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File: 148 KB, 640x476, 7FFD56EE-3D46-4235-A342-11375D604422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8876494 No.8876494 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8876533

Die shill BCH should die. It ruined the BTC name by competing with it. BTC was on it's way to global adoption and now BCH is ruining it by competing for merchants creating TWO FUCKING COINS HOLY SHIT HOW STUPID>

>> No.8876549

>global adoption
literally negative merchant adoption.

>> No.8876617

Quit samefagging roger

>> No.8876639
File: 84 KB, 1166x370, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 1.48.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Core fans believe BTC can't scale on chain to be money for the whole world.

Bitcoin Cash fans believe BCH can.

They are both right.

Watch latest from our beloved Roger Ver Bitcoin Jesus lay down some truth


>> No.8876697

Rodger verjeet is a bootlicking dirt merchant

>> No.8876706

Has anyone noticed how bitcoin cash shills have resorted to trying to appeal to 4chan /pol/ tendencies? It's pretty pathetic and desperate.

>> No.8876784

You've just outed yourself as a corecuck redditor

Btc is the ultimate reddit coin, because nothing else can make you virtue signal better than using something with slow speeds and high fees

It's like how a redditor would imagine their apocalypse gear would include steampunk weaponry

>> No.8876790
File: 89 KB, 1168x366, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 1.57.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like some of the segwit core cucks aren't happy with the way things are going, poor babies. Thats what happens when you back a losing coin that can't preform.

Bitcoin Cash up over 10% again today

>> No.8876882

>core cucks
How retarded this sounds. It's just people who are in BTC for the natural purpose of ACCUMULATING MORE FIAT RETARD. cryptocurrency is only good for that the rest of it is just stupid shilling.
How dumb are cashies really?

>> No.8876933

>ACCUMULATING MORE FIAT RETARD. cryptocurrency is only good for that

Uhh... I have bad news for you.

>> No.8876947

>>Hurr durr i'm gonna save the world from the evil financial system that allows goods to be produced and sold worldwide.
Cashies on suicide watch

>> No.8876975

Btcp up over 60% today. Eat shit bitch

>> No.8876983
File: 224 KB, 623x436, calvin_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin based satoshi

>> No.8876987

dont you have a post praising how great lightning is that is missing you

>> No.8876996
File: 58 KB, 430x509, 1519066652304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so deluded, you actually think roger is worth listening to

>> No.8877006

BTC and BCH both suck ass you monkey. Just because he's bashing BCH doesn't make him a corecuck. You're literally a BCH cuck if that's what you can conclude from him bashing your beloved coin.

>> No.8877028

BCH is retarded. It's the only crypto on the mission of making a huge transaction throughput. Why is no other coin doing this? BECAUSE ITS STUPID!

>> No.8877030
File: 565 KB, 1992x1728, 1518135442771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roger is better than than your bitcoin spokesperson

>> No.8877061
File: 224 KB, 1238x816, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 11.45.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even your own main players are abandoning ship

>> No.8877080

hahahahahaha salty b-cash faggot

>> No.8877110

you sound like a buttcoiner

>> No.8877148

I still have all of the bitcoins I brought in 2013. And a few more of them.
I never sold at 261 USD, 1250 USD or 19000 USD.

Because I am not one of those “Buy a Bitcoin today and be rich tomorrow” guys, who use Bitcoin purely for speculation.

I bought Bitcoin in 2013 because I liked the idea of having full control over MY ASSETS without anybody being able to take it from me.

No (central) bank who would lower the value by inflation. (See how much $100 bought you 10 years ago and how much it buys you now?) Real estate, stocks, rare cars, art and watches didn’t suddenly get more expensive. It’s the equivalent fiat currency value that went downhill.

No government who would take it from me by taxation or legislation. (Remember Greece and Cyprus? Or the confiscation of Gold, back in the days?)

