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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8883261 No.8883261 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8883271

Link btw:


>> No.8883283

Go hug a tree fag. I’m so rich I will live in another planet

>> No.8883294

They wont give a shit m8, that is humans as long as its profit them nothing else matter.

>> No.8883317

profit noww fuck you later

>> No.8883361

>crypto bringing back working class coal jobs


>> No.8883366


>> No.8883386

>implying humans have any significant impact on the world's health
entire world's population could fit within the 500 square miles (1,300 square kilometers) of Los Angeles
unironically kys

>> No.8883445
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no we are going to save the world with our coins. this lil gem gonna mine with 0 carbon footprint and zero energy draw. best part is its not to please the hippies, its because the resources are used to make more gainzzzzz instead of paying the coal burners

>> No.8883455



>> No.8883473

>norwegian: yes it is naturally very cold and we have access to dams so we can efficiently mine cryptocurrencies in an environmentally friendly way

Australian: yeah mate we're just gonna have a fuckhueg coal plant power our mining, nah mate dont worry about the heat we've got enough power to just blast that cunt.

>> No.8883516

Blame retarded australians. You can mine btc using literally any power source anywhere in the world and they choose coal in the desert.
Fucking bogons

>> No.8883544

what the fuck did you expect them to choose, geothermal in the tundra? They could've gone nuclear but that seems like a lot more effort.

>> No.8883545

the streets would be filled with shit

>> No.8883578

Solar. Or nothing. Give a fuck.
Point is this isnt a crypto problem,
its a cunt problem

>> No.8883622

Every factory in the western world could shut down wouldn’t matter one bit all pollution comes from China and they don’t give one fuck. You can jerk each other off with all the UN resolutions you want they will not change anything. Crypto related to this is irrelevant

>> No.8883670
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this or this

>> No.8883707

Just paint your streets white to fight climate change bro.

>> No.8883724


>> No.8883767

Retarded California is painting their streets white to fight climate change. Really.

>> No.8883769
File: 38 KB, 562x437, hahaha oh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not a joke, thay are actually spending $40k per mile on this.

>> No.8883873

Californians know that streets get dirty...right?

>> No.8883884

Hahahahahaha no, it looks like they don't hahahaha

>> No.8883906

Is that a fucking VHS?

>> No.8883955

>implying that how much space humans physically take up has anything to do with our impact on the world
My physical fatass isn't what's impacting the world, you mongoloid, it's our technology. You judge impact by space? How many nukes can you fit in a football stadium - you think that wouldn't have an impact on the world if you set them all off because they're small? Go back to school.

>> No.8883975


those are gonna get so dirty!

>> No.8883977

fuck u faggot, one volcano puts out 1000x more CO2 than all the worlds bitcoin mines combined

>> No.8883980

and that's a good thing

>> No.8883983

cds and vhs for storage lollololololololo they got stock art from 1988

>> No.8884001

Why the fuck not build a nuclear plant

>> No.8884007

Well Australia is full of retards, that's not bitcoins fault

>> No.8884075

>implying nuclear weapons would cause a permanent change to the earth
it certainly would cleanse the human population but the earth will regenerate faggot. at most they would cause a minor earthquake

>> No.8884102

I'm so glad I left that shithole. Behind every retarded law theres somebody's contractor friend. Direct democracy is such a fucking joke. Idiots.

>> No.8884119
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, 1024px-Instrumental_Temperature_Record_%28NASA%29.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sealant has reduced roadway temperatures by up to 10 degrees in testing. (LA Street Services)
>$40,000 per mile
wut the fuck, big if true, no joke, that's something actionable as fuck in many parts in the world,
just here in burgerland taking that
1 mile = 1.6 km
our road network size 6,722,347 km
~ 4.2 million miles
times 40k USD/mile
= 168 bUSD
but wait, our gdp is 16.75 tr USD
so 168/16750 = 0.008
which is less than 1% of our GDP, protip less than 5% is statistically insignificant

so we could actually move an insignificant amount of money to (see pic related https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_impacts_of_climate_change)) reverse the effects since the industrial revolution, plus while making juan and tyrone happy by giving them jobs, and maybe taking hobos out of the streets to get em to work

>> No.8884123

Holy shit glad I'm not this retarded.

>> No.8884128

Nobody gives a fuck about the planet but as soon as this comes out suddenly it's wrong to use fossil fuels.

