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8870566 No.8870566 [Reply] [Original]

So, can someone explain to me, how much bitcoin did that one guy just buy?

>> No.8870629
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how do u know it was a guy? that's a very sexist assumption

>> No.8870638

Um... like... alot

>> No.8870642

hahahaahahahahahah feminist whore

>> No.8870649

A shitload. A record-breaking amount.

>> No.8870660

Just enough to liq the first big shorts

>> No.8870665


That's almost Soro's 0.001% of portfolio.

It's huge!

>> No.8870717

Soros is just testing the market right now, he kept btc below $7k for a while, now he just dropped a bit of $$$ in to see what happens. If his tests are successful, he will order the entry into the market in full stead

>> No.8870727

keep going, im almost finished.

>> No.8870782

My guess is someone bought a shit load OTC at 6.4k transfered to bitfinex and set sell orders all the way to 8k, bought his own orders and now he's gonna dump. rinse and repeat

>> No.8870797

uhh, in English?

>> No.8870805

short squeeze now time for new longs to get rekt

>> No.8870827

I don't know who this fucker is but I like his style.

>> No.8870840

My guess is that it would depend: if the order book was like this:
1 BTC for 7500
3 BTC for 7750
2 BTC for 8000
He would only have to buy 6 BTC.
If it was like
1000 BTC for 7500
2300 BTC for 7750
Etc. he would have to buy all the sell orders up to the 8000 price.

>> No.8870860

lurk more!

>> No.8870886

otc = over the counter, face to face, etc

>> No.8870933

imagine being rich enough to do this

>> No.8870969

Yes, Engrish, sankyu

>> No.8870987

I could work my ass off for the rest of my life and I couldn't even afford the transaction fees he had to pay to pull this off

>> No.8871015
File: 199 KB, 968x768, TEAM_BITCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

66459 BTC
and he want more, mach more!

>> No.8871028

Look at the volume, retard. That was hundreds of BTC at the very least.

>> No.8871894

You are all retarded and the thread almost died so I'm gonna red pill you. Noone bought, someone just quit all sell and buy orders at the low levels. It was pure market manipulation and now this person or group is done buying and pulled out all the funds to wash btc and just cashed in 100% on the remaining low price btc

>> No.8872163


>> No.8872485

A fuckton of shorters got liquidated and were forced to market buy a shitload of btc fueling the rocket pump. It wasn't like there wasn't any volume behind that rise.

>> No.8873209

Fuck off stacie

>> No.8873239
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