An easily transferable asset and securely storable asset like Bitcoin (try storing or transferring gold bars in large amounts) is worth A LOT MORE than what price is currently indication.

And over the long term, price will always adjust to value.

But in a society where everybody grew up believing in a colorfully printed piece of paper, it will take a bit longer until people understand that having full control over their own money is priceless. And thats what Bitcoin will be in a few years from now.

That’s why I still own Bitcoin(BCH) and probably will for a long time.

>> No.8877258

BCH is the only coin that wants to replace the existing monetary system. The others want to play nice with banks or redistribute wealth to the third world.

>> No.8877266

letting sjws into crypto was a mistake

>> No.8877332

bcash literally is the coin for buttcoiners, the ones who missed out, now desperately hoping some chinese airdropped coin to bitcoin holders is somehow going to convince everyone to drop bitcoin, and instead of adopting some tech that has learnt from it's mistakes, adopt a coin that only exists because bitmain wanted to keep using asicboost.

>> No.8877394
File: 1.19 MB, 1158x1208, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 2.36.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, not desperate at all I'm quite confident that cash is the future. Not like core followers that only have censorship and bully tactics to get ahead

>> No.8877403

If buttcoiners were smart they would have bootstrapped the coin from scratch insteading of giving it to existing networks.
Buttcoiners on suicide watch

>> No.8877446

BCH is even worse than BTCP lmao, at least the second one is anonymous

>> No.8877447
File: 357 KB, 822x716, look in his empty eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roger Ver shows every indication of malignant narcissism and will inevitably commit suicide. Screencap this.

>> No.8877456

>It ruined the BTC name by competing with it.

corecucks dislike competition. don't they have confidence in core?

>> No.8877479

How stupid are you? Yeah im sure hd dvd loved blu ray competition too. COMPETITION ISNT ALWAYS GOOD YOU STUPID CASHIES.

>> No.8877497

no, you fucked yourself equally bitch bois. Only shitcoins will profit from it

>> No.8877508

Oh god, I hope so.

>> No.8877518

Just a reminder that BTC devs don't want it to be a currency, they want it to be a store of value. BCH will be both.

>> No.8877530

>corecuck agrees that core is inferior
too easy

>> No.8877544

Is Roger preparing another pump, so he just released the shills?
I mean, how can there be any actual fans left? after all that's happened. Nobody can be so stupid.

>> No.8877561

Inferior in what way retard? Theyre the same thing one is just FAKE!

>> No.8877573

>BCH hardforks
>first bottom .05
>second bottom .07
>third bottom .09 <--- you are here

>> No.8877576

Like how BTC devs were celebrating $30 transaction fees. Yeah I remember.

>> No.8877599

> confussed jackie chan.exe

>> No.8877607

buttmad delusional trashy detected

>> No.8877611

didn't knew that corecucks are literal brainlets. makes sense that the dumbos will stick with the most vanilla cryptocurrency.

>> No.8877651

>Competition isn't always good.
Yes it is.

>> No.8877662

Rodger Ver smirkingly told investors that mt gox was solvent while reading for a script. He cost us millions of dollars and tried to destroy bitcoin. Satoshi himself enforced small blocks in order to protect us from people like Ver. The day when bitcoin cash falls to zero is the day there is justice in this world.

>> No.8877718
File: 293 KB, 1137x442, BCash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was fast

>> No.8877724
File: 22 KB, 211x239, 7C52EA09-96F0-493D-A6B6-19F9C742BD79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who shits on bcash is a 'core cuck'

>> No.8877733
File: 211 KB, 1700x1069, 1513814485688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satoshi himself enforced small blocks in order to protect us from people like Ver

>> No.8877756
File: 31 KB, 250x251, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder corecuck

Bitcoin cash was adopted by bitpay and shows lower network fees every time someone uses bitpay
Bitcoin cash is being adopted rapidly by merchant
Bitcoin cash is getting a protocol upgrade soon with 32 MB blocks, opcodes and coinjoin functionality
Bitcoin cash is the future

>> No.8877782

fuck ton of reddit bcash shillers - just sad. prolly they have a discord for planning these /biz/ threads. lmao

>> No.8877792

Daily reminder BitCH Boy
you are being scammed.

