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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8882559 No.8882559 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if your credit score is below 650 you need to leave this board.

>> No.8882571
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>own my house
>own my business
>500 credit score

>> No.8882574 [DELETED] 

daily reminder that if you need credit you might aswell kys

>> No.8882577


Suck a dick

>> No.8882592

Nuuuu credit score nuuu plz go up I not want used car nuuuu

>> No.8882601 [DELETED] 
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repeating numbers

>> No.8882609
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My credit scores only 761 since I'm cheap to pay off my 5k student loan since it has 0% interest until I graduate

>> No.8882612

>not maxing out your leverage to gamble on shitcoins
>not declaring bankruptcy and moving to thailand with your crypto bags

you might not make it

>> No.8882615

I'm about to file bankruptcy, bitch. My credit score will be 750+ again in a few years.

>> No.8882625

Mines a 480 can't find a job

>> No.8882641

what do i do if i don't have any established credit?

>> No.8882650

goodluck getting loans to buy a house or a car neetfag

>> No.8882660

y-you too

>> No.8882666

Even a cellphone bill will give you credit history.

>> No.8882688

only normies need to worry about credit scores. dont need a good credit score to buy anything you want out of pocket

>> No.8882707
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Get on my level, OP

>> No.8882712

i'm 28 and my mom still pays it, satan. is getting a credit card to establish credit just meme?

>> No.8882714

mine was 660 it went down to 642 after i paid off my fucking car loan. reason was that the car loan was CLOSED AND THEY VIEWED IT AS A NEGATIVE

>> No.8882722

820 Fico

>> No.8882743


Credit rating is a scam invented by Jews, just like the usury that is accompanied with it.

>> No.8882749

In the future you credit score will be how many bitcoins you have.

>> No.8882762
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good goys general?

>> No.8882770

> Using credit ever
I don't even know my 'score'. Only morons borrow money.

>> No.8882774

If wouldn’t hurt too. Me personally I’ve watched too much Dave Ramsey too risk it.

>> No.8882780

fpbp. Nobody cares about your good got score.

>> No.8882795
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>> No.8882859

Paying off your debt? Bad goy!

>> No.8882871
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Used my crypto gains to pay off all my debt and my score jumped from 660 to 818 in 30 days.

>> No.8883124

weird. i have a higher score on equifax (810) and 760 on transunion

>> No.8883142

I'd double check your credit history, transunion may have an error (happened to me years ago).

>> No.8883313

lmaoing at all these shabbos goyim scrabbling around to suck on Ezra Bergstein's tiny mutilated cock

>> No.8883344

>caring about your goodgoy score

>> No.8883370


So much buttmad

>> No.8883392

Nobody is mad, you anal faggot kike. They simply observe how stupid the system is and dont want any part of it.

>> No.8883436

Come ooonnnn... so close to 800...

>> No.8883452
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Forgot pic oops. SO CLOSE.

>> No.8883476

By not participating, you're hindering yourself financially.

Good credit = great credit card deals you can take advantage of (free $$), lower car insurance rates, etc.

>> No.8883478

Same here.
And my business is " losing " money.
Fuck the debt shit and fuck the IRS

>> No.8883487

focusing on accumulating my goodboy points on the new Chinese system since it's going to be around much longer

>> No.8883632

Right there with you
Cash poor but +$200k net worth

>> No.8883665

651 feels good man

>> No.8883839

It's not a meme. Get a travel credit card, use it for everything and make your spending work for you; investing and working is only half the battle. Over time, you'll accumulate points, which you can use to spend on airline travel, restaurants and hotels. It's literally free shit; this is how you make plane tickets super cheap. Some cards even enable you to have free access to lounges. Do your research which card is for you. The better your credit score, the better your benefits, generally speaking.

Also, if you plan on moving out, good credit is important to secure a new apartment. Get a credit card ASAP. The sooner, the better, and you'll have less regrets in the future. Spending with debit cards are a waste.

>> No.8884556

>paying back jews

>> No.8884909

its not a meme. when i rent out my properties i always do credit checks. if it's lower than 650 I don't even consider the application. You can literally get in the 700s by paying your bills on time. If you're lower than 650 you likely have collections and too much debt for too long. It's just a bad sign.

>> No.8885751
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Am I gonna make it?

>> No.8886107

> Be European immigrant
> Hold two European passports
> No outrageous credit scores on Europe
> Can open credit on both passports in any European country.

Amerifags talking about credit scores lol. Get on my level.

>> No.8886132

My score jumped like 80 points one month after I got my card lmao

>> No.8886142

Where do you check your credit scores? Doesn't every site even the official govt ones demand your social? I don't want to give it.

>> No.8886334

Literally borrowed money on top of a car loan to buy mining equipment and am now getting both vehicles reposessed. I live off minimum wage so I am judgement proof as far as they know I have 0 assets or income to take. Got 15k worth of gpus and 5k of asics for free, only need to wait 7 years for it to come off my record cuck

>> No.8886564
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this, being indebted is jewish scheme
the chinese virtue discourages money borrowing

>> No.8886759
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Feels good right 810+ bro?