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File: 141 KB, 750x1131, 08b7bd5b62a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8885280 No.8885280 [Reply] [Original]

That you just had to buy some digital coins and you would have made it.

If you think distributed ledger technology and smart contracts will only kill lawyers you are wrong. This technology has the potential to be disruptive in every single field.

You have no idea how huge this paradigm shift will be. It's not about marketcap, or token price. It's about being part of the future civilized society, like at all. If you are thinking on cashing out at some point then you're not going to make it.

>> No.8885383
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One thing is certain, cryptocurrencies are not stable, that's why they are valuable. They can go low and then high and allow you to earn huge amounts, or make you lose everything or just a little. Cryptocurrencies are volatile but that's the source of their influence, people want to be part of this. Some people just want to be part of "the future" of world economy and some want to make it big. I will try to convince you that making it big is not good enough.

Bitcoins and the alt-coins might not be the future, but understanding how these work will allow us to navigate the future of world economy and how trust, value and trading will be done. Bitcoin or the alt-coins might peril but the technology behind them will not.

>> No.8885423
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I'm going to give you 1 big argument and 1 smaller one.

Whether you FOMO or actually being to fear for the future it's not my problem, in any case I hope this perspective is helpful.

>> No.8885481

What kind of larp is this?

>> No.8885541
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No insider knowledge, just pure observation and deduction.

This is the first argument: Think of any human activity where interaction and trade of goods and services exist.

Trusting each others word was the only thing keeping the economy for a long time until the government and banks came: Then we started centralizing trust and resources in them and as always, some of them got greedy.

You see, history tends to repeat itself:

>The centralization of resources drives growth therefore it's necesary for stable development but as such it can also cause corruption.

>Descentralization of resources drives expansion therefore it can cause inefficiency by weakening authority but it's also necesary because it shakens old structures fostering innovation.
Every human and natural system is like this.

>> No.8885555

It's called a blackpill
Being in crypto for fiat gains is just babby's first steps, the trojan horse to lure you in
The true meaning of crypto, starting with Bitcoin, has always been about changing the way governance is done. A silent revolution without force, a quiet upheaval that cannot be undone with force

>> No.8885565

exactly my point. Even if this all goes to shit, chances are that when the real deal comes along, I'll have my eyes and ears open and what I learned about blockchain and smartcontracts, oracles, etc...might come in handy next time.

>> No.8885633

I remember when bitcoin was about leaving the banks behind. Satoshi came just at the perfect time to show people that there was another option

>> No.8885678

Is it possible to stop jihan from fucking the whole thing up?

>> No.8885685
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Even those who haven't heard of crypto or smart contracts at all will still use them in one way or another. That's why when I see the 1000 EOY meme I chuckle, you have no idea.

I will give you a hint.

Think of how a family begins: first there is a couple and then their children and those go out and get families of their own and so forth.
Think a regular day for them, buying food, driving the kids to school, their work through the day. The kids called because they will go to their aunt's house so maybe they can go to the movies later.
I haven't talked of anything remarkable and yet all of their day was full with smart contracts interaction without even noticing: buying, driving, managing, communication, entertainment, etc.

>Visualize every single interaction you have throught the day that translates to a transaction of data or money, no matter how small.

Now think of how humans conquered the world and inhabit every single corner of the earth, because that's our limit. Humanity is our use case.

>> No.8885702
File: 287 KB, 916x1200, nickszabo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low key subtle link shill. i love it.

>> No.8885752

What is that box in the middle? What links the box to everything? Is it an individual coin for each?

>> No.8885787
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Small or big companies will salivate just for the trustless part of smart contracts

I like how that sounds

>> No.8885859
File: 80 KB, 597x527, c034a2c24966f72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banks know this is the future, so they are actively developing new ways to capture a share of that future.

Can you imagine what could have happened if the banks actually developed bitcoin before satoshi?

They won't risk losing that much profit ever again, they want and will profit from this trustless-automated future. That's where CL comes from. However I disagree with the biz general sentiment that we were not supposed to get any of this.

It's not that we're not supposed to get any, but that we got it too early. They don't do announcements or care about us knowing what they're up to because they plan for 10-20 years ahead and for the millions of users that will benefit from this. They don't need us to succeed.

>> No.8885905
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>He doesn't know

>> No.8885917

What coins do you hold?

