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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 687x455, Congratulations-You-Survived-the-Year-End-Filing-Deadline-2-687x455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8881990 No.8881990 [Reply] [Original]

Here are my stats:

20,940 taxable events
13 Exchanges
4 Forks
3 airdrops
39 wallets

Between the first and 5th compiling of short term crypto gains I reduced my gains by 58k and my taxes by 20k.

Total gain on the year a paltry 33% because shitty trading

>> No.8882009


i just held eth for a year, up 15x and have to pay 0 taxes because i haven't sold

>> No.8882051

If you want to find out what happens to your tax money, look up the 'Grace Commission'. Its is not what you think!
Freedom isn't free, enjoy all that freedom you get for living in the freest country in the world!

>> No.8882131

lol. do you know how much more you would have made if you sold just twice? sell last june and sell in january. literally a difference of 6months

>> No.8882198


GREAT I love finding out more about the freedumbs my taxes pay for including a Lottery for 50,000 lucky foreigners and their families every single year to win free American citizenship

>> No.8883094

Lol do you know how much you would make if you bought every bottom and sold every top at 100x leverage? Hindsight is 20/20 dood

>> No.8883329

Lol do you know how much you would make if you bought every bottom and sold every top at 100x leverage? Hindsight is 20/20 dood

>> No.8883341
File: 110 KB, 254x199, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These filthy fucking kike nigger faggots. If every man knew how the financial system in this god forsaken place worked, there would be an armed uprising tomorrow morning.
They are making the tax laws so convoluted and unclear so that they can later come back and say "Ah ha! You evaded taxes goy! Now give us your crypto and/or go to jail!".
Seriously read this shit:

>An IRS spokesman said that in addition to the agency’s 2014 guidance, taxpayers should look at other rules governing an exchange or transfer of property and find the “factual scenarios that most closely resemble their circumstances.
>The IRS said in March that if taxpayers don’t “properly report” their transactions, they could face penalties and in extreme cases, criminal prosecution.

OKAY so these fucking pricks want us to pay taxes "properly, or else" but they don't want to fucking tell us EXACTLY how to file the shit?

>> No.8883356

sorry meant this link

>> No.8883360

Do you use fifo or lifo