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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8875927 No.8875927 [Reply] [Original]

this is just an ERC-20 token. There's no blockchain network. Their co-founder is a pedophile. and blockone owns something like 80% of the tokens
and it's the 5th highest market cap? k

>> No.8875962
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The Mighty Ducks is my favorite movie.

Young Gordon Bombay make bitcorn

I buy coin from Gordon Bombay

I beat the Hawks and am champion

>> No.8876001

Yes, that about sums it up. Yet dumbasses by into the hype, instead of Zilliqa. I can't help but laugh.

>> No.8876102

Amazing, isn't it? Knowing that there is this much dumb money floating around makes me so happy.

>> No.8876124
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>hurrr durrrr it's erc20 hurrrr
what is a token swap? how new are you? erc20 tokens are for raising funds you retarded pleb. they are not bound to ethereum blockchain. they can drop tokens for their blockchain to holders of the token when the ico ends....register your token pajeet!

>> No.8876168

Lazy fud, uh
Bears be chasing, uh
Gonna fomo, uh
pump that main net, uh

>> No.8876180

Welcome to crypto.

>> No.8876198

Ripple is was worse on all accounts but that didn't stop it from going from a fraction of a penny to 4$

>> No.8876208

> There's no blockchain network.

there is though, and it's ready 2 months before actual release.

> the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.8876224
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>being this mad that you missed the pump
Don't worry guys it's not too late to buy now, it's still on its way to flipping ethereum

>> No.8876242

>erc20 tokens are for raising funds

>> No.8876245

Didn't /ourguy/ Joh Oliver already destroy this shitcoin?

Lol, sit down eos losers, you got fucking served.

>> No.8876254
File: 424 KB, 750x1140, DB20BD28-716B-47C6-A9F6-93FD3DA0CA4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EOS Tokens do not have any rights, uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features, express or implied, including, without limitation, any uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features on the EOS Platform.

>so you hold a worthless coin ?

>> No.8876292

what is an ICO? you realize that the tokens can be swapped right? are you new?

>> No.8876317


>> No.8876323

or they can also not be swapped. They left it pretty open in the terms of service... so good luck

>> No.8876326


surely this is referring to the erc20 token and not the real eos token once mainnet is live?

>> No.8876350

plebs don't understand that this project has done everything necessary to evade any complications with the authorities. they post that disclaimer over and over and say it in every presentation because it gives them immunity from the law. basically too smart for the system. only a retarded paki/indian wouldn't understand this.

>> No.8876368

lame FUD

>> No.8876393

Correct. The disclaimer is to keep them out of legal trouble. Eos fud is so laughably easy to debunk I've decided to stop bothering. It's basically an iq test. Anyone who believes it is too dumb to be in this market

>> No.8876396

>i don't understand legalese and it confuses my brain hurrrrrr
that's their protection from SEC nigger face. something that Ethereum didn't do. basically they can collect huge sums of money and dominate the industry without worrying about johnny law coming and shutting them down. if you can't read between the lines you deserve to be poor without a toilet

>> No.8876477

It's the same for TRX and OMG and LINK; but yeah whatever enjoy your losses I guess...

>> No.8876507

>ripple has 20 bil mcap
let this sink in
its not even a crypto, not even a shitty erc20 token on eth

>> No.8876508

served 50% gains in a few days. keep taking investment advice from a talk show host anon we're doing just fine without you

>> No.8876561

>enjoy your losses
OMG and EOS both up over 20% today. you've been here since december and still learned nothing. sad.

>> No.8876562

yeah, they have hundreds of millions of dollars behind them, constantly tell people to register the tokens, have air drops already happening...but it's a huge scam and we're all on the hook. it must be painful being so stupid

>> No.8876582

what goes up must come down, wait till one person cashes out and then they will all panic sell

>> No.8876585

you sound really scared lol

>> No.8876587

you sound really black lol

>> No.8876594

>they put a disclaimer where they say they are not legally bound to be responsible about the money they are being given
>literally saying they can just exit scam and nobody will be held responsible because "muh FUD u guys are just pathetic pajeets"
Dude, face it, in this unregulated industry, the fact that a company is being offered money and that money is not going to be held responsible if something happens is a big red warning.
Just look at what happened to Bitconnect

>> No.8876601
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>> No.8876602

You are right, it makes me happy as I get smarter or at least think I get smarter, but at the same time, whoever didn't make money with eos the last few days should better stop trading.

>> No.8876625

>they were given millions of dollars
>they are building more hype giving people more money
>literally say their token is worthless
>"lol, u mad pajeet"
Dude, it is worrisome, to say the least, that they can't be held responsible for their actions

>> No.8876742

i meant by hating on EOS

>> No.8876770



>> No.8876900

OMG dude, it's disclaimer. The erc20 EOS tokens are place holder tokens until main net release, how many times does this have to be said? If you register your tokens, you will receive the airdrop when main net is released regardless of which chain becomes the dominant one. Main net release will probably make the price a little volatile but if exchanges honor the airdrops expect a big spike. Post airdrop l, expect continuous increases in price because the dust will have settled by then and the airdrop fud will have gone away.

>> No.8876914

Being a top coin means nothing. Look at Verge and Tron. Having high market cap means nothing, so much of these markets ride on hype.

>> No.8876926

Also, check 'em, faggots.

>> No.8877038
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>this is just an ERC-20 token.
No it is not, the token is only for distribution
>There's no blockchain network
There is testnet. Main net in June
>Their co-founder is a pedophile
Brock Pierce was never co-founder but just a partner. The actual founder of Ethereum is a pedo though
>blockone owns something like 80%
Actual number is 10%

Wow, you only got the marketcap right, congratulations!

>> No.8877187

>blockone owns 80%

is this new fud?
try 10% buddy

>> No.8877824

they've earned a few billion in eth from their marathon ICO, i wonder how many eos they rebought to pump the price?

i mean EOS is a 6 bil mcap, with 1 billion they could have engineered that all by themselves.

>> No.8877929
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>the price went up
>must be manipulation
Their wallet activity would make this pretty obvious you brainlet

>> No.8877970
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>falling for the same troll every day
eoslets are dumbest motherfuckers on this board

>> No.8877998

Biggest shitcoin of them all

>> No.8878110

Salty no EOSers are the best, I sleep better knowing I will make it while biz stays poor