>> No.8877799

>accuse your opponent of what you are guilty of.

Classic corecuck playbook, never change.

>> No.8877816

Merchant Services demo looks tight

2.5 minute blocks look tight

DEX is going to be tight

Biggest network for a privacy coin yet looks tight.

Strap in

>> No.8877827

Should I remind you every day that you would have had more money if you exchanged your bch to btc as it came out?
I sold it at 0.4 BTC because I had my BTC on bittrex. And I couldn't be happier.
BCH will NEVER beat BTC

>> No.8877835


>> No.8877842

There is no Bitcoin Core. The only people who use the term "Bitcoin Core" are BCH cucks.

>> No.8877844


corecucks without a single argument. not surprising 2bhpham

>> No.8877876

these people come from a russian farm most probably.
Nobody talks about BCH for months, and then suddently this place is full of shills that repeat the same trump-meme shit.
I bet you that soon it will pump in price (with the main pump being in korea because you can wash-trade there, and then they'll be saying "I told you corecucks WAHAHA" and creating FUD about the difficulty adjustments, and how this time is the one.

>> No.8877885

>There is no Bitcoin Core.
Anon, I...

>> No.8877900

Thanks to adoption we are more alive then segwit coin

>> No.8877920

Good to see btcp here.


>> No.8877924
File: 313 KB, 888x353, r (513).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing terrifies corecucks more than bitcoin cash and satoshi nakamoto in flesh

unironically 10k by eoy

>> No.8877947

Pajeets still calling BTC bitcoin core huh.
Maybe jealous their BCH will never be BTC lmao

>> No.8877956
File: 120 KB, 720x1280, 1523498484725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry core but main people have chosen cash to take the lead, kind of like China has been chosen to lead the new world order. Notice yesterdays price

>> No.8877957

>everyone who shits on bcash is a 'core cuck'
cashies are THIS deluded

>> No.8877982

IDGAF about BCH faggots, they remain delusional

Roger Ver is the scum of the earth

>> No.8877985


>> No.8878007

Here’s an argument: To everyone outside of your fag cult you all sound like delusional retards calling BTC “Bitcoin core,” and trying to co-opt the Bitcoin name. It reeks of scam. Like the fucking dad in “Coming to America” calling his restaurant McDowells, with the “golden arcs” and the “big mick.” Only it’s worse. At least that fucker changed the name slightly, instead of calling it “McDonalds Food” and then try to start some transparently pathetic “movement” by calling the true McDonalds “Old McDonalds” and people who eat there “Old Heads.” That’s how fucking scammy and retarded you look to literally everyone with half a brain. If Btrash were good enough on its own, you’d have called it by a distinct name, instead of riding on coattails, and relying on free coins to create a “user” base. Get fucked and kys.

>> No.8878013


I haven't posted in reddit for months

>> No.8878024

corecucks have an odd repeating pattern of forceful stupidity.
fucking russian rats

>> No.8878039

unfunny fag

>> No.8878041

Lol bcash... lol China... oh man to be this fucking stupid must suck. Your mommy pick your clothes out?

>> No.8878046

> links to wallet implementation
> thinks this is the name of the coin
Anon, I...

