No.8889212

Yes happy men live their lives quietly. Just like Donald Trump, Dan Bilzerian, Floyd Mayweather and Connor McGregor. Filthy rich men doing whatever the fuck they want banging more pussy than anyone on here can imagine just quietly going about their days.

>> No.8889229

I'm relatively tall 6'2, and i've been called handsome. But im not confident at all. I got 200k in my bank account, and 150k in crypto, but im the definition of a chad virgin.

>> No.8889238

Easy, top three

>> No.8889721

> been called handsome
If you really were you wouldnt get called on right away
Sry anon
6ft2 is is more than enough for lays so Its fine anyway

>> No.8889800

Who cares when you are rich af? Money is power, freedom and opportunity all rolled into one. It is the single most important thing in our modern society. I'll survive women fucking chad.

>> No.8889810

Whores of both sex will burn in hell forever

>> No.8889821
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>TFW not into women
Feels comfy

>> No.8889849


Putin, POTUS and Merkel.

Fight me

>> No.8889875

but i'm gay so its ok

>> No.8889887

Opposite for me.


I only suck at trading and literally made 0 money in the last 4 months and only live of my profit taking in January. Lost money whenever I tried to touch anything past January. Being a handsome chad that is liked by women is literally what keeps me going. Also /fit clears the head.

>> No.8889908

Sure but she will cheat on him for money

>> No.8890017

Do you seriously think any of these men are happy? Perhaps Trump, but Bilzerian pays sluts to pose with him so he can look good to mongs on social media. The guy is miserable, and you know nothing about human psychology if you can't see it. Mayweather and McGregor are at nigger levels of intelligence so they may very well be "happy", bur that raises another question: is the happiness of a dumb person the same? Consciousness varies widely with intelligence, which is why purely physical orgasm is the highest level of stimulation to retards while smarter people can enhance pleasure way beyond with mental stimulii.

>> No.8890037

why do you think he pays the women? he said it himself that he created social capital and women flock in. they see pretty women and their competitive instincts go to overdrive.

>> No.8890089

I know, being <25 you think quantity > quality, but in a few years you will know better.

>> No.8890191
File: 221 KB, 720x525, E095961E-149A-4538-A7B2-10341F35048E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 inch dick
>still touchless virgin at 29

>> No.8890221

>following e-celebs
is there anything more pathetic