>> No.8884140

honestly did you even think about the ecological impact of posting this? like oh my god, the amount of electricty to keep the internet going is just, more than all the electricity produced before 1500 combined, FOR ALL TIME, like oh my god, so inconsiderate, wasting your time when you could be donating your organs to the homeless

>> No.8884152

Fuck. This shit is sad, I think it’s a speed hump till we find equilibrium and kill banks

>> No.8884174

>160 billion dollars
>statistically insignificant
Fuck me unbelievable delusion

>> No.8884175

well you are cause i fucked your mom exactly 18 years ago

>> No.8884266

This is good for Australia though, we get to use up some more of our coal and it creates jobs (while making use of a power plant that wasn't doing anything before).

>> No.8884292

We will die before the planet does. We are only killing ourselves. It's for the best.

>> No.8884346

>160 billion dollars
>vs 16.75 trillion dollars

>> No.8884435
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magnet engines when

>> No.8884805


>> No.8885050

why is it wrong to destroy this shitty planet?

>> No.8885082

Prove to me that the minuscule potentially negative effects of CO2 production are more significant than the vast civilization advancements afforded to us by coal and oil.

>> No.8885185
File: 163 KB, 392x324, 1461576548810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i live in the hunter valley

doesnt even say which power plant they are bringing back online lmao

i work in the coal industry so ill probably hear about which plant this is soon

they could always just use this heap of shit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liddell_Power_Station since its scheduled to close soon anyway. its been all over the local news for the last month or so. btw AGL are a pack of shekel hungry kikes that raise the price of power significantly every year, while trying to buy coal for 35% less than its spot price lmao

>> No.8885210

If this isn't bait, I hope you fags are banned for being underage.

>> No.8885215

oh i found it, its redbank station. will read up about why it closed to begin with. we have alot of issues with power in the summer, with brown outs (inb4 pajeet) being the biggest concern and an aluminium smelter that pulls an insane amount of juice everyday

>> No.8885272

You forgot to prove that climate change is due to CO2 or that you know that your specific prescription of reducing heat is productive or counterproductive to the natural balancing mechanisms that Earth exhibits.

>> No.8885527

Lordy you are retarded. A virus is 200 nanometers or smaller, compare that to the human body. Yeah, we're fucking this planet up.

>> No.8885729

We aren't killing the planet, we're just warming it up a little so lizards and frogs won't freeze to death. Trees are gonna love it!

>> No.8885837

all we have to do is shut down most of the banks worldwide and the electric usage would even out

>> No.8885868

regulate it with an international treaty on bitcoin mining

>> No.8885906
File: 63 KB, 266x266, received_1599029643527770-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shifting responsibility from boomers who set in on another extinction event crash course with no survivors. We're the generations to deal with them and their shit and taking over their wealth is a necessary first step.

>> No.8885919
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>> No.8886937


>> No.8886978

Kill yourself faggot, we have always had power plants and always will, this is just a piss in the wind

>> No.8887045
File: 8 KB, 200x226, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have always had power plants

>> No.8887185

>protip less than 5% is statistically insignificant

Good post anon. Now kys.

>> No.8887224

>solar panels
shiggy diggy

>> No.8887298

Firstly, the whole scarcity of energy and blind support for green energy is retarded. There's more nuclear/fusion energy in the universe that we could ever possibly use.
If you come to this understanding that scarcity of energy is not real, you can also conclude that opening new power plants for mining crypto money is totally ok.
The benefit of getting rid of greasy fingers from the world economy is important enough.

>> No.8887375

>You forgot to prove that climate change is due to CO2
Completely irrelevant

>or that you know that your specific prescription of reducing heat is productive or counterproductive to the natural balancing mechanisms that Earth exhibits.
Completely fallacious

>> No.8887501

>solar panels
>0 carbon footprint
go fuck yourself with a tree twig, hippy.

>> No.8887550

By your logic nothing is scarce. Gold isn't scares, there's more than we could ever use.

>> No.8887568

This isn't reddit kid, nobody cares.

>> No.8887646

All I'm saying is that opening new power plants is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. (And support for green energy comes from politics, not scientific research)

>> No.8887667

Ya if the damn hippies let us build new nuclear plants.

>> No.8887867

This is all fake news

Australia has a power shortage, particularly in Victoria where old coal power plants have been shut down. The government is currently getting creamed because power bills are shooting up so they're reopening power plants in the hopes of dropping bills a few dollars and pretending they resolved the problem.

The problem could literally be solved overnight by simply mandating that Australia reserve a portion of coal that cannot be sold on international markets but must be used locally.

All our resources get sold to gooks and thus all Australians pay international prices for all our fucking energy needs, it's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8888081

>I can store 2gb on my vhs
congratulations, it takes up more space than 4 5tb HDDs