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8877846 No.8877846 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8877979

So I can pose as a criminal now? can't wait for all the female attention I'll get

>> No.8878025

Why do jews scheme so much against humanity?

>> No.8878061

they project what utility they see for them. they are basically warning everyone what they will do if given the chance.

>> No.8878063
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>> No.8878079

Feel free to listen

>> No.8878089

Let me guess, they think tax evasion and money laundering are crimes.

>> No.8878158

Holy shit

>> No.8878245

Whoa, wtf

>> No.8878321

Somebody needs to do some homework and make sure these numbers are accurate because if they are, I'm terrified

>> No.8878360
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>> No.8878430

Anon do u read the Bible?
The Jews are promised amazing riches.
Don’t question Gods plan.

>> No.8878446
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180412-153633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This article was published right AFTER the spike this morning.

>> No.8878496
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Theyre also promised a messiah...cant wait till judgement day to see their stupid faces. If theres one thing going for Christians, we wont have to spend an eternity in Hell with them

>> No.8878502

Yeap, that was 8 hours ago

>> No.8879023

Imagine the wealth that will be available for the masses once the jewish question is dealt with.

>> No.8879050


>> No.8879136


Mere coincidence.

>> No.8879161

This is a classic misinterpretation. Jesus explains how the chosen people are of the soul and not the flesh, basically if you except Jesus as god you are of Israel, a circumcision of the soul. The jews of today are devil worshipers and are not to be trusted, they also hate Christians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCEQ6kAN9DU&t=4s

>> No.8879257


>> No.8879439

No Jews are not actually very smart, its nepotism. David Duke has some good info on kike iq statistics.

>> No.8879473

oh look its the (((wsj))) spreading some stank ass fud, as usual.

>> No.8879509

First they tried to kill youtube, now it's crypto they're trying to kill. When will someone put a stop to (((them)))

>> No.8879518

>white pypo aint smart, its cause of racism n shit
>jews arent smart, its cause of nepotism n shieeet
explain the difference /pol/tard

>> No.8879579

how can you escape? space? meditation? do they already own your soul?

>> No.8879612

if only there was some kind of solution

>> No.8879639

>literally everything good your life has been invented by 90% aryans
>Jews leech off of white homogeneous nations, leeching into institutions like a virus and begin hiring 90% jews and changing policy to their fitting
Its so obvious, try harder faggot.

>> No.8879672
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>> No.8879699

the aryans were in mudhuts while meds were creating the cornerstone of civilization as we know it today

>> No.8879799

Nice strawman faggot, yes the meds were impressive but the last 500 years of the human race has been the most advanced due to aryans. Did the meds go to the moon or the bottom of the sea?

>> No.8879862

>Jews are over represented in almost all fields even if one assumes that they have an average IQ of 1 standard deviation above non-Jewish whites.
>non-Jewish with IQs of over 115 out number jews in the US with IQs over 115
>despite this, the proportional representation for non-Jewish whites does not match up with population data
>North East and South Asians are actually underrepresented in top tier schools
The difference is this: Whites are underrepresented when they shouldn't be, jews would have a proportionally higher representation than just their share of the Gen population of the US, but not nearly as much as they do now. While blacks and hispanics should be proportionally under representated, if one bases life success off of IQ. And this is based off the assumption that American jews still perform as well as they did in the 60s-90s,though there is evidence that points to believe that is no longer the case. And, given that the amount of success jews have in the US outstrips how successful they should be just based off of their vastly higher IQs, there has to be some other cause to their success. One theory is that their is a strong nepotism amongst jews in the US

>> No.8879874

Are you all memeing? That infograph is from years ago. If anything, concentration of power should be worse now.