>> No.8886033
File: 513 KB, 1200x1824, 133D6D7F-3838-4BC2-BF6E-E46A477C8EFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also I cashed out today. While si do believe in the technology, people are over promising what it will do. Also these prices are crazy overvalued. You think the top Fortune 500 companies are going to use random shitcoins? And even if they did, why would they let others make money off of them using the coins? All these current coins are going to be either bought out and make the coins worthless, or a clone of them will take their place by the billions of dollars that Walmart, Amazon, Coca Cola etc. can throw at this. This is a golden opportunity to take your money and run.

>> No.8886044
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Yeah yeah yeah, post more frogs.

>> No.8886058


regardless of people trashing on you, there are several coins now that are trying to become the block chain of these processes.

the biggest shill atm is chainlink.

>> No.8886095
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Won't drop names because I'm looking to invest in the accomplishment of their vision not in them for my emotional attachment. I could change my holdings in the future.

Invest in teams that you think are able to create technology assets that consider this concepts:

>scalable network protocols

AI might be the next next big thing, but if you want to be ahead of the curve always follow the fundamentals.

Smart Contracts are relevant because they are efficient, more efficient than humans at least. Using them allows the human capital and our time to allocate in other endeavours and become more productive in significant areas previously left behind.

Think of a small business that need to expand to cover the demand. The use of smart contracts will improve its productivity tenfold and from them is game on.

>> No.8886163
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The golden rule still applies, don't spend more than you can afford to lose

Now think big. A few years back banks introduced this mobile wallet (where you could pay with your phone) for the only reason that it was less expensive than replacing people's lost debit-cards. It's easier to have that mobile wallet attached to your phone because you're less likely to lose it but the technology is basically the same.

In the end, Banks only business is to hold or spend money. The more money they hold, the more money they need to spend in order for their clients to have acces to their funds, because they want you to keep trusting them.

>The less money the banks spend on the clients the more money they have for themselves.
That's why a cashless, trustless, autonomous economy is the logical end of this road.

>> No.8886212
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>> No.8886223

Kek, this thread has some nice gets regardless

>> No.8886242

It sounded more like eos desu, could link be there too?

>> No.8886304
File: 46 KB, 720x480, XjduQOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are my 2 arguments for this paradigm shift:
>Crypto is here to stay be it for the benefit of mankind or for the sole benefit of the banks.

Whether you follow one or the other the most relevant take away I want you to keep in mind is this:

In the future there is no place for the technologically illiterate. I don't care if you plan on living off-grid, cash out early or if you think than holding is enough to make it. You need to understand how this works so you can benefit from it or protect yourself and those you care from this paradigm-shift.

That is why I posted this. Not for you to FOMO on any coin or token but for you to begin to FOMO the future itself. If you don't have the money to buy a significant amount of a coin/token there are other ways to make it. Educate yourself, become proficient in the knowledge and use of this technology.
You can become the first consultant of smart contracts in your city, an investor manager for your family funds or at least be able to circunvent the dangers of this new world.

In a way we are like the town fool that wandered too far from the town and into the forest, so far that we ended up in the coast and now we see how the tide is rising. There is a storm ahead no doubt about that, it up to you to prepare for what's next.

>> No.8886449

Join the discord frens


>> No.8886490
File: 5 KB, 200x200, vivo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy Vivo

>> No.8886493

We need a new form of world government! One where I’m on top, for once, because I turned all my neetbux into pedollars!

>> No.8886515
File: 7 KB, 250x200, 1520972822351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds good to me

>> No.8886568

Never heard of this, what is the elevator pitch for it? Marketcap? How many memes does it have? :^)

>> No.8886589


wrong. there will be a bull run to 100k. then the true crash comes.

>> No.8886636
File: 231 KB, 1007x793, BY THE POWER OF RA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, the golden one

>> No.8886660

Glad you asked : )
It's a Dash fork, similar to Zencash as a fork of Zcash.
Compare its marketcap ratio to Dash to the marketcap ratio of Zencash to Zcash and you'll see why it's a steal at the price it's at(about 50 cents at the time of writing). There is no reason this couldn't go to 100 and beyond, I mean if we really are entering a new bullrun/season of the alts that is at least as big/bigger than this past one; then it will at LEAST reach its previous height of 16ish dollars without question. 50 cents is absurd. You can currently buy it at Cryptopia which is the only semi-decent exchange that carries it, it would be really great if this thing could hit others tho.

>> No.8886682

also the marketcap is extremely low at a little less than million, and the coin supply is only 1.5ish million. This thing is a sleeping giant. Also mineable and stakeable

>> No.8886757

Anon I...

>> No.8886800
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Too aggressive?