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8882653 No.8882653 [Reply] [Original]

How do I invest in the soy boy / numale phenomenon?

>> No.8882674

start trading soybean futures

>> No.8882676

beard oil

>> No.8882684

I wish i knew honestly. Perhaps make a privelege checking app that numales can use on a daily basis to keep track of their "white male privelege". Have it display ads or run a miner in the background. Make it tell them stupid shit like "buy a coffee for the first minority you see"

>> No.8882685

selling old video game systems/collectibles for obscene amounts of money, shitty posters for high markup, soylent, "beard grow" oil, basically anything having to do with cartoons/flashy colors/liberalism.

>> No.8882697

Any brands have publically traded stock?

>> No.8882708

sell boxes with random shit you buy for cheap on taobao in it and call it a "crate"

>> No.8882731

Dollar soy club

I like it

>> No.8882742

invest in pharmaceuticals, because these fuckers ain't healthy. no sir

>> No.8882757

I'm stealing your idea.
Also what is up with this uncanny appearance of having a masculine beard but baby expression face and baby eyes? The very definition of man child.

>> No.8882760

Castration clinics
Then push castration fad

>> No.8882765


>> No.8882772

$dems etf

>> No.8882791

>"please put a dick in my mouth"

>> No.8882804

Convert to islam and hope they dont behead you once they star slaughtering everyone

>> No.8882823
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Sell them wicker seats for their retro tricycles for $500.

>> No.8882831


buy bitcoin core and litecoin

>> No.8882833



>> No.8882837

I hate this faggot

>> No.8882856


how do I into wicker crafting that seems like a valuable skill

>> No.8882865

you already are if you buy crypto lmao

>> No.8882943

It's not called bitcoin core. It's called bitcoin.

>> No.8882988


bitcoin is bitcoin cash

bitcoin core is bitcoin core

>> No.8883000

lol. Twat.

>> No.8883009

There's nothing soy about classic video games. In fact, it's the patrician's choice of entertainment.

>> No.8883023


This 2bh.

>> No.8883027

Short defense & aerospace

Long FB

>> No.8883045

desu id ride that, looks cool

>> No.8883061

classic video games dont automatically make you soy, but most soys play em.

>> No.8883086

No they don't

They play indieshit that's "inspired" by classic

>> No.8883098

nintendo stock

>> No.8883104

Pharmaceutical companies that make low T treatments. Also supplement companies that make test boosters.

>> No.8883112
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>> No.8883119

Trips beats dubs

>> No.8883120

Why do soyboys always open their mouths like that in photos?

>> No.8883237

jokes on you those things are great. Also $ADA will be $700 by eoy

>> No.8883277

And they buy the classics driving the price up, only to not play them but instead frame them to distract them when stacy goes on a road trip with her ex boyfreind and uses their credit card for a 3 day high class hotel visit. Even though she said she was going with her fat freind. They know it was bullshit because that fat freind was sharing a double steamed soy milk latte with 3 splenda packets this afternoon after a chance meeting at the farmers market.

Also invest in the thinks you know are terrible. Overpriced coffie bars that offer trendy alternatives. Up and coming artisinal dildo manufacturers that cater to the cuck and trans furry community. Things like that.

>> No.8883281

3D print star wars and marvel shit and sell it for 100x its worth.

>> No.8883781

This actually . china cancelled imports of soy from us so if anything picks it back up or they have a shortage and need to feed livestock price will go up .

>> No.8883945

Is soyboy the new word for hipster?

>> No.8883970
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he ain't no soyboy he's a chad

>> No.8883991

Imagine you have shorted the white race with leverage 100x back in 2015 before BLACKED came out, you would be rich now.

>> No.8884008

>the soyboy meme is a viral market campaign for American Soybeans

dolan truly is playing 5d chess here
a legend

>> No.8884638
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>> No.8884749


>short defense
>trump about to get involved in a fucking war


>> No.8884823

>game of thrones
>all main characters white
>female characters get the shit kicked out of them and regularly get raped
nope, also thank god the tv adaptation came out right before forced diversity took over. the show literally would not exist if pitched to hbo in current year

>> No.8884900
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Yes. Soy no longer refers to soy protein, although it's the meme now. Walmart started stocking Soylent. Get ready for the influx.

>> No.8885217

Thirsty for cock

>> No.8885254

Soylent is actually made from algae and not soybeans it contains exactly 0% soy and the name is a reference to "Soylent green" in which the green variant of Soylent was made from human corpses.

Soylent is actually a pretty good product if you want to bulk in the gym and don't want to drink too much milk to fuck up your diet.

>> No.8885344
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>implying you're not all soyboys

The delusion is real

>> No.8885380

you fucking fag brainlet, soy is literally the first ingredient on the label

>> No.8885430


Nice try schlomo

>> No.8885789

Why are there so many soyboys? Who would ever enjoy being low-test male with generic personality?

>> No.8885931

>Who would ever enjoy being low-test male with generic personality?
Braindead normie men enjoy this.

>> No.8885942

Israeli stock exchange index fund

>> No.8885963

I wash I was a normie and not a 4chan autist

>> No.8885986

I don't. Full blown normies disgust me.

>> No.8885991

Fuck you /biz/ soylent is convenient and tastes good.

>> No.8886006

I've tried it, and I prefer actual food.

>> No.8886008
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Cover their gaping maws and look in their eyes. They're not enjoying this - but this life is all they know.

>> No.8886022

You don't drink it 3 times a day, you drink it when you have 5 minutes to get breakfast from a convenience store.

>> No.8886026

someone photoshop the background into manhattan street filled with falling wtc

>> No.8886059

If $ada hits $700 by eoy I will personally come suck your cock.

>> No.8886069
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>> No.8886091

Yes, I understand. I've tried it to replace one meal at most, and had something small like a banana or a granola included with the soylent meal to up the calorie count (bottled soylent only has 400 calories per bottle). It works, but actual food is much more enjoyable. How about you just manage your time better so you aren't in a such rush that you find yourself only having 5 minutes to get breakfast?

>> No.8886106

*or a granola bar included

>> No.8886114


>> No.8886689

Not surprising since spending most of your time on mindless consumer entertainment and products can't be very fulfilling.

>> No.8886713

It's still fucking useless, overpriced and shitty. Just intermittent fast, it's the cheapest, most convenient and actually has health benefits instead of direct lining soy into your body.

>> No.8886750

I have no mouth and I must scream

>> No.8886754


It's absolutely full of diversity shit. Mainly feminist trash.

>> No.8886879

It's become progressively worse though.

Now it's all about MUH STRONG WOMEN

>> No.8887980

all because your rushing to work to make Mr Goldberg more MONIES, no thanks

>> No.8888002


>> No.8888368
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>basically anything having to do with cartoons

all true. sega genesis is based, but it would be soy as fuck in a star wars case

NTDOY has been doing pretty good since the Switch came out

>> No.8888411

buy link

>> No.8888611
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You fucking normies are the investment in the soyboy numale phenomenon.