>> No.8878077
File: 87 KB, 630x630, 397B4D26-806B-4195-A36A-7723DD32C662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what BTrash looks like to anyone with an above-single-digit IQ

>> No.8878095

I seriously cannot wait for bcash to die

>> No.8878119
File: 31 KB, 939x438, champaign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greg Maxwell from Blockstream was "pulling out the champaign" on the day that BTC fees were peaking above $50 per transaction

>> No.8878156
File: 262 KB, 2822x850, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 4.22.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$50 per transaction
nice graph goy

>> No.8878159
File: 94 KB, 1200x675, DaMmVyEX0AAcr4X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op-codes and N-chain patents coming, no segwit coins will be processed on BCH network

>> No.8878165


seriously makes me want to vomit

>> No.8878171

I literally highlighted Dec 21st for you, which is the day that Greg Maxwell wrote the post I linked

>> No.8878191

this post is inspiring lad

>> No.8878229
File: 48 KB, 750x927, Apple_Ripple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know the XRP will be the world's standard currency.

>> No.8878247
File: 3.44 MB, 200x150, mcmahon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This account has got to be run by a BCH hater, lol. They can't possibly think this is effective promotion of BCH.

>> No.8878249

>people think the coin run by chinks that shows signs of short term profit motive over long term stability is worth defending
>same people think bch is the reddit coin
>reddit hates bch and btc is the most popular

>> No.8878252

With difficulty change every block, just like satoshi's vision!

>> No.8878256

It's in Ronald's vision

>> No.8878263

>muh blocksize

>> No.8878283

They will just claim it was all spam transactions done by Roger and Jihan. It couldn't have been people willing to pay anything to get their BTC on to exchanges when the price increased 200% in a month.

>> No.8878335

So many triggered corecucks hahahahaha

>> No.8878348

you understand the difficulty adjustment is a logical solution to keep things steady, right?
also, it is not that every block is 32MB. you understand that, correct?

>> No.8878405

blocks should have no size cap. let the free market dictate blocksize. miners will decide what to include in the blocks based on supply/demand economics and their hardware capabilities according to moore's law, and their ability to reliably propagate blocks to the other nodes on the small-world near complete graph known as bitcoin

>> No.8878424

1 TB blocks coming with their own operating system included

>> No.8878436

lol nice

>> No.8878469


>> No.8878475

Anon i don't know what to say.

>>reks reddit while reddit spacing

>> No.8878525
File: 326 KB, 2048x1724, Dabk8rRVwAAobHp.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

segwit portrays itself as the real bitcoin when this is misleading as cash is the bitcoin closes to the Satoshi white paper.

They are both forks off the original chain.

This food ticket vending machine in Korea is accepting Bitcoin Cash

>> No.8878563

difficulty adjustment was made the way it was precisely so things like bitcoin cash wouldn't happen.
Only the real chain would survive.
But no, bitcoin cash needed to change the difficulty, or else it wouldn't have even mined their first block.

>> No.8878588

>They are both forks off the original chain
And only one should have survived, the one with consensus. Which is BTC.
That's why BTC is BTC.
BCH changed their difficulty algorithm. Basically it's then as close to BTC as Litecoin is.
Except for the name.

>> No.8878626

consensus is still playing out, btc is down 50% in market dominance, this year will be critical for its survival

>> No.8878664

when btc dies, bch can return to the previous algorithm.

>> No.8878722


thats what will happen, CSW hinted that recently

>> No.8879008

I genuinely think BCH has paid shills and delusional bagholders that are worse than linkies. The persecution complex is fucking astonishing.

>> No.8879209

I thought they lost control of that account.

>> No.8879269

twitter likes to censor and block views they dont approve similar to facebook and youtube and blockstream

>> No.8879270


Not all the people out there are brain-dead core cucks. Research the tech, you faggot.

>> No.8879415

What does it say about your own belief system if you don't like "/pol/ tendencies" yet browse and post on 4chan? The opposite side of the political spectrum holds 99% of social media, and yet none of them manages to provide the particular experience you're looking for in this den of shitposting, no matter what it is.

>> No.8879421

>I can't attack the argument so I'll just make a baseless character attack
The absolute state

>> No.8879556

hes an impressive con man. he continues to double down even though he knows he can never prove he has the keys.

>> No.8879566

yeah because this is what we all signed up for. the patent jew.

>> No.8879582

Same philosophy led me to hold ETH. The idea of Bitcoin is amazing, but no idea is immune to social forces. Core fell for good when Blockstream blocked the XT fork, and Cash has sleazy conmen with no technical chops at the helm.

In an ideal world, we could rally behind economic freedom. In the real world, we need the buffer of proving indispensable to the very system we want to dismantle (i.e., using smart contracts to infiltrate law and business so the use of crypto becomes ubiquitous).

If I turn out to be wrong and BCH overtakes the world, I will do nothing but clap at those who stuck with it through thick and thin. It doesn't matter who wins as long as it's not Blockstream.

>> No.8879828

The only claim Core has to the Bitcoin name is the fact that they've not hard-forked despite that it happened in 2013.

>> No.8880110


>u sound dum

wow great argument

>> No.8880248

Friendly reminder to Ver and Fake Satoshi knob-lickers bcash has less transaction volume than...wait for it...dogecoin. But muh real buttcorn the absolute state of deluded cashies.

>> No.8880266
File: 44 KB, 641x491, 1500398175470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fake dumbasses, look at the date. It's only fucking April!

>> No.8880345
File: 110 KB, 431x415, 1514089777654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger education

>> No.8880366

Core ruined the BTC name by dragging their heels on scaling and letting it get all the way up to $40 fees. Its why dominance has been evaporating for a year now, BCH won't take over though, cashies are delusional for thinking so.

>> No.8880397
File: 135 KB, 1242x606, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 1.49.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm supposed to take advice from internet trolls over long time experts in crypto

>> No.8880451

>socialist is a /pol/ term
No, they're not appealing to /pol/ lolbergs like Wright dislike socialists, this isn't news.

>> No.8880511


>> No.8881275
File: 92 KB, 682x800, 1518746180997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that all you took from this post. I think the argument is pretty clear and valid.
You stupid nigger
also see >>8877718
I tried to argue the post and got insta banned
and then Bcash cry and say bitcoin has a censorship problem.
You are being scammed.

>> No.8881314

nobody likes core trolls posting their crap non stop on twitter

>> No.8881338

Jihan Wu is laughing his god damn chink eyes out watching these cashies trip over each other to buy this shit

Cashies should open up a rope store

>> No.8881386

Jihan has other interest not like you. He's one of a handful of billionaires supporting BCH over BTC and with good reason as he was an original bitcoin investor.

>> No.8881455


>> No.8881475

Wow Jihan supports BCash, I guess I better drop everything else


>> No.8881763

bitcoin thought they could just keep the name, change the code and everything would be good to go. BCH forked seeing the segwit dead end and has been in the process of building a solid foundation that has taken a bit of time but they are ready to start soon. Adoption is key to success and the main goal so you will see this transaction amount change

>> No.8881864

>Here’s an argument: To everyone outside of your fag cult you all sound like delusional retards calling BTC “Bitcoin core,” and trying to co-opt the Bitcoin name. It reeks of scam. Like the fucking dad in “Coming to America” calling his restaurant McDowells, with the “golden arcs” and the “big mick.” Only it’s worse. At least that fucker changed the name slightly, instead of calling it “McDonalds Food” and then try to start some transparently pathetic “movement” by calling the true McDonalds “Old McDonalds” and people who eat there “Old Heads.” That’s how fucking scammy and retarded you look to literally everyone with half a brain. If Btrash were good enough on its own, you’d have called it by a distinct name, instead of riding on coattails, and relying on free coins to create a “user” base. Get fucked and kys.

>> No.8881867

Shhh, you're making sense. That kills the corecuck

>> No.8881933

They can and did keep the name you amazingly stupid person. Bitcoin can do whatever it wants with Bitcoin. If you fork from something differentiate from it with something that isn’t transparently misleading. Holy shit.

>> No.8881954

Why do you hate ETH?

>> No.8882095

BCH is like Monero, nobody cares

>> No.8882154
File: 210 KB, 2000x2147, 34848d7374854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8882162

People like you have been posting BCH shit for over 6+ months already, words of advice it never gained traction. Try making memes out of it instead because groups of people will kick you in the face, then when you are down, they will continue kicking you're face.

>> No.8882210

I want BCH to take over, but only because I have more Cash than Core. Those fees in December were fucking ridiculous though, nothing has changed. Once Bitcoin mania takes off again, we're going back to 100,000 transaction queues again.

The only reason there are no queues and fees is because all the normies were scared off after they bought at ATH and lost money

>> No.8882251

Normie spotted

>> No.8883494

Wouldn't a decntralized financial system still let goods and services be produced/distributed? What do we need the banks for?

>> No.8883534

To the Btrashers: Why does every single transaction need to go on the blockchain? Why do we need to settle every transaction ON CHAIN, and store it for eternity? Why does my coffee purchase or filling up the tank in my car need to be stored forever?

Why not have a 2nd layer solution (Lightning) for those unimportant transactions, and just settle every once in a while on chain?

It simply makes more sense and is a better solution than increasing the blocksize indefinitely.

CashCucks BTFO

>> No.8883604

>just use visa

>> No.8883616
File: 462 KB, 708x630, ayre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega pump next month
32mb blocks
Coingeek conference

>> No.8883624

Not an argument

>> No.8883834
File: 88 KB, 716x658, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you not hold at least one BCH if you can afford to?

BTC and BCH count for McAffee's 1 million bitcoin challenge

>> No.8883837

>Muh Satoshi Vision
>Muh Felon coin
>Muh pump and dump

>> No.8883925
File: 129 KB, 1242x1348, A5ABE32D-8A78-42E9-9FCD-A335746C9E97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Szabo N.

>> No.8884043
File: 222 KB, 643x660, John-McAfee-Hops-China-Will-Not-Ban-Bitcoin-Mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say this whole crash is just to slow bleed bitcoin

>> No.8884104

Do people even listen to this con anymore? Vitalik and Poon blew him the fuck out.

>> No.8884192
File: 141 KB, 1218x638, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 9.53.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSW called it on Christmas

>> No.8884250

Stop shilling yourself.

>> No.8884309

100k/bch eoy screencap this. DIGITS CONFIRM!

>> No.8884317
File: 68 KB, 826x513, hash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top two BTC mining pools are from bitmain, 3rd biggest one bitmain invested in, and they also mine BCH.
These three guys >>8884043 can kill BTC anytime they want, if they do it at the right time they will be the richest men in the world.

>> No.8884348

>just give up and let the jews take over bitcoin

>> No.8884411
File: 96 KB, 729x571, jihan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8884413

Of course you own BCH. You got a free shitload from the fork. But why should I buy in now with my hard earned fiat?

>> No.8884509

BCH is goodboy points for funding Jihan Wu asic farms

>> No.8884575

>shittalks in engrish
based wu

>> No.8885326
File: 241 KB, 388x476, 1495252642004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soon bch will have 32mb blocks
wow, neat.
its funny because bch would run just fine with 32kb blocks considering the pathetic number of transactions it gets.

>> No.8885478

If only there was a currency that forked from Bitcoin that has big blocks...

Oh yeah its called DASH

>> No.8885511
File: 141 KB, 1200x600, DajgNBOVwAEzH2U.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dash is a scam that will be out the door soon. Any other questions

>> No.8885534
File: 151 KB, 1158x616, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 11.40.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin twitter back to the original owner but now censoring page views to try to keep a lid on the scam being exposed

>> No.8885813

... You know that asicboost is now the savior of core right? Check halong mining slush overt asicboost shit. You must not be up to date on the latest shill memos.
Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin, people that don't realise it are getting fucked, end of story.

>> No.8886021
File: 415 KB, 1080x1058, Screenshot_20180328115609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile BCH is still bcash